72. Blood Relations

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Blood Relations
Season 10 x 15
February, 2004:

i sat up in bed.
"what?" luka mumbled
i grabbed his hand and put it on my belly.
"the baby started kicking last night" i smiled
i lowered his hand
"do you feel that?"
"it's kicking" he smiled, his eyes still closed.
"we're having a baby together" i whispered
for once, it really felt real.
"yeah" he yawned
"i'll let you go back to sleep" i sighed

finally, i could keep food down. that's what you get for being 21 weeks pregnant. i was craving it like crazy.
for breakfast, i had two scrambled eggs, two mandarin oranges and a piece of toast. that's more than i've eaten in months.
luka drove me to work.
the radio played in the background, and he was singing along.
"you have a half shift, right?"
we stopped at a red light
"god i'm so hungry, i'm gonna go home and make dinner"
"you must be feeling better" he laughed
"i'm so happy, luka"
he looked over and giggled at me
"i'm glad your feeling good"
"i have so much energy" i smiled
"i know" he smirked
"my ass is huge"
"but my skin is so soft"
"and i just feel great"
"you look great" he smiled
"you think i'm crazy?"
"i'm glad you're in a good mood" he shrugged
"no more puking"
"great, you're here" malik smiled
"what do we have here?"
"strep throat" malik smiled
"alright" i sighed, sitting down
"you and lewis got compression socks already?"
"21 and 26 weeks" i shrugged
he walked away
"your temp is 101.2"
"is that bad?" the dad asked
"it's high"
"can you open your mouth and say ahh for me, sweetie?"
she did so
i took my light and shined it in her mouth.
"alright, it looks a little red"
"the doctor will want to take some cultures"
"when can she be seen?"
"probably a couple of hours"
"i can see what i can do though" i smiled
i handed them her paperwork
"you can fill these out in the meantime"
he nodded.
"abby, we have a stabbing victim coming" i shouted from down the hallway.
i put on a trauma gown and gloves, waiting out in the ambulance bay.
"how many?" she asked , following me w
it was later in the afternoon. my back was already beginning to hurt.
the paramedic opened the back of the ambulance and wheeled one out.
"i'll get the next" abby said
i helped wheel the first one in the hospital
"is this the stabbing victim?"
"how're you and the baby doing?"
"i'm hungry"
"baby is kicking already, though" i grinned
"wow" he smiled
we went into the trauma room.
"i got the o-neg up on the infuser"
malik took and set up the iv.
i dialled surgery down.
"surgery's coming?"
"i got the morphine in" i added
i took the scissors and cut off the man's shirt.
there was about a dozen abdominal wounds.
"is this a gang bang?" pratt said, gloving up
"seems more personal to me" carter shrugged
it sure did. nobody stabs someone dozens of times just for no good.

abby let out a sigh, leaning against the admit desk. i was filling in a chart.
"how're the stabbing victims?" she asked
"stable" i nodded
"you seem awfully happy to be working in a hospital" she laughed
"i feel great"
"i mean-"
"i'm having his baby" i wowed
"luka's baby?"
"you just realized that?" abby added, smiling
"no, but it seems so real now"
"i feel it kick"
"and whenever i look luka i just think, wow, i'm having his baby"
"i want whatever you're on"
"it won't last" susan sighed, sitting down in a chair.
i walked down the hallway and saw luka and weaver with her baby.
"so this is the handsome henry" i smiled
"he's gotta get some sleep with grandma"
"he's adorable" luka smiled
"thank you"
"i'll walk you out" she said to the older lady.
luka and i walked around to the admit desk.
"you're off at eight?"
he nodded his head
"can i get a back rub when you get home?"
"of course you can" he smiled
"i hardly see you two anymore" abby smiled
"i know that gianna is in the best of moods, though" she smirked
luka let out a laugh
"abby, your patients labs are back" chuny shouted
"and that's probably why" abby groaned
i wandered over to the waiting room after noticing the girl with strep was still here.
"are you alone?"
she nodded
"my dad said he'd be back"
"let's get you inside" i smiled, sticking out my hand.
she held it and followed me to an open curtain area.
"luka, could you help me?"
"what does she have?"
"sore throat, temp of 101.2"
"possible strep"
"alright" he smiled

"lab results are back"
"looking like strep"
i handed the paperwork over to luka.
"is her dad on the way?"
"he should be" he shrugged
"i can hang around until then"
"your shift is over"
"you should go home and eat"
"yeah but i can wait a little bit"
"okay" he smiled
he dug into his pocket and filled out a script for the little girl.
"i'll see you at home"
before walking off, he planted a kiss on my forehead.
i sat next to the patient on the gurney.
"where's my daddy?"
"your dad is on his way" i smiled
"are you feeling better?"
"a little"
"good" i smiled
i sat in the bathtub, soaking in the hot water.
i laid my head back on the tiled shower wall, closing my eyes.
suddenly, i heard the front door open.
i opened my eyes, turning my head toward the door.
"gianna?" i heard a voice say.
it was luka.
"yeah, i'm in the bathroom" i shouted
"i'll wait for you out here"
"no, come in" i said.
he did so, opening the door.
"sorry" he smiled
"don't be, i'm almost done"
"didnt think you'd be home so early"
"me either" he smiled, leaning against the door.
"so, those are your big plans for tonight?"
"yeah" i shrugged
be bent down against the tub, pressing his lips into mine.
i kissed him, giggling to myself.
"luka, you're gonna get wet"
"oh well" he whispered

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