Chapter 27: The Battle Plan

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We can see Sakura fighting her way through a large amount of droids while avoiding the security defense which is activate after the fight in the bridge and now she's on the hunt against Fenrir who retreat to the tower of the ship. Sakura use Force Push to send the droids away while using her lightsaber to slice through the enemy lines while at the same time Commander Hikari and Master Juno is fighting their way to the control rooms, but Juno use the Force to fight her way through the droids since her lightsaber was taken from her. Hikari and Juno continue fighting their way until they finally reach the control rooms which Hikari can see Sakura fighting on the other level of the ship.

Hikari: "General Sakura is making some progress on the upper levels, but she is having trouble with the defense."

Juno: "Shut it down."

Hikari: "Or we can do this."

Hikari activate the defense weapons and turn them against the droids which shock them when the defense weapons turn against them. The defense is now under control of the Republic and they shut down the weapons in the hanger just in case they need a spaceship to escape. Of course they can escape by escape pods, but they need to make sure that they have another route to escape the ship once they destroyed the core of the warship. Sakura is confuse of why the defense systems is fighting against the droids until she can sense Hikari and her Master behind the machines.

Sakura: "Looks like my guardians is looking after me."

Sakura continue fighting her way through the ship while Hikari and Juno is heading to Phase 2 of their plan which is find explosives so they can set it off in their main systems so Shadowfang is defenseless against the Republic main fleet once they arrive which the large formation of Republic ships is heading toward Shadwofang after they bring victory against it's main fleet. So time is closing in for the three so they don't have time left.  The fight continues on within the warship until Hikari and Juno arrive at the ammo depot where they found a couple of explosives.

Hikari: "Got some."

Juno: "Okay; we better hurry."

Juno is equip with a blaster rifle while trying to find her lightsaber while Sakura continue making her way to Fenrir's position while fighting against the droids including the Magnaguard droids. The fight last about couple of minutes until she reach one of the elevators and heading upward.

Time Skip

Sakura finally arrive at the tower and notice Fenrir staring at the incoming Republic Fleet where the fighters are preparing to fight the enemy fighters. Fenrir turn around and remove his Admiral outfit while Sakura notice a couple of lightsabers in his pocket which she realize that one of them belongs to Juno.

Sakura jump off the platform while Fenrir is waiting for a fight.

Fenrir: "I'm looking forward a fight."

Fenrir equip a couple of lightsabers while Sakura does the same thing, but question of how Fenrir learn how to use a lightsaber.

Sakura: "How did you know how to use a lightsaber?"

Fenrir: "I learn how to use it by training under Count Dooku's teachings."


While Fenrir is fighting against Sakura at the tower; we can see Hikari and Juno heading to the main power plant of the warship which is protected by security droids which cause Juno to use Force Push to send them flying while Hikari is putting the explosives onto the main sector of the plant while Juno is fighting off the droids coming from both direction.

Juno: "This is getting bad."

Hikari: "We're inside a enemy flagship so expect heavy fighting."

They continue to fight until the entire ship start to shake and explosion is going off and things are falling down. Juno can sense fighting outside the warship which means the Republic fleet have arrive and commencing a firefight with the enemy flagship, but with the defense down; the warship is defenseless so they better hurry up.

Juno: "We better hurry up."

Hikari has finish the charges up and the two are heading where Sakura is at while the ship is under attack by the Republic forces.


We return to the tower where the Republic fighters are fighting the CIS forces while Sakura is fighting against Fenrir, but Fenrir is too skillful and he's huge. Fenrir's power is overwhelming Sakura's own power which cause her to use Force Push, but the Force isn't strong to fight against Fenrir and Fenrir counterattack which Sakura manage to dodge it.

Fenrir: "Is that the best you can do?"

Sakura try to strike Fenrir in the back, but her lightsaber bounce off of his fur which she was shock to see that happen.

Sakura(shock): "What?"

Fenrir: "My fur is not fluffy, but metallic and your lightsaber is useless against me."

Fenrir counterattack against Sakura which cause her to block his lightsaber and hope is lost for her since Fenrir is using pressure onto her which is crushing her to the ground. Things are not looking good for Sakura and the blades is getting closer to her neck until one of the lightsaber went flying toward someone on the platform before jumping toward Fenrir which he notice it and block it which cause Sakura to be relief from her death. It was Juno.

Sakura(happy): "MASTER!"

Juno: "Pay attention Sakura; this enemy is powerful."

Sakura recover from her collapse and realize the entire floor is crack which she was shock of how much pressure Fenrir put in his attack.

Fenrir: "Juno; I didn't expect you coming back for another beating."

Juno: "You mess with my Padawan then you mess with me. Let's do this Sakura."

Sakura: "Yes Master."

The fight is back.

To be Continued....

Chapter 28: Fenrir vs Sakura and Juno

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now