Chapter 5: Assault on the Geonosis Droid Factory

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AA Towers, Geonosis

We can see Commander Hikari and General Konohana arrive at the outskirts of the droid factory, but have a good view of their air defense while seeing the battle going on over there with the Lucrehulk-Class spheres are making a run for at including some transport ships.

Hikari: "Looks like the CIS are retreating."

Sakura: "Good, but we better make sure that Geonosis don't produce any more battle-droids."

Sakura try to contact with the rest of her team which the hologram reveal Deadshot.

Deadshot(hologram): "General? Where are you?"

Sakura: "We're in front of the AA towers. Where are you?"

Deadshot(hologram): "We're inside the droid factory; Boomer is producing some explosives to bring the factory down."

Sakura: "Understood; me and Hikari will deal with the AA guns while you guys deal with the factory."

Deadshot(hologram): "Yes General."

The two head to one of the AA guns that is overlooking the factory and sneak their way on the bridge that connects the two towers from the below rear. They can see a couple of patrols walking around the towers. Sakura and Hikari decide to sneak into the tower and take out any patrols quietly if possible, but avoid large confrontation since their team is small. They manage to reach one of the AA towers while the battle-droid are checking on their monitor.

Droid: "Any sign of that gunship?"

Droid2: "Negative."

The droids are talking about Diego who have the LAAT in a safe distance from the AA guns until they're been destroyed. Sakura signal Hikari to take out one of the droid while she use the Force Push to send one of the droid flying off the tower to it's death. They manage to take out the couple of droids in the AA tower and they deactivate one of the AA guns, but it won't be long until the droids figure out what happen; however they need to take out the other one that is on the other side of the tower their in. Hikari bring his cable wires and fire it to the other tower which connects to the wall that is above the catwalk and wasn't notice by the droids. Sakura was the first one to go and transfer to the other tower by cable while Hikari attach his devices and reach to the other side of the tower without been detected by the droids. They manage to reach the other tower, but was notice by a droid, but Sakura use Force Push to send the droid flying again which the droids notice the screaming and see the two at the tower.

Droid(shock): "IT'S A JEDI! SEND OUT A ALARM!"

Looks like things are going badly, but that change when they notice the factory been blowing up from the inside which means the rest of the team is able to destroy the main structure of the factory. Sakura contact Diego for extraction.

Sakura: "Diego; we're going to shut down the last AA gun. We complete our mission and ready for extraction."

Diego(radio): "Understood General; there's a landing dock near one of the towers that is good place to land, but I can't land if enemy forces are there."

Sakura: "Understood."

Sakura decide to contact Deadshot and inform him about the extraction location.

Sakura: "Deadshot; the extraction point is at the landing platform. Meet us there."

Deadshot(hologram): "Understood General."

Sakura and Hikari run down the tower and taking out droids along the way, but droidkas are moving toward their location so Hikari use Droid Poppers to take out the droidkas which as successful and making their way to the landing platform to meet with Diego.

Landing Platform, Droid Factory

Sakura and Hikari notice the landing platform where they're going to meet with the others, but looks like Diego is having a problem because there are Dwarf Droids firing at the LAAT so Sakura and Hikari decide to deal with them before Diego can land the LAAT. Sakura throw her lightsaber right at the Dwarf Droid and manage to slice it up before the lightsaber return to Sakura. Hikari decide to run at the Dwarf Droid and put a large amount of blaster fires at the head of the droid which kill it instantly.

Sakura: "Diego; the landing zone is secure."

The LAAT arrive at the landing platform and the big door open to reveal the rest of the team with a large formation of battle-droids firing right at them, but Tanker manage to stall them with his mini-gun and Sakura use the Force to force close the door after the rest of the clone troopers exit the factory. The giant door slam down in front of the droids and some of the droids got destroyed when the door slam in top of them. The clone troopers arrive at the LAAT before Sakura and Hikari make sure that everyone is out before heading out. Once everyone is in; Sakura order Diego to leave the factory.

Sakura: "Let's go Diego."

Diego: "Yes General."

The LAAT left the factory while the factory is getting fallen apart.

Time Skip
Acclamator-Class, Hyperspace

It was about couple of hours after Sakura and her team return back to the warship. Her master Juno was talking with Admiral Horst about the situation in Geonosis which was a major victory, but the CIS leaders escape from the planet.

Horst: "We failed to capture the CIS leaderships."

Juno: "Even so; we manage to shut down the droid factories in Geonosis."

Horst: "Maybe, but we still got a long way to go."

Sakura approach Juno which she was proud of her Padawan that her objective is complete.

Juno: "You did a good job young one."

Sakura: "I didn't do it alone. I have my men help me."

Juno: "If that's the case then I have a proposal."

Juno want Sakura to lead her own division since Juno has appointed her as from Padawan to Knight since Juno wants to promote her before the Battle of Geonosis. This is her lifestyle from now on and hope return to normal once the war is over.

To be Continued....

Arc 2: Muunilinst
Operation: Sakura Storm 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now