Chapter 6: The Steel Maze of Meton

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Muunilinst, Outer Rim Territories

We're heading to the Muunilinst after the Republic learn that the CIS are building droid factories and ammunition depot from the native people living there and request aid so the Republic assemble a strike force to deal with the situation. Sakura and her division will be heading for one of the major cities that has a droid factory inside the city, but it's protected by a  big gun that needs to be taken out. The city's is call Meton or the City of Steel Maze because you can get easily lost there, but the mission must be complete at all cost. We can see a couple of transport ships exit the hyperspace lane and now orbiting the planet where a large group of fighters known as V-19 Torrent starfighter while another large group of LAATs including most of them are carrying AT-TE walker tanks. One of the LAAT is control by Diego who is carrying the Sakura Division to their destination at Meton.

Meton, Muunilinst

We head to one of the major city in Muunilinst, Meton where we can see the Sakura Division is heading into the city, but they have to remain low so they can avoid AA defense that is covering the city.

Sakura: "Stay low Diego."

Diego: "Don't worry General; I know how to handle this."

Of course his big mouth trick him when a battle-droid with air defense rocket is aiming at the LAAT and got shot down by one simple hit.

Diego: "Me and my big mouth. HOLD ON!"

The LAAT gunship is going down, but Diego was able to keep everyone safe when it crash landing at the highway which is a bad spot because there are a large formation of battle-droids covering the highway by overlook in buildings including a highway bridge. Once the door open from a LAAT to reveal a clone trooper who is looking around to get shot in the head by a sniper.

Sakura: "SNIPER!"

Everyone decide to take cover while Deadshot get Diego out of the cockpit and check for any injuries which a couple of troopers got injured. Hikari decide to peek a little and almost got his head blown off by a sniper, but he quickly take cover.

Hikari: "We can't stay here. Enemy forces will probably move in if we stay here longer."

Sakura: "What's the plan?"

Hikari: "Run and Shoot."

Tanker: "Leave that to me."

Tanker bash one of the door to force it to open to reveal another way out and everyone is able to get out of the LAAT and decide to provide fire against the droids while everyone is heading to the alleyway that is nearby. Diego grab the blaster rifle from a dead clone trooper and help everyone to safe distance. They manage to reach the alleyway with Tanker firing his mini-gun at the battle-droids and they notice the big gun at the distance.

Hikari: "Looks like we got a long way to go before we reach the gun tower."

Sakrua: "Then we better get going. Master and his men will be arriving soon to take out the droid factory, but can't move if that big gun is keeping his men down."

The troops are heading to the gun tower while avoiding the highway where there are a focus group of tanks waiting for them. Their plan is use the alleyway as much as possible while avoiding the highway; however they soon realize that they're getting lost.

Tanker(confuse): "Did we been here before?"

Deadshot: "Now that you mention it; yes I think we are going in circle."

Hikari use his recon probe to see where they are and they realize that their LAAT is within short distance from them which means they haven't move at all.

Hikari: "Looks like it's easy to get lost."

A highway is more suitable to get to the big gun, but it's cover with tanks and patrols including snipers that have a good view of the highway. So they decide to risk it and travel through the highway to reach for the big gun before Master Juno and her men arrive with their tanks.

Time Skip
Meton, Muunilinst

They finally reach the highway and see a large formation of tanks including battle-droids overlooking the highway by the bridge and of course snipers are everywhere overlooking at the highway.

Hikari: "They got this highway lock up. It's going to be difficult to reach to the other side without taking fire."

Sakura: "Then we better start running."

Everyone agree and went out to the highway while getting shot by battle-droids, but Sakura was able to deflect them with her lightsaber; however some of the men got injured during the fight and some of them died during the fight. They manage to reach the other side of the highway with the gun tower getting close to their view.

Sakura: "How many do we lost?"

Hikari: "About 4 troops."

Sakura: "Then we better sure that we complete this mission for their sake. Anyone who is wounded will be transfer to our medical make area while everyone who can move will continue with the mission."

Hikari and her team that was able to stand continue heading to the gun tower while the wounded stay behind with Diego in charge of the medical treatment until they can return to the medical ship.

Time Skip
Outskirts of the Gun Tower, Meton

We can see Sakura and her team manage to reach the gun tower where they can hear the blast of the artillery gun firing at Republic position at the outskirts of the cities. Everyone is checking their ammo while Sakura use the map of the city to see what's a best approach to the gun tower with Hikari.

To be Continued....

Chapter 7: The Siege of the Gun Tower

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