Chapter 2: A Gathering Storm

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Kamino System

We're overhead of the planet of Kamino when a starship has exit hyperspace which is a Acclamator-Class starship which acts as a transport ship for the Republic heading to the planet's surface.

We can see Sakura in one of the transport ships that is heading to load up the Clone Army after the Senate has passed the law that form the Grand Army of the Republic and now it's time to load up the clone troopers before heading to Geonosis to su...

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We can see Sakura in one of the transport ships that is heading to load up the Clone Army after the Senate has passed the law that form the Grand Army of the Republic and now it's time to load up the clone troopers before heading to Geonosis to support the Jedi that is rescuing Obi-Wan Kenobi from the CIS. Sakura is in her room meditating before Admiral Horst enter her room and inform her that they have arrive at Kamino.

Horst: "Commander Sakura; we have arrive at Kamino."

Sakura: "Very well than; I'll be there shortly."

Horst left while Sakura prepare herself to see the Clone Army of the Republic for the first time. Master Juno send Sakura with Yoda while Juno is heading to Geonosis with the rescue team so Sakura is going to fight a battle.

Sakura(sigh): "Looks like peace have to wait."

She exit her room while the ship is preparing to land at the Cloning Facility.

Hikari's Dorm, Cloning Facility

We return to Hikari's Dorm where we can see the other clone troopers discuss when they're going to be deploy and where are they're going.

Deadshot: "Do we know where and when we're going to be deploy?"

Boomer: "Who cares. As long I can blow stuff up then I down of where-ever or when-ever we send out."

Tanker: "Relax Boomer. I heard from the boss that we're waiting for the transport arrival before we're heading out."

They continue to talk until Commander Hikari arrive to inform them that the transports have arrive and everyone is deploying out soon.

Hikari: "ATTENTION!"

The clone troopers head to attention stance and Hikari is checking that everything is ready for deployment.

Hikari: "Looks like we finally able to leave the facility and heading out to real combat. Our deployment location is Geonosis where we're going to fight against a droid army of the CIS, but first we got a special assignment for us only. Commander Red request us to joined forces with a Jedi General to take out a droid factory located east of where the fighting will take place. Our General's name is Konohana Sakura who is a Padawan of General Juno so she is young, but she is the boss; however you listen to my orders as always. Understood."

Everyone(shout): "YES SIR!"

Hikari: "Good."

Everyone is heading out to the platform so they're ready to face their first combat.

Docking Platform, Kamino

We can see Hikari and his friends heading to the docking platform where the transport ships are ready to load up equipment, walkers, and troops before heading to Geonosis to support the Jedi rescue team and fight against the droid army. Konohana Sakura is waiting at one of the transport ship watching the clone army loading up to the ships until she notice Hikari and the others before they salute to her.

Hikari: "Madam; we're ready for orders."

Sakura: "You must be the team that I was assign to. Konohana Sakura; I hope we get along well."

She salute to the clone troopers before heading inside the transport ship.

Time Skip
Acclamator, Hyperspace

The transport ships have finish loading up the clone troopers and heading to Geonosis; however we head to the meeting room where Sakura informing her team about their objective of the mission.

Sakura: "Our mission is to destroy a droid factory in Geonosis and gather information while we destroy it."

Boomer(happy): "FINALLY! Something to blow up."

Hikari: "Relax Boomer."

Sakura: "Since we're going to the droid factory; it's possible to face heavy security details once we're inside, but most of them will be focus on the battle outside which gives us an edge. Once we destroy the factory; our LAAT will extract us from the other side of the factory. Our pilot is Diego and will provide air support if possible."

Diego arrive at the meeting room wearing his standard pilot armor reporting that the gunship is ready and able once they arrive at Geonosis.

Diego: "General; the LAAT is ready and prep."

Sakura: "Good. I know that my young and don't have experience in combat, but if we work together as a team than the chance of winning this fight is in our favor. We watch each other's back and follow the orders that was given than things will go smoothly even if things go wrong. We're going to the hornet's nest. Everyone get ready and May the Force with with you."

The meeting is over and Sakura is heading to the bridge of the transport ship while Deadshot question about Sakura's ability to command.

Deadshot: "You think the girl is up to the  challenge? She's too young to lead an army or less then a team."

Hikari: "Ever way Deadshot; she is our commanding officer and we follow her orders to the letter. We must put our faith on her abilities."

Deadshot(sigh): "I hope you're right Commander."

Everyone heads out of the meeting room and prepping for their first mission of the Clone Wars.

Time Skip
Bridge, Acclamator

We head to the bridge of the Acclamator transport ship and see Sakura staring at the hyperspace lights, but she feel nervous because this is the first time that she command a team.

Sakura(thought): "This isn't how my life would be. I thought that I'm working to have peace, but instead leading a team to face a battle. That's not how a Jedi operates."

She's thinking about her life as a Jedi change, but her thought stop when Commander Hikari arrive to inform her that everything is ready.

Hikari: "Everything is ready General."

Sakura: "Thank you Commander."

She say that after the ship have exit hyperspace and have the view of Geonosis in their sight. The Clone Wars has begun.

To be Continued....

Chapter 3: Clones Under Fire  

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now