Chapter 25: Meeting of Hearts

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Kuno Village, Kasanari

How did Konohana Sakura and Master Juno both met? We're going back in time to see their relationship bloom. We return to Kuno Village before the war reached their beloved land where we can see Sakura as a young child playing around a cherry blossom with the other kids. Juno Village is one of the agriculture areas of Kasanari where they profit from farming and raising cattle which they been transfer to the capital to be sold on the market which majority of the profits heads to it's own project which is construction of tradition facilities for young generations and other projects which they promise to construct a shipyard orbiting the planet and have their own personal Navy without relaying on the Republic for protection. They also have their own personal military to protect against any invaders, but was abolish along with the Army of the Republic before the Clone Army. It was peaceful during Sakura's childhood, but the problem is the kids are having a hard time of becoming friends with Sakura due to powers of the Force which the kids are terrify, but to the older generation it was a gift because the founder of Kasanari was also a Force User and the Founding Mother of the capital of Nippon. The children of the village was afraid of her because of her powers, but later to adopt the situation with the help of the elders and their parents since they believe is the reincarnation of Nagato the Force User of Kasanari. Nagato was a Jedi that fought against the Sith during the Jedi-Sith War during the Fall of the Old Republic and after the war; she settle down to a couple of tribes and later form the nation of Kasanari and the capital of Nippon. The reason of settle down is because she sense the Jedi Council will be going down the wrong path in the future and the destruction of the Galactic Republic into an evil Empire. The Jedi Council during that time didn't believe her and so she decide to settle down into Kasanari and become the Founding Mother. No one knows her true named, but they decide to called her Nagato and when the older generations found out that Konohana Sakura is a Force User; they believe Nagato is reborn to this world. Sakura's life continue to be normal until a couple of Jedi from Courscant was send in to have Kasanari to joined the Galactic Republic which they agree and that's where Master Juno came in, but she was a Jedi Knight during this time period. Knight Juno was having a tour of one of the villages by Senator Kaga of Nippon about their agriculture policy which is golden during this time period. Kaga was talking to Juno's Master while Juno is observing Sakura from the distance and detect a powerful Force coming from her and talk about this to her Master who also sense this presence, but they must continue with the mission which cause Juno to approach Sakura who notice her.

Juno: "What's your name?"

Sakura(confuse): "Sakura?"

Juno(happy): "Sakura? That's a nice name My name is Juno and I'm a Jedi."

Sakura(happy): "A Jedi?"

Juno nod and that's how their relationship begins with a small talk until it reach to longer conversation which cause Juno to lost track of time when her Master arrive to scold her for not paying attention of the time which Juno apologize, but Sakura apologize to Juno's Master because she thinks it was her fault for causing Juno for losing the time which Master accept it. Juno also suggest having Sakura to come with them to the Jedi Temple and train her as a Jedi which her Master is thinking about it and send the same question to Sakura if rather or not that she joined the Jedi. Sakura happily accept the offer and they both return to Coruscant where Sakura can become a Jedi, but this cause problems for her in the future because once she returns from her trip from her training; everyone sees her as the reincarnation of Nagato and believe that she will able to bring a Golden Age for the people of Kasanari which Sakura don't know what to do and decide to live in Courscant for the rest of her training with Juno after Juno lost her Master during the Battle of Wolfernia when a rebellion has occur and the planet want to separate the system away from the Republic. Sakura wasn't there at the time because she was still in training at the Jedi Temple and Juno accept the offer of training Sakura the way of the Force.

Present, Kasanari System

We return to the present to see Sakura and Commander Hikari looking at the enemy flagship Shadowfang who is waiting for their arrival and Sakura can sense her Master inside the warship waiting to be rescue.

Sakura: "Wait for us Master. We're going to rescue you."

At the same time; Fenrir who is at the bridge staring at the bounty hunter ship, but know that he can smell a Jedi and a clone troopers inside that ship, but order the droids to not deploy the fighters, but use the fighters as an escort.

Fenrir: "I want to see her in person and make sure you arrest that clone troopers."

Droid Commander: "Are you sure sir?"

Fenrir nod and the Commander order the security droids to be ready for their new guests while Fenrir smirk at the ship before sitting down on his chair.

Fenrir: "I'm looking forward for this Konohana Sakura. You and the rest of your Jedi scum will fall down along with the Republic."

He say that while staring at a chip on his table and question the purpose of it after one of his droid forces recover a dead clone troopers from a certain battlefield

Fenrir: "What are you really up too Chancellor Palpatine?"

To be Continue

Operation: Shadowfang   

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