70. Get Carter

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Get Carter
Season 10 x 13
January, 2004:

my car had been in the shop for an oil change so luka and i had to take the l to and from county.
"you look nervous" i frowned
luka was teaching med students today.
"i don't think they'll take me seriously"
"i've never taught before" he smiled
"you'll do great"
"i don't know" he sighed
to be honest, i'd never seen him this nervous before.
"want me to sit in?"
"no" he laughed
"why not"
"you'll embarrass me" he whispered
"why do you think that?"
"if i look at you, i'll get flustered"
i pressed my lips into his cheek
"you look really good in that suit, you know" i smirked.
"you're off?" i smiled as susan was walking down the ambulance bay.
"you don't look so good" luka added
"i'm pregnant" she sighed, shrugging her shoulders.
"oh my god" i smiled
"how long have you known?"
"i've known for a month but i guess i'm more pregnant than i thought" she laughed
"how far along?"
"five months"
"oh my god" i cackled
"congratulations" luka smiled
"yeah well, i gotta get out of this place before i puke again"
she began walking off.
"wow" i sighed, looking at luka in disbelief.

"gianna, can you lend me a hand over here?" neela shouted
"isn't that your pneumonia patient?"
"i'm sorry" she frowned, shaking her head.
"it's okay" i smiled
i stood at the admit desk and scribbled into a chart.
"you know what i'm tired of?" sam sighed
"what?" abby asked
"these doctors thinking they have holy hands"
"especially kovac" she scoffed
"sorry, gianna"
i shrugged my shoulders.
"those holy hands must be good for some things" chuny smirked
"gianna would know"
i shook my head, smiling.
"oh, i would"
sam let out a laugh.
"gianna, care to help me with a ongoing diaherra patient?" abby smiled
"of course"
i turned the corner to the stock shelves to get a saline bag.
"luka" i smiled
"how's it going?"
he let out a sigh, looking down.
"oh no" i frowned
"kem keeps asking questions" he whispered, pulling me closer to him.
"she embarrassed me"
i ran a hand through his hair
"i'm sorry"
he looked at his watch and kissed my lips.
"i better get back"
"you're doing great" i smiled, walking backwards, watching him go for the elevator.
i walked back over to the exam room.
"you're gonna feel a little poke in a minute, harry" i said, putting a pair of gloves on.

"gianna" kerry shouted
"since you're pregnant and not doing many traumas-"
"can you triage?"
"sure" i shrugged
"thanks" she smiled
"it's getting crazy out there"
"no problem" i nodded,
i began walking toward the triaging area
"and when are you due?"
"so we know when to get coverage for your maternity leave" kerry added
i sat down
"i'm due in july"
"perfect" she smiled
"still got a ways before we need more coverage"
i hurried over to the lounge and dug through the fridge. thankfully, nobody stole my lunch today. i brought my carton of yogurt back to the desk.
"why do you get to eat while i sit here and wait?" a patient said
"i'm carrying a child"
"growing one inside of me" i sighed
i started a new chart
"what brings you to the ER?"
i took a spoonful of yogurt
"i have this cut on my forehead"
i looked at it closer, it was pretty nasty.
"alright, come on in"
i pressed the button to the door and let him in.
"let's see"
i put on a pair of gloves
"ouch" the man shouted
"you won't need stitches"
"sit right there and i'll bandage you up"
i walked over to the drug lockup and got some saline and a bandage.
"okay" i said, putting a pair of gloves on.
i put the saline in the syringe and began irrigating the wound.
"god" he groaned
"i'm almost done"
i unraveled the bandage and stuck it on his forehead.
"all done" i smiled
"thanks" he groaned
"my pleasure" i said, rolling my eyes.
"chuny" i smiled
"gianna" she grinned
"do you mind taking a blood sample for me?"
"which patient?"
"ahh, sure" she smiled
"i'm gonna drop it off upstairs today"
"one vile should be enough, right?"
"yeah" i shrugged
"i think they're just testing my cbc and stuff"
"no problem"
"i'll be right back" she added
i sat on the gurney and waited as chuny came back with the iv kit.
"don't flinch, gianna" she joked
"is this gonna hurt nurse chuny?" i said, frowning.
"you know how many times i get that a day?" she laughed
"me too"
"it's ridiculous"
"all done" she smiled
"thank you chuny" i smiled, putting pressure on the vein.
"i'll be right back"
"i'm just sending his to ob"
"no problem" she nodded.
i took the vile and headed upstairs with it.
i stood outside in the ambulance bay and walked toward pratt.
"hard shift?"
"you could say that" he smiled
"you're still scared from that paralyzed patient, huh?"
he nodded his head
"i don't blame you"
"don't let it haunt you, greg"
"i don't know how i can't"
"you know you're not a bad doctor"
"these med students or residents i've seen through either here or other departments"
"a lot of them are bad" i laughed
"i mean, i don't even know why they'd think of choosing to persue medicine"
he smiled
i shook my head "i know a lot of people weren't sure of you at first"
"but you're a good doctor" i smiled
"you're also human"
"and sometimes things happen that we can't necessarily control"
"you can try in all your power to fix it but sometimes it goes haywire"
"i think in order to be a good doctor, you have to kill a few people"
"keep your head up" i sighed, heading for the door.
i turned around
"thank you"
"anytime" i nodded

just as i walked in the doors of the ER, i walked out.
"how'd it go?" i asked luka.
"i don't think i made an impression on any of them"
"my guess is the accent" he added
"i'm sure you did great"
"kem said it was great" i smiled
"i think she was just playing nice"
"i doubt that"
we headed for the l train.
"how're you feeling?"
"you look tired"
"you do, too" i yawned
sam came around us trying to get through the crowd.
"it's so busy" she smiled
"have a great night, sam" i waved
"you guys too" she smiled
we got into the train but there were no more seats. i stood and held onto lukas waist as we went off
"any symptoms lately?" he asked
"yeah" i smiled
"i can't get this one thing out of my head"
i squeezed him tighter

a/n: i didn't want to leave an authors note on this one, just because the end is so cute. however, i really wanted to thank you all for the abundance of votes and more reads lately. seriously, i cannot thank you enough. i've even seen new people read and vote for my last fic. it's been a year since i've actually written this fic, but it is a project i treasure greatly. literally this was my life a year ago and i had so much fun with it. now, i'm reliving it!!. at the same time, it's been a year.. i'm totally out of the swing of writing, and i'm trying so hard to continue writing new things for you all! it's difficult, but because every time i try to write something new, or start a new fic, i want to make it better and longer than the last (longer parts, less fillers), but your support and votes and reads only make it so much easier. i'm trying my hardest, and i hope to say that i will have another project coming out after this one, but for now, we'll see what the future holds. i love and thank you all, and i hope you enjoyed todays part. thank you, thank you!

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