Operation Thunderclap

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Locaton: Kasanari, Outer Rim

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Locaton: Kasanari, Outer Rim

After the Jedi Council has report that Master Juno and her clone troopers are trapped by the CIS on the planet of Kasanari. General Sakura of the 77th Legion newly form Sakura Division joined forces with the 501th Legion leading by General Skywalker to liberate her homeworld from the CIS forces and rescue General Juno and her men.


1. Defeat the CIS Fleet orbiting Kasanari
2. Liberate the Planet
3. Rescue Master Juno and her men 
4. Take out any remaining CIS Force

Note: "This is the last planet for this story since we're reaching 30 chapters which is the limit for me."

Chapter 21: Orbital Gambit

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now