68. Makemba

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Season 10 x 10
December, 2003:

i walked down the stairs of the ER.
i had just finished up with my second ob appointment. i couldn't believe i was already 11 weeks. for gods sake, it was already christmas eve. time felt like it was flying by.
"can i get a banana bag on drunk elf in curtain one?" morris asked
"it's only 4" i sighed
"happy hour isn't too far away" morris shrugged
"i'll be right there" i smiled, rummaging through the supply shelves. i grabbed the banana bag and the iv kit and headed over.
but when i got to the elf, he'd already puked all over the gurney.
"jesus christ morris, there's a basin right here" i scowled
"sorry" he shrugged,
i shoved the supplies in my pocket and bent down to find extra gowns and bedsheets under the gurney.
"oh my god, this is disgusting" morris said, walking away
"get back here!" i shouted
i scanned the chart quickly.
"mr. evans"
"change into this please"
i handed him the gown and as he got up off the gurney.
i tore the sheet off and closed the curtain.
"is the vomit smell gone?" morris asked
"if i can seem to handle this while pregnant, suck it up morris"
"you're not gonna get anywhere in this ER if you keep acting like this" i added
"is that a threat?"
"yes, if you keep this up with the nurses, i will make your life a living hell"
i opened the curtain back up and set down the new sheet.
i put my gloves on.
"this is just gonna be a poke" i sighed, inserting the iv into the man.
he mumbled something i couldn't hear, but i hooked him up to the bag.
"sleep it off santa's helper" i sighed
after bandaging five different lacs and cleaning up so much vomit. my day wasn't done, but i sure felt done. i couldn't wait for this next hour to go by.
"what are the symptoms of the day?" chuny smiled
malik stood beside her.
"well i'm dizzy"
"every little smell drives me up the wall"
"and i feel so bloated" i frowned
"i can see your little bump starting to show" chuny smiled
i pulled the ultrasound picture out of my pocket.
"oh my gosh" malik smiled
"wow" chuny said
"what is it?" luka asked
"it's your baby" i grinned
"you never showed me this" he smiled
"haven't seen you all day" i shrugged
"yeah, i heard you were yelling at morris earlier"
"i don't know how he made it into med school" i sighed, running my hand through my hair.
chuny and malik wandered off as luka wrapped me in a hug.
"you think carter got the packages yet?"
"you haven't called him in awhile"
"last time i checked, he was doing really well"
i raised an eyebrow
"with who?"
"some woman named kem"
"not gillian?"
"she's back in montreal, i guess"
"enough about him" i smiled
"yeah, i got a sick six year old in exam one for us"
"lucky us"

"hey, tyrone's saline drip is finished and his mom came awhile ago"
"ready for discharge?" i asked luka
our six year old patient, tyrone, had a case of the flu.
that and eating too many christmas cookies...
"yeah, i'll be there in a minute"
"okay" i smiled, walking back over to the exam room.
"is he ready to go?" the mom asked
"dr. kovac will be here in a minute to sign those discharge papers" i nodded
luka walked in the room and signed the chart off.
"you look better already, tyrone" he smiled
"i feel so dumb coming in here for the flu" the mom smiled.
"better to be safe than sorry" i smiled, shrugging my shoulders.
"thank you, guys" the mother waved
"merry christmas" luka waved.
luka held the door open for me.
"i have twenty minutes left if you want to wait for me"
"i got to drop in on my mom and say hi"
"no big dinner this year, huh?"
"a lot of my family are gone on vacation" i said, shaking my head.
"they just hosted a small little get together this year"
"wine, dessert"
i walked around to the admit desk
"did you ever get a hold of your dad?"
"yeah, told him about the baby"
"he's really happy" he smiled
"how's your brother?"
"he's good as always" he shrugged
"well that's good"
"i have two patients to discharge and we're out of here" he smiled, walking down the hall.
i bent down in the bottom drawer and pulled out the nursing schedule.
"merry christmas" abby smiled
"how've you been?"
"it's freezing out there" she laughed
"i'm scared to leave this place"
"that's a new one"
"is santa still puking out there?"
"oh, yeah"
"abby, you're late" weaver said
"sorry, it's snowy out there"
"here, i'm off" she added, handing her a pile of charts
"gianna, congratulations, i didn't get the memo until a couple of days ago"
"thank you" i smiled
i looked at abby who was rolling her eyes.
"merry christmas" i giggled, walking off into the lounge.
i knocked on my parents door.
my dad answered.
"come in you two" he smiled
"hi pa"
"your mother was just cleaning up"
i slid off my shoes and walked toward the living room.
i sat down on the couch next to luka and laid my head in his lap.
matteo was asleep in the corner of the room.
"i didn't really get you anything" i frowned
"we gave gifts for each other on our birthdays" he shrugged
i smiled looking up at his face.
"have you ever thought of us moving in with each other?"
"do you want to?"
my smile was now much bigger
"i would love that, luka"
he lifted up my head and planted a kiss on my lips.
"merry christmas"

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