Operation Shadowfang

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Location: Shadowfang, Flagship of the WolfpackCaptain: Fenrir of Wolfernia

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Location: Shadowfang, Flagship of the Wolfpack
Captain: Fenrir of Wolfernia

1- Rescue Juno from the CIS
2- Defeat Fenrir
3- Destroy Shadowfang

This is a personal mission for General Sakura and Commander Hikari to rescue Master Juno from the grasp of Fenrir after he capture her during the Battle of Kasanari. Time is the limit before the Republic main fleet arrive to fight against Shadowfang after they finish fighting against the fleet on the other side of the planet. They expect no help from anyone until further notice. May the Force be with them... Always.

Chapter 26: Shadowfang Encounter

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now