20. Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic

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Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic
Season 8 x 03
September 2001:

"stay still!" i whisper-shouted
"i'm trying" carter winced
abby came in the door and closed the blinds
"who are you hiding from?" i giggled
she turned around, confused
"sorry" she smiled
"giving carter a pedicure?"
"just trying to get this glass out of my foot" he groaned
"luka and i broke up" she shrugged
"sorry to hear that" i sighed, moving a lamp closer to carters foot.
"i'm trying to avoid him"
through the other door, haleh came in
"carter, we need you in here"
"okay, im coming" he sighed, shoving his shoe on.
"no socks?"
"sicko" i laughed, shoving the sock into my pocket.

"mr jarvis, can you stay still while take your blood?"
"i'm scared of needles"
"this is gonna be less scary if you just stay still and look away"
"i thought you were off?" mark asked
"i am" i groaned
"waiting to take the glass out of carters foot"
"i can do that"
"he refuses anyone but me" i sighed
"i see" he smiled, walking a chart down the hall,
"okay, mr jarvis" i smiled
"all done"
i walked it over to the admit desk.
"psst" carter whispered, he was sitting on a gurney.
"finally ready?" i smiled
i put a fresh pair of gloves on and grabbed the tweezers.
"ouch" he jumped
"want some lidocaine?" i smirked
"no" he said, rolling his eyes
"i have a proposition" abby smiled, coming around the gurney.
"and what would that be?" carter asked
"i broke lukas fish tank and i need to replace it"
"and i have the new one i just need some help getting it into his apartment"
"and i saw you are both off" she smiled
i rolled my eyes
"i'm not breaking into lukas apartment"
"it's not breaking in, i used to live there"
"used to" i giggled
"we'll think about it" carter smiled
i gave him a look, pulling the piece of glass out of his foot.
"shut up" i laughed
"hey, rachel, huh?" i asked the girl sitting at the admit desk
"that's me" she nodded
this was dr. greene's daughter
"you're visiting your dad?"
"something like that" she said, rolling her eyes
"more like escaping from my lunatic mother"
"alright rachel, that's enough" mark smiled, coming around the desk.
"hey, gianna, we're you there to witness weaver firing malucci?"
"no" i laughed
"not sure what's going on, but i want to get away from it"
"yeah, me too" i groaned
later, i threw on my leather jacket and found myself heading over to lukas apartment.
and there we arrived...
"i can't believe i'm doing this" i smiled
"at least your not carrying the fish tank" carter groaned
"wait a minute" abby said
"i don't have the keys" she smiled
"well christ, what are we gonna do now?"
"climb up the window"
we walked over to the side of the building, lukas window was right there.
i turned and looked around, making sure nobody was watching us.
"gianna, i'm gonna hop on carters back and your gonna climb up mine"
"this wasn't the day to wear low rise jeans" i groaned
"i don't know why you'd willingly change into those anyways" abby smirked
i hopped on both their backs and climbed up the ladder.
"the neighbours are probably watching"
i threw my leg over the edge
"no they're not" abby said
"is the window open?" carter groaned
i lifted the latch up.
"okay, hold on-"

while carter and abby were in the apartment, i waited down below for them.
just in case anyone asked questions. you know, so it didn't look like all of us were trying to break in.
that was going okay until the police showed up.
"ma'am, the neighbours reported a suspected burglary"
"you're under arrest"
i raised my eyebrows "i'm sorry?"
"you climbed up the ladder and broke into that apartment"
the police officers turned me around and put me in handcuffs.
"this is all really a misunderstanding" i smiled
"yeah, we'll see about that"
he leaned me against the police car.

i stayed like that for another ten minutes before carter and abby came down.
they weren't in cuffs, just shoved in the cop car.
"why am i the one in cuffs?"
"unlucky" carter smiled
he was on the phone, trying to get his lawyer here.
i rolled my eyes.
"what're you gonna tell luka?"
"i'm not gonna" abby laughed
"yeah, what if he presses charges?"carter asked
i shook my head "i don't think that's gonna happen"
a couple minutes after that, there he was.
"gianna, can you talk to him?" abby pleaded
"why not" i sighed
"we'll head home bound" carter smiled
i rolled my eyes "yeah, yeah"
"can you uncuff me officer?"
"weird way of replacing your boyfriends fish tank"
"not my boyfriend"
i ran a hand through my hair.
"i don't even know how she broke that fishtank"
"sorry for the misunderstanding ma'am"
"thanks for the fun" i smiled, sarcastically.
i walked toward luka, raising my eyebrows.
"i guess they left me to apologize" i shrugged
"i guess so" he smiled
"abby cracked your fish tank and she wanted to replace it without-"
i let out a laugh, because hearing what happened was really funny.
it was childish, i felt like i was in middle school again.
"you know, confronting you?" i smiled
"you went through my window?"
"she forgot the key" i laughed, he shook his head, smiling.
"i'm sorry about all of this"
"i was off anyways" he shrugged
"we'll i'm glad it wasn't that big of a disturbance, then"
i titled my head.
"and i guess, your fish are happy now"
he smiled "i guess so"
i shook my head "i'll see you tomorrow"
"have a good night, gianna"
i waved back to him and headed toward the l.
i guess i can check being arrested off my bucket list.
weirdly enough, i expected that to happen sooner in my life.

a/n: hi! i hope you enjoyed this part. it was one of my favourites to write. i think it's a really funny one. anyway, thank you for reading! i have a lot of work to do and i don't feel like doing any of  it. i can't believe we're already 20 parts in for this fic. let me know how you're liking it.
votes + comments are beyond appreciated.

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