Chapter 3: Clones Under Fire

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Acclamator, Geonosis

We can see the Acclamator and the fleet of transport ships heading to the planet of Geonosis and they notice a couple of rings that the Trade Federation Battleship or the Lucrehulk-Class use, but there's no sphere inside the ring which means the sphere is somewhere at the surface. Horst order the ship to enter the surface and prepare to unload the troops.

Horst: "Ensign; prepare to land on the surface."

Ensign: "Yes sir."

The fleet are heading to the surface of the planet, but first Sakura order her team to head for the hanger and be ready to deploy before the ship lands on the surface ground.

Sakura: "Hikari; get the men ready and meet me at the hanger."

Hikari: "Yes General."

Hikari left while Sakura is focus on the view of the planet before heading to the hanger.

Time Skip
Hanger, Acclamator

We head to the hanger of the acclamator and see Sakura talking with Diego about the capabilities of the LAAT which Diego explain to her that everything is set, but they need to worry about air defense that's near one of the droid factory.

Sakura: "So we can't reach the factory?"

Diego: "Not as long those AA guns become a issue and I can't extract you without dealing with those AAs."

Looks like the team needs to get to the droid factory on foot without getting shot down by the AA guns and make their way while fighting the defenders. They need to take out the AA guns before Diego can do a extraction. Hikari and his team is ready when they arrive with their weapons and equipment.

Hikari: "Ready General."

Sakura: "Let's go."

Time Skip

Everyone got on board the LAAT and the hanger open the door for them before they depart out of the transport ship. They exit the transport and see the large formation of transport ships preparing to land on the surface to unload the army to fight against the droid army.

Deadshot: "To be surprise that we ever see a sun."

Boomer: "Who cares. I'm glad that my first mission is blowing stuff up."

The LAAT gunship has separate from the main forces and heading to the destination droid factory that is away from the battlefield and see a large defense lines of droids including AA towers that is protecting the droid factory. The droids notice the LAAT heading their way and open fire with AA gun supports. Diego is doing everything in his power to keep the LAAT from getting shot at.

Diego: "General; we're expecting heavy fire from those towers."

Sakura: "Prepare for landing and leave ASAP once we're out."

Diego: "Yes General."

Diego prepare to land the LAAT to a safe location and unload the team before leaving the mission area so he doesn't get shot down. Sakura use her lightsaber to block enemy fire from approach Super Battle-Droids that is heading their direction. Tanker grab his mini-gun and blast his way against the droids, but things change when a AAT tank is heading their direction.

Hikari: "ENEMY TANK!"

The AAT tank open fire right at the team, but them manage to dodge it and Tanker fire his mini-gun right at the tank while the other ones keep the tank distract it which destroy the tank, but the fight isn't over when more droids is coming out of the factory. Things are getting worst for the team, but Sakura notice something at the distance which is a cave.


The clones follow the order and head to the cave while providing cover fire to each other so they can enter the cave.

Time Skip
Cave, Geonosis

The team manage to enter the cave, but the droids are continuing their pursue so they have a limit to come with a plan before the droids arrive with support.

Deadshot: "Any bright ideas?"

Boomer: "We got more armor coming toward us."

They can see more AAT tanks including Dwarve Spiders heading their direction including more battle-droids and they worry that Geonosisans will be coming out of the cave, but there was nothing here which is strange.

Hikari: "I thought there will be bugs here, but it's empty."

Sakura and Hikari decide to investigate the cave and found a hole that leads deeper into the cave which looks like a tunnel system. Sakura and Hikari decide to use the tunnel system and see if they can find their way out of the mess their in.


The troopers respond to his command and Sakura was the first person to enter the tunnel with her lightsaber to light the way while troopers are taking turn to jump into the tunnel while cover their rear. Once everyone has enter the tunnel; they decide to explore the tunnel and find the exit.... Hopefully.

Droid Factory, Geonosis

We head to the droid factory where are large amount of droids are  been produced for the war effort, but there is a certain officer called Cerberus who is watching over the production of droids.

Cerberus: "8,000 droids are finish produce and more 200,000 are under way."

Cerberus continue to watch over the production until one of the Geonosisans came out of the tunnel system behind his office and inform him that a Jedi and a couple of troops have infiltrate the tunnel system.

Cerberus: "Don't just stand there and bring the security to deal with them."

A couple of droidkas are rolling into the office and Cerberus order them to deal with the intruders.

Cerberus: "Deal with the intruders."

Droidkas roll into the tunnel systems along with the Geonosisans while Cerberus continue to watch over the droids, but a hologram came on to reveal Count Dooku which Cerberus bow to him.

Cerberus(bow): "Lord Dooku; what I can serve you?"

Count Dooku: "We're making a retreat; gather as much droids and meet us in CIS Space."

Cerberus: "As your wish; my lord."

Cerberus order all droids to prep into his flagship for departure, but is Sakura and the clones manage to reach the factory before the enemy makes a retreat, but they have to deal with the security details that is with them.

To be Continued...

Chapter 4: Unite and Conquer

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now