21. Never Say Never

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Never Say Never
Season 8 x 04
September 2001:

i ran a hand through my hair, walking down the hallway of the ER.
"lukas still mad at me" abby laughed
"can't say i wouldn't be mad if someone broke into my apartment"
"i thought you talked to him" she added
"i mean, him and i are on good terms" i smiled
"i'm not the one who broke the fish tank"
i took a banana bag and hung it on my drink patients iv pole.
abby snickered off, further down the hall.
"you're gorgeous, nurse" the man said, he was drooling.
i let out a laugh
this man was blasted.
"sleep it off, okay?"
i tossed my iv needle and garbage in the trash and walked out of the room.
but, when i went back to the admit desk, i saw a familiar face.
"oh my god" i smiled,
she was talking with chuny and haleh.
susan lewis.
"hold on, i almost have it" she smiled, thinking
"gianna" she grinned
"i thought you got moved out of the ER?"
"i'm nurse manager now" i cackled
"it's so good to see you" i added
"i'm moving back to chicago" she shrugged
"i'll see you around, i guess"
"i hope so" she smiled
that was one person i didn't expect to see.
god, i remember her way back.
she'd always made funny jokes to cheer you up, and she was another one of those people that made you feel good about yourself. it's funny, i didn't expect her to remember me.
later, i was walking down the hallway with carter.
"you're not going to northwestern" i smirked
"there's nothing for me here anymore"
i gave him side eye.
"that's not what i meant" he smiled
"county is getting boring"
"what, you don't hate lancing all those boils and cleaning up all the drunk people?" i gasped
he shook his head "maybe i don't"
"just think things through some more"
i looked at him.
"you never know what will eventually come your way"
"i think northwestern might be the sign" he teased
i shot him a scowl.
"it's just a pinch sweetie" i said, holding a boy down.
he had a lac on his scalp.
"this is gonna help your head feel better" luka added, getting the needle ready.
"i'll get you mcdonald's if you're good" the mom said
"i want toys r us" he screamed
"mcdonald's" the mother insisted
she gave him a dirty look "i'll tell dad you were climbing on his boat"
"and i'll tell dad you were playing with the neighbours willy" the kid yelled, jumping off the bed. his mom chased after him, down the hallway.
i couldn't help but let out a laugh.
"he's gonna get to go to toys r us" luka chuckled
"yeah, i think he will" i smiled, shaking my head.

i was starting an iv when mark came behind me.
"heard about susan?"
"shes back in chicago" i smiled, nodding
mark nodded his head
"i think i'm gonna offer her an attending position"
my eyes went wide
"she's looking for work and we need another doctor" he shrugged
"i think it's a great idea" i smiled
"she knows the staff and all"
"i gotta talk to weaver about it" he nodded
"yeah, good luck with that?"
"you're not optimistic about that?"
"no, it's just that-"
"it's weaver" i smiled
"well, i'll let you know how it goes"
"yeah, please do"
"and i'm off" i smiled, taking off my gloves.
i was practically half asleep in my kitchen, i was talking to my dad on the phone while sipping on a cocktail.
"yeah, i can come over for dinner on sunday"
"at seven"
"that works?"
"well as long as you don't chow down so fast"
"i'm kidding pa" i laughed
then, carter walked in the door, that confused me.
i stood up straight, setting down my drink.
he looked eager to talk to me.
"okay, no"
"yeah, i'll be there on sunday" i smiled
"love you too, dad"
i hung up the phone.
"sorry, john" i smiled
he didn't usually appear in my apartment for no reason.
"what's up?"
i took another sip of my cocktail, as he walked closer to me.
he grinned at me.
"tell me" i smiled, confused.
"susans working at county"
i nodded my head
"chen quit"
"and i got offered chief resident"
"what?" i smiled
he nodded his head.
"that's amazing" i smiled
"yeah, it's pretty neat"
"why don't you come over here and have some champagne?"
"sure" he shrugged
"so, i guess you maybe were right about some bigger thing coming my way"
"i guess i was" i smirked

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