39. Chaos Theory (continued)

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Chaos Theory
Season 9 x 01
June, 2002:

barbados was just what i needed.
over a week in bikinis with cocktails in hand.
sounds like heaven, right?
i think it made susan and i bond, too. my back was completely burned, though. it hurt to put anything on.
somehow, i managed to put a tank top.
the two weeks in paradise wasn't enough though. the thought of stepping in that hell hole made me nauseous.
i didn't have much of a choice, though..
i took a box of carters stuff with me.

shoving carters stuff into my locker, chuny came in the lounge.
"gianna" she wowed
"you look great"
"thank you" i grinned
"i heard about carter and abby" she whispered
i rolled my eyes "yeah"
"he's missing out" she smirked
i went over to the admit desk, susan was there.
"we're so tan" she laughed
"i wish i could go back in time and have one more margarita" i sighed
"after about ten a day, i'm surprised i made it out of there" she cackled.
although, the smile disappeared off my face when i saw carter approach us.
"you're so tan, susan"
"i went to barbados with gianna" she nodded
"so that's why you didn't answer my messages"
"no, i definitely got them" i passive aggressively smiled.
susan let out a cackle.
i never thought working at this hospital could get worse,
until now.
"kerry" i shouted
"what's up?"
"my brothers upstairs in ob"
her eyes widened
"your in law is having a baby?"
i nodded my head
"go, we're alright down here" she smiled
"thank you" i sing songed, running up the stairs.
when i got up to ob, most of my family was already there.
"how is she?" i asked matteo
"just gave birth" he nodded
"ma and pa are going in there"
"bianca and tino couldn't make it"
"they're working"
cynthia's mom came out of the room.
"he's absolutely gorgeous" she smiled
"can't wait to meet him" i smiled.

about a half an hour later, it was my turn to see this baby.
"how're you doing cynthia?"
i planted a kiss on her forehead.
"it was so easy" she laughed, stroking her baby's head.
"i'm glad"
"gosh, he's precious"
"i love him already" she grinned
"you two picked out a name for this little guy yet?"
"angelo" gio smiled
"that's beautiful"
after spending half the day with my family up in ob, i unfortunately had to come back down to the ER.
"how's your nephew doing?" susan asked
"he's perfect"
"i have a management meeting in ten minutes" i sighed
"you better get going, then"
"i guess so" i groaned
"slow down here?"
"actually, yeah" she laughed
"that's good" i nodded
"good night, susan"
"night, gianna"
i walked out into the ambulance bay and around the corner.
that's when i saw carter walk toward the hospital.
"gianna?" his voice sounded, making me groan.
"can we talk?"
"what's there to talk about?" i sighed
"don't do that" he smiled
"i have somewhere to be"
"me and abby-"
"don't even make excuses for yourself"
"can you let me justify myself?" he asked
i shook my head.
"you know carter, ever since we had gotten together i always felt like everything was me doing something wrong"
"i felt like i could never do anything right or make anything work out" i shrugged
"when really it's been you!"
"all you did was take"
i paused
"i have nothing to give anymore"
i raised my eyebrows "and i feel so dumb for not seeing it sooner"
"because all this time you weren't in love with me"
"you didn't like me"
"you wanted abby" i scoffed
"and i don't know why it hurt so bad when you finally had her"
"but there it is again" i scoffed
"me feeling bad for your actions"
"me feeling like i did something wrong for this to happen"
i shook my head "it wasn't me, carter"
"and i don't owe you anything"
"i'm sorry, gianna" he shouted
"i don't accept your apology"

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