Chapter 19: Retribution on Kasanari

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Shadowfang, CIS Fleet

After the Sakura Division's victory of saving the Senate Building at Corsucant from the CIS terrorist attack; we head to the flagship of our main bad guy named Fenrir on board of his ship of Shadowfang. His Commander Droid inform him that the Alpha Wolf isn't responding to the transmission from Shadowfang.

Commander Droid: "Sir; the Alpha Wolf and the pack that was deploy to Coruscant isn't responding to our transmission. We also not detecting the any explosion at the Republic Capital. I calculate that the pack has failed it's mission."

This anger Fenrir when his claws is clawing his chair and demand to learn the fate of his previous droids.

Fenrir(angry): Who did it?"

Commander Droid: "We believe it's the same people that destroyed the droid factory at Raxus Prime. It's under the command of General Sakura of Kasanari."

This draw attention to Fenrir and stand up to watch his entire fleet waiting for orders which he smirk and come with a plan.

Fenrir(smirk): "How about we pay Kasanari a visit should we?"

Commander Droid: "Roger roger; set course to Kasanari."

The droids respond to the Commander and set course to Kasanari the homeworld of Sakura while Fenrir sit down on his chair again.

Fenrir: "You took something from me General Sakura and now I'm taking what's yours. Commander;  is she a Jedi Master or some nuisance?"

Commander Droid: "According to the information that was providing us by Count Dooku; she is a Padawan and now Knight under the master of Juno. You want to deal with her?"

Fenrir: "Where is she now?"

The Commander Droid is looking at the Spies Information Database that was connected by Count Dooku himself and found where she is at which is at Kasanari where there's a festival going on and the planet is about to trading military equipment since the CIS forces are close to it's border.

Commander Droid: "She's at Kasanari as well."

This make Fenrir smirk because he's about to kill two birds with one stone while making their way to Kasanari System.

Time Skip
Kasanari, Kasanari System

We head to Kasanari where it has a beautiful cherry blossoms blooming across the great capital of Nippon and we can see Master Juno along with her clone troopers who is looking after some military equipment that was send by the Republic after Kasanari found out that the CIS forces are nearby their borders and request to be reinforce which the Republic approve of it. Juno and her clone troopers are inspecting the cargoes which is 100% good.

Red: "That's all the equipment General."

Juno: "Understood; unload the supplies and be ready to leave."

Red: "Yes General."

Juno was about to head out until she start to feel the dark side all the sudden which she is confuse of why she starts to feel it and she's got a bad feeling something is going to happen soon. Her flagship and her fleet is hovering over the planet to keep an eye on for any enemy fleet coming in. Juno was about to talk with the Chairman of Kasanari until she got a call from her flagship the Veranda.

Veranda(hologram): "General Juno; we detect a large formation of ships coming out of the hyperspace."

Juno: "Is the Republic or the CIS?"

Veranda(hologram): "It's the CIS. A large Providence dreadnought is leading the charge."

Juno sense a powerful force coming out from the Providence dreadnought and order the Veranda to be careful and wait until she arrives back.

Kasanari's Space

We can see a large formation of CIS fleet exiting hyperspace which is the Wolfpack leading by Admiral Fenrir  who wants revenge against General Sakura for destroying his droid factory at Raxus Prime and decide to teach her a lesson by invading her homeworld of Kasanari. A large formation of droid fighters have leave their mother ship while the Republic fleet leading by Veranda launch their fighters as well which now become a dogfight, but one of the Vulture Droid that is painted with red marks is taking out a lot of starfighters.

Pilot(shock): "What is that Vulture Droid?"

Pilot Commander: "That' the Red Baron. Everyone watch out for that Vulture Droid with red marks on it."

The fighters respond to the "Red Baron", but the situation becomes dire when the CIS fleet is over the Republic Fleet and open fire right at them with extreme firepower which destroys a couple of Accumulator-Class Transport and a couple of Venator's Class Star Destroyers. The CIS lost a couple of Munifcent-Class warships, but the worst has arrive when a 4 Lucrehulk- Class Battleships exit hyperspace and launch their fighters. The situation is getting worst and the Admiral of Veranda try to contact General Juno, but the flagship "Shadowfang" is disrupting their communication with jamming devices from the Providence escort ships. Shadowfang concentrate their firepower on Viranda.

Admiral(worry): "ALL SHIELDS FORWARD!"

However the Bombers took the situation and fire their torpedoes right where the shield is weaken and destroyed the hangers on the side.

Ensign: "Sir; we lost our hangers on the sides and we're taking too much damage."


Ensign: "WE CAN'T; WE'RE BOX IN!"

Admiral is shock to see the enemy fleet is all over them and that was the end for the Viranda when all CIS ships open fire at the flagship and destroying it while the gunships that is load up including the transport for the invasion.

Kasanari, Kasanari System

Juno and Commander Red saw a large formation of droid fighters hovering over the sky and destroyed any fighters that's on the ground including their air defenses before they have a chance to fight back while a large formation of transports are landing to the ground to unload the droids. The Battle of Kasanari has begun.

To be Continued....

Chapter 20: Call to Arms 

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