Chapter 14: Heart of the Droid Factory

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Droid Factory, Raxus Prime

We can see Hikari and Silver enter the factory through the vents from the Pit after their victory against the Rancor, but now the droids are on high alert since they learn that Rancor was defeated and the two manage to infiltrate the factory. The two hide behind the wall and notice a couple of battle-droids including the new produce wolf-droids that is with them.

Hikari: "Looks like we need to be more careful from now on."

They continue to move side to side of the walls and peek the other side of the hallway. They can see the entire production lines through the giant window in the hallway where there are about 10,000,000 wolf droids been produce day by day which shock Hikari.

Hikari(shock): "How can they produce this much droids?"

The answer is right at the next room where Hikari enter to see a large amount of debris that was pour in by a dumping transport craft which explains of why Raxus Prime is a good place to produce droids. They're using the debris from the junkyard and use the technology to preserve the parts and move it to the production facility that is at the lower level of the factory. Pretty much scrapping the planet's resources in order to produce a large amount of droids in the factory and 50,000 are ready for deployment.

Hikari: "If they can produce this much for the CIS than it means it won't be long until they overwhelm us. We better destroy this place before more will be shipping out."

Silver bark at Hikari that she found a room that has a large computer in the back with a couple of Droid Commandos staying guard in front of the computer.

Hikari: "Must be the main computer that oversees the factory."

There must be a way to deal with the Commandos, but looks like Silver have an idea by opening the door and talk with the Commandos who is confuse of why the wolf-droid all by itself.

Commando: "Where are your squad Unit 83?"

Unit 83 is Silver's designate number and Silver answer the Commando by saying a clone trooper has infiltrate at the far East Side of the factory and request back up.

Commando: "Intruder at the East Side? Understood; guard here and protect the database."

Silver bark at the Commando that she understood of the order before the Commandos left the room and heading to the East Side of the factory. Hikari was impress that the Commandos actually bought it, but he bet that they didn't know about a rouge droid, but once they find out that there are nothing at the East Side than they start to figure out so time is limit.

Hikari: "Good job girl; let's see what they have."

Hikari is working on the main computer while Silver is watching for any patrols coming to their location. Hikari found the designate location of where the wolf-droids are heading to which is Ryloth, Mon Calamari, Mygeeto, and.... Courscant?

Hikari(confuse): "Courscant? Why is the Republic capital on the designate list?"

Hikari press the name of Courscant where it shows the number of wolf-droids that's been deploy and their objective which is too...... Destroy the Senate Building and assassinate the Senators. It have the list of Republic Senators that requires to been taken out. Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, Senator Padme Amidala, and more Senators that needs to be taken out.

Hikari(shock): "This is serious. I need to contact the Senate before it's too late."

Hikari upload the data which cause the alarm to rise around the factory.

Hikari: "Looks like it's time to bring this thing down."

Hikari and Silver exit the room before they got notice by droids that is running toward them including some droidekas heading their direction.

Hikari: "This is going to be fun."

Hikari open fire at the droids while Silver is escorting Hikari throughout the factory since she was born in this factory which means she knows around the building and the weak points of the factory.

Time Skip
Ammunition Depot, Droid Factory

Hikari and Silver manage to reach to the ammunition deport where they stored weapons and equipment for the wolf-droids after they been produce and notice a bomb, but Hikari ready notice it with a shock.

Hikari(shock): "Those are Rhydonium barrels. Their starship fuels which are volatile and high dangerous when they blow up, but why are they doing here."

Silver bark at the list of items which Hikari notice that a couple of Rhydonium barrels are missing and most of them have been installed to the wolf droids.

Hikari(shock): "Not just patrol dogs, but also suicide droids as well."

 He starts to remember about the Senate Bombing that is going to happen at Courscant and see the missing Rhydonium; he start to add two to two together and solve the problem. Hikari grab the datapad of the inventory and grab the explosives that was stored so he can use to blow up the factory.

Time Skip
Lower Level, Droid Factory

Hikari and Silver reach the Lower Level of the factory while fighting the droids and notice a lot of beams that is holding the factory up and decide to use the explosives on the pillar and bring the factory down; however droids arrive to prevent him from doing his job so he needs to deal with the security droids before putting the explosives on the pillar. He manage to defeat the security droids and put the first explosives on the pillar, but there are about 7 more to do.

Time Skip
Loading Dock, Droid Factory

Hikari and Silver manage to put the explosives into their position; they head to the loading dock of the droid factory where large group of Landing Craft is loading up the wolf droids, but right now they're making their escape since the explosives are on a timer while been chased by droids including the new wolf-droids that is chasing them. They're about to reach the exit when the explosions are happening behind them which send them flying out of the building and into the Pit. The result of the explosions is the fall of the largest droid factory in Outer Rim bursting in flames.

To be Continued

Chapter 15: Escape

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