Chapter 28: Fenrir vs Sakura and Juno

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We can see Sakura and Juno fighting against Fenrir while outside; we can see a dogfight between Republic fighters and CIS fighters while the Republic warships firing at Shadowfang without realizing that there are friendlies inside the warship and the worst part is that Shadowfang's defense is out. Juno use Force Heal to heal up Sakura from her previous fight against Fenrir while Fenrir is using his lightsaber to deflect against the other attacks. Juno and Fenrir clash against each other.

Fenrir: "Should have killed you when I have a change."

Juno: "You got it now do you."

Fenrir continue clashing against Juno while Sakura attack Fenrir from the back, but his fur was able to defend against her lightsaber while Fenrir laughs at her.

Fenrir: "You never learn do you?"

Fenrir kick Sakura in the stomach which send her flying and almost destroyed the window which will be bad if it was destroy. Juno continue to fight against Fenrir while Sakura use Force Throw to send her lightsaber toward Fenrir, but Fenrir was able to catch it and now he has two lightsaber to fight against Juno which Juno scold Sakura for making things harder for her.

Juno(angry): "Sakura! Don't make things harder for me."

Sakura(shock): "I'm sorry!"

Sakura is rushing toward Fenrir and use Force Pull to grab her lightsaber which Fenrir notice it and kick Sakura away again, but this time at the wall and almost crack the wall into nothing. Things aren't looking good for the two Jedi fighting against a lone warrior so Juno is going to do something that isn't a Jedi way which is bring the entire tower down. Juno use the Force Crush to bring down the tower which everyone notice the tower shaking which Fenrir is shock to see a Jedi to use a dark side.

Fenrir: "So you finally going to use the dark side. This makes things more the fun."

The ceiling starts to fall onto Fenrir while Sakura is heading toward Fenrir and try to use Force Push of debris against Fenrir which cause Fenrir to drop Sakura's lightsaber and Sakura use Force Pull to grab her lightsaber while the combine forces with Sakura and Juno's Force Push to send Fenrir toward the debris and Fenrir is cover in debris and looks like it was a victory for Sakura and Juno.

Sakura: "We won. He's tough."

The fight last about 3 hours with Juno and Sakura cover in bruises and wounds all over their body. Juno approach the pile of debris while the tower is about to collapse and the warship is going to blow up.

Juno: "We need to hurry and escape."

Sakura: "We got a ship waiting for us in the hanger."

Juno: "I know; I order Hikari to get the ship ready to launch."

The tower is about to collapse and so the two left the tower, but unknown to them is that Fenrir's hand came out of the debris.

To be Continued....

Chapter 29: Escape from Shadowfang

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