Chapter 12: Shadows of Raxus Prime

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Junkyard, Raxus Prime

We can see Hikari all by himself while Sakura is heavy wounded from the crash and now they're been hunt by the CIS, but he's continue onward to his objective since Sakura is safe from harm for the time being. He can see the droid factory at the far distance so he needs to hurry. A lot of fighters are hovering the skies while droid gunships unload more droids to patrol the route to the droid factory. Hikari needs to be stealthy if he needs to complete his mission and inform the fleet that he can request medical extraction for Sakura. He decide to walk through the rails alongside the debris in order to avoid the patrols that's underneath them which a couple of battle-droids and Dwarve Droids.

Hikari: "I better be careful otherwise they discover me."

He continue to follow the safest route that takes him to the droid factory, but he can hear whimper within the debris which was the similar droid that they found at Meton, but it looks like it was damage by a fallen debris and was left behind. Hikari approach the trapped wolf-droid which glares at him, but he decide to save the wolf-droid.

Hikari: "Don't worry; I get you out."

Hikari use his strength to lift the debris off the wolf-droid which the wolf manage to exit the debris before Hikari drop the debris and the wolf-droid wasn't hurt anymore, but it's battery is running low.

Hikari: "You need something to eat? I got this flashlight batteries, but I don't know if it's enough."

The wolf-droid grab and eat the batteries which charge it about 20% of it's life force. The wolf-droid was happy that it wasn't left alone in the junkyard and Hikari decide to keep on going, but looks like the wolf-droid want to come along since it was rescue by a clone trooper.

Hikari: "Are you sure you want to follow me? I'm going to inspect the droid factory where you're born from?"

The wolf-droid is confuse of Hikari was talking about, but the droid know that he wants to head for the droid factory so the wolf-droid ask Hikari to follow him by barking.

Hikari: "You want me to follow you? Sure, but no tricks."

Hikari follow the wolf-droid since he doesn't know where to go to get to the factory.

Time Skip
Pit, Raxus Prime

Hikari continue to follow the wolf-droid which takes them to the Pit where are a large base is hiding and of course the droid factory is right next to the Pit, but looks like something is happening within the lower level of the base which they notice a giant creature is holding up.

Hikari continue to follow the wolf-droid which takes them to the Pit where are a large base is hiding and of course the droid factory is right next to the Pit, but looks like something is happening within the lower level of the base which they not...

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Hikari: A Rancor. Why is the CIS holding a Rancor? I don't like this one bit."

Hikari head down to the base with the wolf-droid so they can reach the factory. They manage to reach the base within the Pit and there are a couple of patrols in the base; they probably remove some of them in order to hunt Hikari and Sakura, but didn't know that one of them manage to get close to the factory with the help of one of their own battle-droid. Hikari move building to building in order to hide from the patrols. The base has a couple of warehouse contains tanks and other vehicles like the Multi-Troop Transport and some Landing Craft ready to be deploy to the warzone. Hikari and the wolf-droid continue to move along the base until they reach to the wall where the factory is on the other side of the wall so Hikari need to figure things out of how to get to the other side of the wall until he notice a gate that's underneath them where the Rancor is holding up.

Hikari: "That tunnel probably leads to the factory, but why are they taking the Rancor into the tunnel."

Hikari decide to jump into the pit and follow what the tunnel will bring him. The wolf-droid didn't stay with him so he's solo, but he thank the wolf-droid for helping him, but the wolf-droid try it's best to not go in there.

Hikari: "What's wrong? Why don't you want me to enter this tunnel."

But before he would react the gate shut tight behind him which cause the separation of the wolf-droid and Hikari before the droids aim their blaster rifles at Hikari who decide to hide behind a couple of rocks that suitable to cover. The Droid Commander that was in the flagship is here.

Droid Commander: "I was wondering when you show up Clone. Where's your leader?"

Hikari: "I won't answer to CIS scum."

Droid Commander: "Than you're no longer useful to us, but you can be useful for him as his meal."

The droid activate the button to open a cage which has the Rancor inside of it. The droid shut down the door that leads to the exit of the pit and a couple of battle-droids enter the arena to provide support with the Rancor, but of course the creature attack them as well.

Droid Commander: Of course this is the ideal of surviving."

The droid commander left the room while Hikari open fire at the Rancor.

Medical Zone, Raxus Prime

We return to the Medical Zone where Sakura is laying on the ground after her leg was broken by the crash, but she can't stand around and have Hikari fighting against the droid army by himself, but she can't even move.

Sakura(pain): "I need to help him."

But before she rise up; she have a strange vision of her master getting killed by a giant wolf creature and another vision of her own men turn against her.

Sakura(confuse): "What was that?"

To be Continued....

Chapter 13: Shadows in the Pit

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Sakura DivisionWhere stories live. Discover now