31. Secrets and Lies

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Secrets and Lies
Season 8 x 16
March, 2002:

i woke up in an empty exam room to carter rubbing my back.
"how long was i out?" i mumbled
"i don't know" he shrugged
"god, i'm gonna get fired" i groaned, running my hand through my hair.
i got up and immediately clocked out. my night shift was over a long time ago.
"did you finish taking inventory?" malik asked
i rolled my eyes "dammit"
"i'll finish that before i go"
"abby's here, right?"
"yeah, they're in a trauma"

i walked over to the trauma room. the patient had just got sent off.
i took my clipboard and scribbled notes while digging through the cabinets.
"oh my god" susan wowed behind me
"what's that for?" abby said
i turned around to see susan, carter and abby gathered around a big black bag.
i shook my head, continuing to take stock.
then weaver came in.
"what the hell is going on here?"

i guess you could say i was put in time out.  carter, susan, luka and abby were being yelled at by weaver in the room next to gallant and i.
then, she came and talked to us.
"gianna, i'm disappointed in you"
"i'm not even on" i smiled
"i was taking inventory when they were fooling around"
"you didn't try to stop them, though"
"they're all adults, i shouldn't need to control them"
"go home" she said
i rolled my eyes.

a couple days later ————————————

"is this it?" abby asked
i nodded my head
i opened the door
"you two are late" carter smirked
"yeah, yeah" i groaned, taking my coat off.
i was kind of underdressed, the lecture hall we were in was kind of chilly and, i was only wearing a white henley shirt with a pink tank top underneath.
"it's not like anyone's here anyways" abby smiled
i leaned far back into my chair.

it was about a half hour later, still nobody there. no advisor, or whatever we were here for.
"how's living with gianna?" luka asked abby
"great" she shrugged
"she's like a mom"
"you feed me, do my chores for me, pick out my clothes"
"really?" susan asked, she looked surprised
"wife material"
"why hasn't carter married you yet?" she added
"she's mad at me" carter sighed
i rolled my eyes
"i don't want to get into this"
"why don't we?"
"i'm mad at you because lately it seems like you have better things to do than being with me"
"remember when you actually used to come over to my place?"
he shook his head
"anyways" susan sighed
"you know, im leaving" carter groaned, putting on his coat
"you can't just leave" gallant said
"why not, he's not showing anytime soon"
"we can get in even bigger trouble"
i laid my head down on the desk and tried to drown them all out...

"what does your dad do, gianna?"
i rubbed my eyes
"what does your dad do" gallant repeated
"i feel like we know nothing about you, gianna" susan smiled
"my dad is a chef at a hotel downtown"
"he coaches baseball in the summer too"
"really?" john said
i nodded
"my dads a painter"
"you know carter is loaded, right gianna?"
"i know he has money but i'm not a gold digger if that's what you think"
"no, i was just wondering if you know how much he's worth"
i shrugged "i don't think his wealth is any of my business"

hours later, still no professor.
"doctors are condescending"
"don't you agree?" abby asked
"i mean, yeah"
"you're all judgemental"
"guess what i went to college for" i smiled
"you have a degree?" carter giggled
"this is what i mean" abby scoffed
"science" i smiled
"why aren't you a doctor"
i shrugged
"you too, abby"
"three years of med school?"
"i make a difference in peoples lives"
"i see maybe a dozen max a day"
"what?" susan said
"how many do you see, gianna?" luka asked
"maybe twenty"
"i still feel like i make a difference in peoples lives thiugh"
"you reallt get to connect with the patients"
"you may not have all the answers but atleast you're there to comfort them"
"i've seen some of the most amazing things as a nurse"
"got it" carter shouted. he had been trying to pick a lock to a closet door for the past few minutes.
"hey, fencing gear"
"i fence" luka smiled
"god you're such weirdos" i smiled
"i'll be back"
"where are you going?" gallant asked
"gonna call my sister"
"you have siblings?" susan asked
"i'm one of five"

after talking to my sister for about an hour, i walked back in the room and sat down next to carter.
"what happened?" i asked
he was carving something in the desk.
"nevermind" he sighed
i wiped away some dripping blood from his face.
"gianna, when did you lose your virginity?"
"guys, stop" gallant groaned
"day before my 16th birthday"
"what was his name?" abby smiled
"he was 17"
"i was terrified"
"kept thinking my mom or dad would find out"
"juan and i ended up being a reoccurring thing until he graduated" i smirked
"wow" susan smiled
but then, a man opened the door.
i let out a sigh
"is this the sexual harassment group?"
sexual harassment group, how funny.
all throughout highschool i learned how to sleep without teachers knowing you were actually asleep. in other words, i had no idea what that professor said to us.
"anyone want a ride home, i brought my car" luka offered
"i'm on tonight" abby sighed
"i can drive you"
abby nodded her head.
"i'll try not to wake you" she smiled
"don't worry about it" i waved
"i gotta get home" susan sighed
"yeah, im on too"
"see you soon" i smiled
they all walked away and i turned to look at carter.
"so" i shrugged
"you tell me" he smirked
"we're fine john"
i let out a sigh, kissing his nose.

a/n: hey! this was one of my favorites to write. i hope you enjoyed! this means, more closer to things getting more exciting. i once again, apologize for the slow burn. on another note, i am going on vacation next week. i still hope to post both tuesday, thursday, and saturday, but my parts might be released much later in the day (late at night), or early in the morning. either way, i'm still excited for you to read what is coming!! xx

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