75. Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke
Season 10 x 18
April, 2004:

i tossed the pillows that were under my belly toward the end of my bed. went into the bathroom and lotioned up my belly.
"shouldn't you be asleep" i yawned
luka was painting the nursery room. his insomnia was still pretty bad. all night he'd toss and turn, eventually sitting up and watching me sleep, or going and doing something, like painting a nursery.
"do you think yellow was a good choice?" he asked
"sure" i shrugged
"aren't you tired though?"
"i have all day to sleep" he shrugged
"it's not like i can anyways"
"yeah, sorry about that"
"it's not your fault"
"well, i better get ready for work" i sighed
"do you have to go in?"
"12 to 12" i shrugged
"lucky me" i groaned
one thing i didn't expect in pregnancy was how thicker my hair was. for gods sake i was having to shave a moustache off everyday.
my hair was still straightened from a couple days ago so i tied half of it up in a clip.
i stretched on a pink long sleeve along with my short sleeve scrubs.
next, were my compression socks.
"welcome back, gianna" sam smiled
"how're things?" i panted, walking down the hallway.
i rolled my eyes "great"
i went down the hallway and noticed susan attached to the baby monitor.
"need some help?" i asked, raising my eyebrows.
"i didn't know you were on today" she smiled
"until midnight"
"god, why?" she groaned
i adjusted her monitor
"who knows"
"braxton kicks?"
"god, i hope so"
"you're 35 weeks, huh?"
"want me to get down ob?"
"didn't you work as a labour nurse for awhile?"
"yeah" i nodded
"you're not contracting" i smiled, looking at the monitor.
"you'll probably be ordered on bed rest, though"
"call ob" she groaned
"let's get you to an exam room"
i wheeled over a wheelchair closer to her
"don't work until 35 weeks" she said
"i don't know if i have a choice" i smiled

the doctor left the room and, sure enough, i was right.
"5 week bed rest?" susan groaned
"i feel like i could use that right now" i laughed
"don't jinx yourself" she smiled
"you know?"
"our pregnancy's have really bonded us together"
"you think?" i smiled
"we're going through the same things together" she shrugged
"it's been fun"
"except i look like a hippo and you look so tiny"
"i feel like a hippo"
"you're a petite woman"
"you don't look like a hippo" she added
"i'm carrying so high, i feel like this baby is in my lungs" she laughed
"we're talking about hippos?" abby smiled, walking in the room.
"susan's on bedrest"
"maybe you'll pop soon" abby shrugged
"tell us something to cheer me up"
"i failed my board exams" she smiled
"gee, that didn't lighten any mood"
"what're you gonna do?" i asked, leaning against the wall.
"i'll just retake it" she shrugged
"that's what i'll have to do"
susan stood up and buttoned her top,
"it's not like you could study while pulling double shifts"
"i don't know how you do it" i sighed
"you did it before you were pregnant, gianna" abby smiled
"yeah and never again after this"
"i'm sorry, abby"
"and i'm sorry, susan"
"this day sucks so far" i sighed
"will a boil in exam one cheer you up?" abby asked
"neela will need to lance it"
"i'll get right on it" i said, running a hand through my hair.
"heard about weavers sandy?" chen whispered
"she died"
i raised my eyebrows "what?"
"roof collapsed on her" chen nodded
"oh my god" i groaned
"it's sad, really"
"that's why this place isn't lively"
"we can make it lively" she shrugged
"god, that's horrible" i scoffed
i began walking down the hall with her
"i'll be back mr. morrison" she shouted
"how's luka?"
"he was painting the nursery last i checked"
"that's sweet" she smiled
"is the 24/7 peeing or heartburn started?"
"yeah" i smiled
"luka has been having insomnia"
"i can't wait for mine to start"
she stopped walking
"you know, i told you that you and kovac were gonna be a great couple"
"you did" i smiled
"your kid is gonna be so gorgeous" she groaned
"thanks" i laughed
"with that cbc can we also get a chem 7?"
"right on it" i nodded
my hips hurt so bad and i had peed about a dozen times.
i walked into one of the trauma rooms.
"can i help you?" gallant smiled
"i walked in here but i forget why"
i stood next to him.
"pregnancy brain" he smiled
"that investigation went on?" i asked
he nodded his head.
"hard shift too, huh?"
"yeah, something like that"
"the lucky thing about this place is that there's always tomorrow" i smiled
"actually there won't be for me"
i looked at him, confused.
"i'm getting deployed to iraq"
i raised my eyebrows "oh my god"
"you're leaving tomorrow?"
"headed for the texas base in the morning" he nodded
"you're a really good doctor, michael"
"last year i was a little scared of some of those med students"
"you've grown into a through doctor, though"
"we can trust you around here"
"i definitely can't trust morris" i smiled
"seriously, you're wise" i nodded
"thank you, gianna" he smiled
"don't tell anyone else but you're probably my favourite nurse" he whispered
i smiled at him
"you stay safe, okay?"
he nodded
"i hope your delivery goes well"
"thank you" i smiled
"i hope i see you around" i added before walking out of the room.
god, bad news all around.
a half an hour later, it was just me and the night staff.
i sat at the admit desk, scribbling in my charts.
then, luka walked through the door.
a smile appeared on my face.
"how's my beautiful gianna?" he whispered, wrapping me in a hug.
"sore" i smiled
"i missed you"
"i missed you, too"
"how's the shift been?" he asked
"disappointing" i sighed
i sat back on my stool.
"susan was put on bedrest"
"gallants being deployed to iraq"
"and sandy, weavers wife, died today"
"yeah" i sighed
"she went home, they all did"
"i don't know, this place, the moods just down today"
"that's horrible"
"i know" i nodded
"we got some suturing to do in exam two" i shrugged
"i guess we better get on that"
"yeah" i shrugged, handing him the charts.

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