Chapter 11: Stealth Mission

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Raxus Prime, Outer Rim

We can see a CIS shuttlecraft exit hyperspace, but it doesn't belong to the CIS, but to the Republic which they stole it from one of the CIS base in order to commence this operation known as Wolfstrike. Sakura and Commander Hikari are the only person in the shuttlecraft in order to avoid detection.

Hikari: "We arrive at Raxus Prime; General."

Sakura: "Anything?"

Hikari: "Got a fleet of warships orbiting the planet."

They can see a large warships in front of them which are a couple of Lucrehulk- class battleships, 15 Munificent-class frigates, and one Providence-Class Dreadnought, but the design is different than the rest of the Providences.

They can see a large warships in front of them which are a couple of Lucrehulk- class battleships, 15 Munificent-class frigates, and one Providence-Class Dreadnought, but the design is different than the rest of the Providences

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This is the Providence, but the design is more wolf-like paint on the ship's hull. The shuttlecraft is approaching the main fleet that is hovering over the planet and things are starting to get worry when the flagship contacts the shuttle.

???(radio): "This is Shadowfang of the Shadow Legion. Stay your business."

Sakura: "This is Supply Shuttle O-23; we got the supplies and permission for landing on the planet."

???(radio): "Send the codes before proceeding."

Hikari send the codes to the flagship and pray it works.

Shadowfang, Raxus Prime

We enter the flagship of Shadow Legion known as Shadowfang where we can see the same droid commander that appear during the Battle of Meton. The Commander Droid is waiting for the code to be analyze and see the code is real or fake. One of the droid approach the Commander Droid with a datapad to inform him that the code is real.

Droid: "Here you go sir. The code is real and check out."

The Commander Droid check it out and confirm it, but he also report this to his Master just in case.

Command Droid: "Very well; pass them through, but inform Master Fenrir that a shuttlecraft is arriving with "supplies"."

Droid: "Roger roger." 

Raxus Prime Space, Outer Rim

Sakura and  Hikari is waiting for confirmation from the CIS flagship, but they start to get worry because it's taking too long than usual until they got a respond from the flagship.

Shadowfang(radio): "You can commence landing."

Sakura: "Thank you."

The shuttlecraft bypass the fleet, but they didn't know that a couple of Vulture droids are escorting them without telling them; however Hikari detect them through their radar.

Hikari: "Looks like their not buying it. A couple of fighters if following us."

Sakura: "We can't land at one of their platforms otherwise they figure out that we're not a supply shuttlecraft."

Looks like the stealth mission is getting bad to worst when a couple of their AA defense are aiming right at them. The droids aren't buying Sakura's lies and start open fire at the shuttlecraft which the AA gun follow in pursue which cause the sky full of explosions. Sakura is doing her best to keep the shuttlecraft from getting hit, but one of the shots manage to hit the craft and cause it to crash to the ground.

Sakura(shout): "BRACE YOURSELF!"

The shuttlecraft crash into a pile of debris and the Vulture Droid continue patrolling the sky.

Shadowfang, Raxus Prime

We return to the flagship of the Shadow Legion fleet and see the Commander Droid examine the fight which he notice the shuttlecraft crash 200 clicks away from the new droid factory.

Droid: "Sir; the enemy shuttle is shot down."

Droid Commander: "Inform Admiral Fenrir that the enemy is down and send out a clean-up crew to check for any survivors... And take them out."

Droid: "Roger, roger."

Crash Site, Raxus Prime

We can see Sakura and Hikari got hurt very badly from the blast, but the worst part is that the CIS found out about their operation and believe that their going to send a clean-up crew to deal the mess. Sakura try her best to stand up, but she got wounded on her leg which she is limbing. Hikari is waking up after got his head bash to the panels and got blood coming out from his head.

Hikari(hurt): "Ouch; that was a rough landing. Are you alright General?"

Sakura(hurt): "I feel better, but my leg won't responding to my movement."

Looks like her leg is broken when the shuttlecraft crash into hard debris. The communication is down so that means they won't able to contact for support and there's a possible that the CIS is jamming their communication just in case if their alive which they are.... Barely. They exit the shuttlecraft, but Sakura is having a hard time of standing so Hikari decide to help her by holding her with his shoulder, but they need to be quick because a droid gunship is arriving to check on the crash site.

Hikari: "We better move."

They decide to hide behind a boulder while the gunship unloads the droids which is a couple of super- battle-droid and some standard battle-droid. The droid approach the crash shuttlecraft and have the super battle-droid make a perimeter around the crash site while the standard droids check on the gunship. One droid enter the shuttlecraft while the rest of the droids cover it.

Droid: "No one in here."

A droid grab his communicator and make contact with the Droid Commander at the flagship.

Droid: "Sir; we check the crash site and no one in there."

Droid Commander(hologram): "They probably escape from the crash site. I inform the Admiral while you patrol the area for the survivors."

Droid: "Roger, roger."

The droids are heading out to patrol the area for Sakura and Hikari so they decide to hold out in the large pile of debris where they're going to make it their base of operation or at least a hideout until support arrives.

Sakura(pain): "Damn my leg."

Hikari: "Don't worry General; we're going to make it."

Sakura(pain): "Ever way; we need to complete our mission, but I can't move."

Hikari: "Allow me General to go solo to the droid factory and scout."

Sakura: "Very well than, but be careful if the situation is grave than retreat back here."

Hikari acknowledge his order and head out while Sakura remain laying on the ground with a broken leg and pray that help arrives.

To be Continued....

Chapter 12: Shadows of Raxus Prime

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now