8. Surrender

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Season 7 x 12

"another day, the same bs" i sighed, throwing a chart of the admit desk.
"already?" abby cackled
"not already, i've been working for three hours"
i rolled my eyes
"it sounds like you need some sex" she smiled
"it sounds like i need to jump off this building, actually"
"why is it that every patient i get is either hitting on me or being a complete dick"
"luck of the draw" she whispered
"what luck?"
i waved my hand in the air, walking around the front of the desk.
"i work in this hell hole"
"i wouldn't talk to her today" i heard abby whisper to carter and luka as i walked further down the hallway.
"i heard you're full of sunshine and butterflies today" carter smiled
i shook my head.
"i'm better now"
"well, my day didn't start good either"
"and why's that?"
he leaned against the wall
"i saw my cousin chase"
he overdosed not long before carter got stabbed. he had brain damage.. and, wasn't doing good at all.
"it didn't go good"
"i'm sorry"
"he isn't doing well and doesn't want anything to do with me"
"i'm sorry" i nodded
"yeah, nothing anyone can help"
"it's not you're fault"
"kind of is" he whispered
"you were trying to help"
"yeah, i know"
"any news with weaver?"
"yeah, i have to restart my program and i can't administer narcotics"
"better than being fired" i grinned
"yeah" he sighed
"chlamydia is going around the nursing home" i smiled
"another patient?" abby laughed
"i got an old woman this time"
"keep her way from that direction" she said, pointing to her old patients
"it's crazy how these 80 year olds still get around" i laughed
"yeah, it's nice to know that there's more than shuffleboard in our future" carter grinned
"can't wait" i snickered

"hey, dr. greene, can you sign this?"
"haven't seen you in a couple hours"
i handed him the chart.
"got five patients" i smiled
"how much time to go?"
"six hours" i sighed
"you got this" he nodded, handing me back the chart.
"i sure hope i do" i frowned
i walked further down the hall
"can we discharge ms. hellkins now?" i asked luka.
"sure" he nodded
"drip is done?"
"yes it is" i nodded
he signed off on the chart.
"thank you, dr. kovac" i smiled
"no problem" he nodded.
just as i thought my life couldn't get any worse, some basement had to catch on fire.
"i think i hate my life"
"uh oh" malik said
"at least we're not in trauma today" i smiled
"thank god" he sighed
i wheeled in a young man who had a burn on his leg and a lac on his head.
"how're you feeling, jason?"
"alright" he nodded
"i'm gonna put some ointment on your burns now, okay?"

three hours and six patient later, my shift was over.
carter left to go see chase again.
it was only the night shift staff on now.
"have a good night, gianna" chuny smiled
"yeah, you too, chuny" i waved
thank god i'm out of this place.

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