Chapter 17: Shadows of the Senate

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Senate Building, Coruscant

The Sakura Division has enter the office of the Senate Building and they can hear shots fire inside the building which means there's conflict going on outside of the office which Hikari order the others to remain on guard and open the door to see a couple of dead Senate Guards and some explosion blast on the wall.

Boomer: "Looks like the wolf-droids can self-destruct if it takes too much damage."

Hikari: "Be on the lookout."

Everyone nod and continue to explore the hallway of the Senate building until they make contact with a wounded Senate Guard laying on the wall. The Sakura Division approach the wounded Guard who he notice them.

Guard(wound): "Glad you guys arrive....... There's too many of them; one of them was different."

Hikari: "What do you mean?"

Guard(wound): "The Darkness of it's metal plates and that glowing red eyes staring at you..... Be careful unlike us........"

The Guard pass out from his wounds and died.

Tanker: "Looks like there's a alpha wolf running around here."

Hikari: "That means that wolf-droid must be carrying the Rhydonium."

They continue moving forward until one of the wolf-droid explodes in front of the Senate Guard and killing him in the process. Hikari manage to take out one of the wolf-droid that is running toward him, but it was a while since the wolf-droid moves faster during their assault. Deadshot try to shoot one of the wolf-droid, but it's speed was too much for him which cause him to draw his pistol and try to stop it.

Deadshot: "Looks like my aiming will be useless with this guys. They're too fast for me."

They continue rushing through the building until they found a door that is block by debris and a pile of dead wolf-droids in front of it. Hikari stick his head in the door and see a blaster fire coming right at him which cause him to dodge it and shout out to the shooter.

Hikari: "Identify yourself."

???: "Are you from Coruscant Guard?"

Hikari: "We're from the Sakura Division."

Two figures pop out their heads from their cover to reveal Senator Organa and one of the Senate Guard. After they reveal themselves to each other; the Senate Guard remove the debris and exit the building.

Hikari: "Are you two alright?"

Organa: "Thank you; we got trap when that alpha wolf is attacking with it's pack, but the most worrying is what it was carrying."

Hikari: "That must be the Rhydonium."

Organa was shock to hear it.

Organa(shock): "Rhydonium? The situation is more dire than we thought. If we can't stop it than everyone including the surrounding area is at risk of getting killed by that thing."

Hikari: "That is why we're going to chase it and take it out."

Organa: "I saw that wolf-droid heading to the main Senate chamber."

Hikari: "Looks like it's going to set up the Rhydonium bomb. Thank you Senator; you better leave the building and head to secure location."

Organa agree to Hikari's advise and left with the Senate Guard for protection while the Sakura Division is heading to the main Senate Chamber where the alpha wolf-droid is located at, but they need to take to the Mid-Level to reach the Senate Chamber since the most doors are on lockdown when the wolf-droids attack the building.

Time Skip
Elevator, Senate Building

The Sakura Division reach the elevator where they can head to the Mid-Level of the building to reach the Senate Chamber. Boomer press the button while Tanker mock him of not blowing the button.

Tanker: "Surprise that button didn't blow up."

Boomer(angry): "Shut it Tanker."

The door open up to reveal a couple of wolf-droids inside the elevator which cause Boomer to shot them and they explode into million pieces including destroying the elevator before dropping to the ground level. Everyone stare at the destroyed elevator and staring at Boomer.

Boomer: "What? Wasn't my fault for having wolves in the elevator."

Tanker: "Boomer oh Boomer."

Hikari: "Looks like we need to find another way down to Mid-Level."

The Sakura Division is heading to the other side and see if there's another route to the Mid-Level while Boomer is getting complain by Tanker about that destroyed elevator.

Boomer(angry): "Not another word from your mouth."

Tanker: "You can't even see my mouth."

Boomer: "I can imagine it."

Time Skip
Staircase, Senate Building

They found the staircase that is cover in wolf-droids, but there are defense turrets guarding the staircase, but the problem is that the defense turrets are hack into and fire at the Sakura Divison.

Deadshot(shock): "Why is the defense turrets aiming at us?"

Hikari: "Ever someone hack those defense turrets are something must have happen at the control room."

The control room is located at the lower level of the building which is now secure by the Coruscant Guards which means someone is hacking them from the distance, but the question is who.

They shot the security turrets while making their way to the Mid-Level of the building and finally reach the Senate Chamber where they will encounter the main problem of this arc which is that alpha wolf-droid; however unknown to them that there is another player involved with this operation.

Time Skip
Senate Chamber, Senate Building

The Sakura Division has reached the Senate Chamber while dealing with the remaining wolf-droids that is patrolling the hallway of the building and encounter the alpha of the pack which is carrying Rhydonium on it's back, but they also notice the similar bounty hunter that attacked Senator Padme at her office.

Bounty Hunter: "Looks like troublesome clones to deal with."

Hikari: "Surrender now or we have to deal with you by force."

Bounty Hunter: "Sorry, but I got business attend to and I don't want to be anywhere near this building once this bomb blows up."

The bounty hunter activate his jet-pack and retreat out of the building while the alpha wolf-droid is ready for the attack.

Chapter 18: Sakura Divison vs Alpha Wolf  

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