Chapter 21: Orbital Gambit

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Kasanari System

We can see the CIS fleet orbiting the planet of Kasanari and the flagship "Shadowfang" is on the further side of the planet away from the main fleet because it's going to transfer a special prisoner to Count Dooku as a war prize which is General Juno, but the Republic doesn't know that; however let's not carry ourselves and begin Operation Thunderclap. A large formation of Republic fleet has exit hyperspace and about to approach the enemy fleet which is 12 Venator-Class Star Destroyers and 20 Accumulator-Class Transport which they stay behind the Venator warships for protection from enemy fleet. It's a combine forces of the 501th Legion and the 77th Legion that is going to join in the operation. We head to the Crimson Blossom to check on General Sakura.

Crimson Blossom

We enter the bridge of Crimson Blossom where we can see General Sakura and Admiral Horst staring at the enemy fleet and Sakura's homeworld at the distance. Sakura try to sense her master's presence on the surface, but so far the dark side is too powerful and it's blocking her senses.

Sakura: "I can't detect my master's on the surface. The dark side is strong here all the sudden."

Horst: "Are you sure about that?"

Sakura: "Yes; it must be the leader of this fleet. We need to head for the surface to confirm it. Launch all fighters."

Horst order the crew to open the hanger and launch all fighters to attack the enemy fleet while the 501st Legion do the same thing. We can see Diego leading the fighter formation while the 501st pilot named Hawk is leading the charge.

Diego: "It's been a while Hawk. Ready for some fun."

Hawk: "You know me Diego; let's get the party started."

The fighters is heading to the enemy fleet which they launch their fighters, but there was no sign of the "Red Baron" within the group which means the Vulture Droid is with the flagship on the other side of the planet. There's a large dogfight going on while the Republic fleet is in range of the enemy fleet where they open fire at the fleet while the CIS does the same.


We head to the main flagship of the fleet where we can see Fenrir assess the situation on the surface of the planet until one of the droids inform him about the Republic forces attacking their main fleet on the other side of the planet.

Droid: "Sir; Republic forces have engage the fleet."

Fenrir: "Deploy the fighters from the surface and commence loading up POWs."

The droid response to his command and prepare the operation which cause the droid fighters that is on the surface to provide support for the fleet.

Time Skip
Crimson Blossom

We return to the Crimson Blossom where the Republic is taking heavy damage from bombers until the interceptors arrive to defend the fleet from the Bombers while the fleet engage the enemy ships. Two Venators was destroyed during the Battle, but the fight continues onward where General Skywalker decide to joined the fun while Sakura is preparing for the land invasion since the hole has been punch in the CIS fleet which is a golden opportunity.

Sakura: "Is everything is ready Commander Hikari?"

Hikari: "Yes General; the 501st also inform us that they're ready to deploy."

Sakura: "We better not keeping them waiting.'

The Republic Fleet open up their hangers to launch their forces with LAAT with troops and AT-TE Walkers before they're heading to the surface and once the enemy fleet is defeated; they can land the remaining forces to the surface.

Battle of Kasanari has begun.


We return to the CIS flagship and see Master Juno been carry by Magnaguard droids to the bridge where Fenrir will be enjoying his time of dealing with the master of the Jedi that is causing him problems by destroying his factory at Raxus Prime. The droids manage to drag the Jedi Master to the bridge and Fenrir approach her.

Fenrir: "So; you're the master of that pest that is causing me problems."

Juno: "Admiral Fenrir. From planet Wolfernia."

Fenrir: "You know me. This is an honor."

Juno: "Yea; a murderer."

Fenrir: "This is war Master Juno; people died in war, but it was you people that cause the war to begin with. If only you have listen to the people from the outskirts of your elites Senators than the war shouldn't have happen."

Juno: "Our job is to protect the Peace."

Fenrir(laugh): "Peace? Where were you when people have been oppress by the corruption of the Republic. When we ask to help; you people ignore us and once you arrive, you make things worst for the people. That is the reason the creation of the CIS. Is to fight against the corruption?"

Juno(angry): "YOU START THIS WAR!"

Fenrir(angry): "US! Was it the Republic that start the war? Geonosis was the victim of the oppression. NO ONE START THIS WAR UNTIL YOUR CLONE ARMY INVADE GEONOSIS AND ATTACK INNOCENT GEONOSISANS!"

Juno: "We're trying to stop a war to start."

Fenrir: "That's not we saw. Only thing we saw was a Republic commence oppression on the innocent. We don't want this war. Only thing we want is peace among ourselves and govern ourselves that benefit both of us, but you decide to destroyed it. Now you're paying the price and your Padawan will soon the mistakes she has made."

Fenrir is glaring at Juno with fear in her eyes. She isn't facing a Sith, but someone who has a grudge against the Republic for a long time and now finally going to have his revenge against the Republic and those who destroyed his life's work.

Fenrir: "Take her to her cell."

The droids drag the Jedi Master to her cells while the fight is taking place on the other side of the planet.

To be Continued...

Chapter 22: Uniting Front 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now