Chapter 26: Shadowfang Encounter

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Outskirts of Shadowfang, Kasanari System

We can see Commander Hikari and General Sakura on board of the bounty hunter's ship after their victory against him before making their way to the enemy flagship of the CIS fleet which is now engaging the main Republic fleet on the other side of the planet. They can see Shadowfang ahead of them, but the enemy isn't launching their fighters except a couple of them as escort fighters.

Hikari: "Looks like they expect us."

Sakura: "Yea and I can sense a strong darkness coming from the ship."

They ain't worth when they notice a large security droids waiting for them at the hanger while the main guns is aiming at them so they don't expect any wrong business before they land.

Shadowfang, Kasanari System

Hikari and Sakura arrive at the hanger of their enemy ship before they exit their ship with their hands up while the droids are aiming their weapons at them.

Droid: "No funny business; the Admiral expect your arrival."

The two was about to follow the droid, but one of them push Hikari away from Sakura.

Droid2: "Not you; you're going to your cell."

The droids separate Hikari while Sakura is going to meet the Admiral of the ship, but she can sense that her Master is located at the prison section of the warship which Sakura know that her Master has a plan to escape once they arrive so she is going to put her faith with Hikari of saving Master Juno while Sakura is going to deal with the Admiral.

Time Skip
Prison Sector, Shadowfang

Hikari reach the cell where Juno is kept which they decide to put him in the same cell as Juno which Juno expect their arrival.

Juno: "Sakura talk you into this?"

Hikari: "Volunteer General."

The droids close the door and have security tight at the door while Juno and Hikari talk about the plan of getting out of the cell.

Hikari: "Any idea of how to get out of here?"

Juno: "I got one now since you're here."

Juno put her hand on the door and close her eyes while Hikari is confuse of what's going on here.

Hikari(confuse): "What's wrong?"

Juno: "I'm thinking the lock of this door in my mind and use the Force to unlock the door from within it. Just need to picture the lock in the mind."

Juno is thinking about a lock and got it when the door was unlock which shock the droids, but didn't have a change to open fire when Juno to Force Grab and crush their neck with her strength and lock the door after her and Hikari exit the cell with the Force.

Juno: "We better hurry before they figure out  what happen."

Hikari: "What's our step?"

Juno: "We're going to sabotage the ship's systems before the Republic arrive with their main fleet. There's a control room in the level above us."

Hikari grab the blaster rifle and follow Juno to the control room while avoiding detection because Juno doesn't have her lightsaber which is in a secure area.

Hallway to the Bridge, Shadowfang

We can see Sakura been escort by droids including Magnaguards to the Admiral who is at the Bridge right now. There is a row and row of droids watching her every steps until they reach a big door which it reveal the bridge and the Admiral himself.

 There is a row and row of droids watching her every steps until they reach a big door which it reveal the bridge and the Admiral himself

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Note: "This is Fenrir and he's wearing his Admiral's uniform from the CIS."

Fenrir stand up and he's freaky tall than Sakura and his eyes is show nothing but someone who is in charge around here and the droids continue their operation while Fenrir talk.

Fenrir: "So you must be that runt that is causing me problems at Raxus Prime. Destroying my droid factory and prevent a terrorist attack at the Senate Building. You and the rest of those Jedi are the same."

Sakura: "Why did you attack Kasanari?"

Fenrir: "Stupid question; because to teach you a lesson of messing with me. Your home village was the start of it and would have progress further if it wasn't your Master that is stopping me, but at least I can take what yours. Equal exchange would you say."

Sakura: "You won't get away with this."

Fenrir: "My girl; we're at war and people died at war. I know better because it was your Master predecessor that try to oppress my people after they refuse joining the Republic and years of fighting our own."

Sakura stare at the droids and prepare to fight since she can use Force Area which cause the surrounding to be push which she did which cause all the droids to crash into the ship's hull including Fenrir, but didn't damage him from the fight.

Fenrir: "Good, but this is far you can do. SECURITY!"

Droids coming into the bridge by enter through the entrance including some Magnaguards which Sakura equip her lightsaber while Fenrir retreat into his ship.

Fenrir: "If you survive than meet me at the tower."

He was referring to the tower that overlooking the ship before he left while Sakura fights against enemy droids while at the same time that Juno and Hikari is making their way to the control systems where the defense grids is located at. The battle within Shadowfang has begun.

To be Continued....

Chapter 27: The Battle Plan 

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