Chapter 8: Lost AT-TE

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Medical Campsite, Meton

We can see the standing clone troopers ready for their next mission when they got summon by Commander Hikari and General Sakura about their mission to locate the missing AT-TE from the highway which is cover by CIS tanks and worry the AT-TE and it's crew is facing trouble. Hikari approach the men which they stand by.

Hikari: "We got a important mission for us. One of our AT-TE walkers is missing at one of the highways and the CIS are moving in to find it. Our job is to locate the missing AT-TE and provide any support if possible. Is everyone ready?"

Everyone: "YES SIR!"

Sakura arrive and Hikari inform her that everyone is ready.

Hikari: "Everyone is ready General."

Sakura: "Let's go than."

The clone troopers is ready and able to continue the fight against the CIS and save their AT-TE before the enemy finds it. The wound clone troopers are order to stay behind with Diego until a medical LAAT arrive to pick up the wounds. Everyone exit the medical facility and heading to the highway where the AT-TE is last known located.

Time Skip
Highway, Meton

We head to the highway where there's a large group of AAT tanks station on the highway preventing any Republic forces from coming through, but the small task force need to pass the highway in order to locate the missing AT-TE and they need to worry about the snipers that is on the building. Hikari decide to peak through one of the windows of the building since staying inside a building is the best approach for this.

Hikari: "I got 25 AAT tanks and a couple of snipers on the building across from us."

Sakura: "They really don't want anyone enter this highway."

Deadshot: "General; I think we found the reason."

Deadshot give her the hologram of the map of the city and see that the highway the tanks are blocking is another route to the droid factory that is in the center of the city. Juno and her men are using the other highway to reach the droid factory, but it's too far distance; however it's safer than the highway where Sakura is. One of the AT-TE must got separate from the rest of the tank division during the fight at the outskirts of the city, but the important part is that the tank must be secure at all cost.

Sakura: "The best thing to do is to avoid detection as much as possible otherwise we have to deal with the tanks and the snipers."

Hikari: "How about we use the sewers?"

Hikari point at the map to reveal a sewer systems that goes underneath the highway and there's a manhole right close to the location where the missing AT-TE is located last.

Sakura: "Very well than; we're going to use the sewers."

Everyone is ready and head to one of the man-holes that is somewhere in the city.

Time Skip
Sewer, Meton

Sakura and her team found the entrance to the sewer system that isn't guarded which is located near of one of the destroyed building that was hit by bombers so they have to remove the debris to clear up the man-hole before going in. Hikari was the first person to jump inside the sewer with his flashlight and signal the team that it's clear. Everyone jump into the sewers one by one until everyone is inside.

Tanker: "MAN! This places reeks."

Deadshot: "That's because it's a sewer genius."

Hikari: "Keep the chatter down everyone; we don't know there are patrols down here as well."

Sakura: "Hikari is right; we might have intel above ground, but we don't know what to expect in the sewers."

Everyone is heading out through the sewers and checking the corners just in case the CIS droids are patrolling the sewers as well, but for now nothing. They continue to explore the sewers until they can feel the earth shaken from the blast going on outside.

Tanker: "Sounds like we're missing some actions above."

Deadshot: "Probably us or the Droids firing at each other."

Hikari: "Than we better get going."

Everyone continue their exploration of the sewers until Hikari turn around to notice that some of the men are missing.

Hikari: "Is it just me or are we short of two men?"

Everyone turn around to notice that two clone troopers are missing."

Sakura use the Force to detect something which she did and order everyone to stay away from the water which reveal a tentacle coming out of the water before grabbing another clone trooper and send it down to the depths.

Boomer(shock): "WHAT WAS THAT?"

Deadshot: "Probably the reason of no patrols down here."

Sakura: "Let's keep going and avoid closer to the water."

Everyone agree and continue moving forward.

Time Skip
Sewer Pit, Meton

Sakura and her men finally arrive where the missing AT-TE walker tank is last spotted which is above them, but Sakura sense something is wrong here and the area is more bigger than your average sewer system.

Boomer: "Where are we?"

???: "Welcome to the Sewer Pit."

Everyone heard the voice and notice a Commander Droid above them including a couple of Commando Droids  at the control platform.

Everyone heard the voice and notice a Commander Droid above them including a couple of Commando Droids  at the control platform

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Sakura: "You expect our arrival?"

???: "Correct as I calculated that someone will be coming here for the AT-TE walker tank and they need to reach it's location by sewer system since my tanks are blocking the highway."

This Commander Droid expect everything from head to toe that the Republic would send someone to locate the AT-TE while the main force is heading to the droid factory, but why the droid commander doing here away from the factory. Sakura realize it.

Sakura(angry): "You're stalling us. The AT-TE is above us and you want to hold us while your main tank forces ambush the Republic forces heading to the droid factory which is the reason that all tank units are here."

???: "Correct; I calculate that they would take the safer long route to avoid any combats until they reach the droid factory since they took heavy hits at the outskirts of the city by our artillery until you destroyed it, but that was just a minor setback. This is the end Jedi."

The Commander activate a button at the command platform which close the doors and lock them inside the pit before the water start to raise up. The droids escape through a secret doorway while Sakura and her men are getting water.

To be Continued....

Chapter 9: Depths of Danger 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now