Chapter 13: Shadows of the Pit

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Pit, Raxus Prime

We can see Hikari fighting against the Rancor while the droids is staying far behind from the fight and provide more challenge for Hikari, but they didn't know that the wolf droid manage to enter the perimeter of the Pit where it can access to the control panels, but the wolf droid need to avoid been detected by the droids; however they're too busy dealing with Hikari. The wolf droid sneak around the droids by going through the vent and crawl it's way to the control room where one droid is protecting the control panel. While the wolf droid is going through the droids undetected; Hikari continue fighting against the giant creature including the battle-droids.

Hikari(angry): "Damn it. I'm totally stuck here and that wolf droid is nowhere to be found. I bet the droid fled after I got caught."

He didn't know that the wolf-droid is doing it's best to help him, but it requires to take time. Hikari continue trying to avoid the Rancor, but he got hit by a blast from one of the droids which he manage to dodge to another boulder and check his arm which it have burnt mark on it and feel the pain.

Hikari(pain): "DAMN IT!"

Hikari only got one arm left and the Rancor is heading toward his location and he knows that the end is near for him, but things are changing when the main door is closing which the droids are shock to see the main door is closing which they turn around to see the wolf droid activate the controls.

Droid: "HEY YOU!"

The wolf droid bark at Hikari before leaving in order to retreat from the droids. Hikari notice the main door is coming down and got an idea which is to draw the Rancor to the main door.

Hikari: "Better than ever."

Hikari dodge the Rancor's attack and focus fire at the Rancor which the creature is chasing after him while he follow it to the main door area where he's going to slam the door on top of the Rancor.


The Rancor continues to chase after Hikari while the main door is closing, but the door stop when one of the droids deactivate the control panels, but that didn't stop Hikari of coming with a new plan when he notice the light above the door which looks like the system that is holding the main door. Hikari decide to shoot it down and slam the big door on the Rancor. Once the Rancor is approaching Hikari and it's below the main door; this is Hikari gamble.

Hikari: "Good Night Ugly."

Hikari shot the light and the big door slam on top of the Rancor which cause the Rancor get kill by a giant door; the droids won't able to reach Hikari because the creature is blocking their path and Hikari notice a door that is the exit.

Hikari: "Looks like I got lucky."

Hikari try to open the door, but it's locked until he can hear something click behind the door which reveal the wolf droid that save his life from the Rancor.

Hikari: "Thank you buddy. You saved my skin. Looks like we're even now."

The wolf droid bark at the clone trooper and give Hikari a Healing Stim that is attach to his body.

Hikari: "Looks like your a medical wolf-droid. You're a full of surprises today."

Hikari inject him the Stim and his arm is now feeling better.

Hikari: "Looks like I own you one."

The wolf-droid barks and Hikari decide to give the wolf-droid a name since it's wrong to call it a thing after the wolf-droid save Hikari's life from the Rancor.

Hikari: "How about I called you Silver?"

The wolf-droid bark with happiness and it was decide that they're going to work together to investigate the droid factory and see what in stored.

Droid Factory, Raxus Prime

We enter the droid factory while Hikari and Silver continue to explore the Pit; we can see the Commander Droid along with his guards heading to the main chamber of the factory where we can see a large wolf-like humanoid talking to the General of the CIS named General Grievous through the hologram.

???: "We have finish the first batch of Wolf Droids and ready for deployment."

Grievous(hologram): "Good, send the Wolf Droids to this destination."

???: "Yes General."

The hologram shut off and the Wolf-like Admiral approach his Commander Droid before giving his new order.

???: "Send the Wolf-Droids to Ryloth."

Commander Droid: "Roger, Roger."

The reason why the Wolf-Droids are heading to Ryloth is because of the Resistance of Ryloth is causing problems to the CIS and request droids to hunt them down and the Wolf-Droids have a good sensors to detect the Resistance fighters because the wolf droids is similar to a hunting dogs in the real world. A large batch of Wolf-Droids are loading up in the Landing Craft that is docked at the hanger in the factory and the main fleet is ready for deployment to Ryloth. There are about two Landing Crafts already full of wolf-droids and ready to send them to the main fleet.

???: "I'm heading back to the ship. Make sure the factory is secure. Is the intruders dead?"

Commander Droid: "Yes, I have the Rancor to deal with our intruder, but our patrols can't locate the Jedi."

???: "Make sure their dealt with."

The Admiral left the Command Center of the factory and one of the droid arrive to inform the Commander Droid that Hikari manage to defeat the Rancor and now somewhere in the factory but also report of an rogue wolf-droid.

Droid: "Sir; the clone manage to defeat the Rancor with the help of a wolf-droid."

Commander Droid(shock): "A rogue droid? This is bad if the Admiral knows about this. Make sure that droid is dealt with and take out the clone. I'm going to order all units to return to the factory for security."

Droid: "Roger roger."

To be Continued....

Chapter 14: Heart of the Droid Factory

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