Chapter 29: Escape from Shadowfang

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We can see the warship been blowing up while Juno and Sakura is heading to the hanger where Hikari is getting the ship that they token from the bounty hunter while fighting against any remaining droids that is blocking their way, but the time is limit. They continue to make their way to the hanger. They able to reach the hanger within couple of minutes by using the elevator shaft and not using the elevator since it was destroyed during the attack. They use the lightsaber to slow down their fall so they don't kill themselves and reach the level where the hanger is at and continue fighting their way to the hanger. At the same time the Republic fleet are opening firing at the enemy flagship and destroyed the bridge. The two Jedi manage to reach the hanger while everything is on fire.

Sakura: "There's the ship."

They can see Hikari in the pilot seat until he start pointing at something which confuse them until they can hear a lightsaber from behind and pierce Juno in the stomach which cause Juno to collapse on the ground which shock Sakura when she notice it was Fenrir with blood coming from his face, but is able to stand with his broken legs. Fenrir is showing anger and grab Juno by the neck which Sakura use the Force to try to stop him, but he's too powerful to be effective against him.

Fenrir: "You got a lot to learn kid."

Fenrir break Juno's neck into pieces which shock Sakura which send anger to her and try to fight against Fenrir which he was able to block it with ease despite been serious wounded from his previous fight.

Fenrir: "Weak. You're too weak to fight me solo."

Fenrir was about to finish Sakura off, but was stop by blaster fire from Hikari who is using the ship to fight against Fenrir which order Sakura to leave ASAP due to the warship won't hold too long. Sakura is have a hard time, but decide to follow Hikari's direction while been chased by Fenrir who is using his 4 limbs to chase after her with speed which everyone is shock that Fenrir is able to run despite with broken legs.

Fenrir: "Pain is honorable to me. This is nothing."

Sakura continue making her way to the ship while Hikari is using the blaster turrets on the ship to hold off Fenrir, but his fur is able to protect him against the blasters.

Hikari(shock): "What is those furs made of?"

Hikari open the hatch doors to let Sakura in while Fenrir continue the chase and Hikari notice a couple of barrels laying on the ground which gives him an idea. Hikari aim his turrets at the barrels and open fire at it which cause explosion which cause Fenrir to been thrown into the fire which gives Hikari some time to escape. They manage to escape from the warship and the ship explodes into million pieces while Hikari is making his way to Crimson Blossom while Sakura is laying on the ground crying after she failed to protect her Master from Fenrir, but it was a major victory for the Republic despite a serious loss. The planet Kasanari is liberate from the CIS and the people saw the explosion from the sky of the enemy flagship at the capital which everyone cheer that their protector Nagato saved them from their own destruction.

Time Skip
Nippon, Kasanari

We head to the capital where the Republic forces are marching through the streets of Nippon with people cheering at them for saving them from the CIS, but the most important is the Nagato Festival where they honor the reincarnation of Nagato which is Sakura, but after the death of Juno; she wasn't the same person as before because she lost her village and her Master who rise her who she is now. She is staring at the window of seeing people of wishing to see the Lady Nagato once more until someone enter the room which is Commander Hikari who informs her that everyone is waiting for her.

Hikari: "Everyone is ready General."

Sakura: "Is this my future as a predecessor of Nagato and Juno? I feel like heavy stuffs is on me."

Sakura continue to stare at the window until Hikari salute to her.

Hikari: "General; I don't know what tradition that your people does, but you still got the 77th Legion behind you and waiting for your signal. If you face trouble; it's our job as clone troopers to support you at the frontline. We're soldiers after all."

This makes Sakura happy and hug Hikari which cause him off guard, but gives Sakura a hug as a return which makes Sakura blush. There was a moment of silence until it was time for them to head outside and face the music which everyone cheer at Sakura while Hikari is staring at her while doing his job before staring at the sky and worry what will happen if the war is over and the Clone Army won't be useful anymore. What's going to happen to him if the war ends? What is the fate of Sakura after the war? So many questions is in Hikari's mind, but right now he will continue support his general until the time has come, but unknown to both of them that fate can take a worst turn. Sakura give the speech and perform a Nagato dance to honor Nagato from her resting place.

To be Continued....


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