29. A Simple Twist of Fate

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A Simple Twist of Fate
Season 8 x 14
Early February, 2002:

"gianna, you were supposed to wake me hours ago" susan said, shooting me a frowned look.
"i got busy" i said defensively.
in all honesty, i forgot.
i had been so tired myself.
except nurses, who are the foundation of hospitals, don't get that luxury.
"well, weavers making me stay on"
"i'm sorry" i yawned
i spread some cream cheese on a bagel and shoved it in my mouth.
"for gods sake gianna, don't eat the bagel" kerry shouted
"the pharmaceutical companies want our money"
"i've been working all night and haven't eaten a thing" i shrugged
"well, find something else"
"im the nurse manager and i don't take breaks anymore"
"don't eat it" she said, walking away.
of course i ate it anyways.
"i don't know what the hell she's talking about" frank said, chewing on a mouthful
"if it's here, why not eat it?"

it was later that morning, nurses were dropping like flies with food poisoning and i was probably the next victim.
"hey, mark" i smiled
"i heard ella is off the vent"
"she's doing great" he sighed
"i'm glad"
"take it easy, okay?"
"we're glad everything is getting better"
"thanks, gianna"
i thought the er had been pretty tame.
susan was really the only one who was stressed out since weaver had just gone away.
that hypocritical women... said not to eat the bagels and look at her now.
she's the one puking up.
"what are you doing?" my patient winced
"i'm irrigating your cut"
"it's just saline to wash it out"
"well, it hurts"
"i know"
i shot more saline out of the syringe.
"oh my god" i groaned
"i'll be right back"
i ran out of the suturing room as fast as i could.
"gianna please tell me you're not-" susan shouted
i puked in a garbage can before she could finish that sentence, though.
"sick" she whispered, walking away.
"where's abby?" i asked malik
"went to get some patient of hers"
"susan, i got the patient in the suturing room ready"
"lukas on his way" she sighed

as i puked in yet another trash can, i felt someone hold up my hair for me.
when i looked up, i saw luka.
"thanks" i sighed
"you should go home"
"i'm trying to"
i walked around the admit desk
"welcome back" i smiled
"not so welcome back" he smirked
"not you"
"this place is crazy"
"yeah" i sighed
"home sweet home" i sing songed, off to find abby.
i walked further down the hallway.
"i can't stop puking"
i ran a hand through my hair
"i'm almost feverish"
"and i need to go home"
she gave me a nod
"the bagels got you, too?"
"something like that"
"are you alright here?"
"yeah, i'll be fine"
"if you need me, call"
"get well soon, gianna"
"this place needs you" she laughed
"thank you, abby" i smiled
she walked off
"you're leaving me?" susan frowned
"i'm hurrying home before i regret it" i groaned
"eat some crackers"
"yeah, i will"

i had been gone home for an hour and a half. i took a hot shower, washed my hair and put on a pair of pyjamas.
the puking had died down, thankfully.
"hey, gio" i said, putting my phone to my ear.
"the baby started kicking" he said excitedly
"oh my god, that's great"
"how's cynthia doing?"
"she's good, finally has all those crazy cravings"
"that's good that the morning sickness has gone away"
"i know"
"how're you, g?"
"pretty bad actually" i laughed
"i have food poisoning"
"from what?"
"these damn bagels at work"
"i can't stop puking"
"oh god"
beep beep
"hold on gio, i got another call coming in"
"i'll get you back in a second"
"gianna, it's susan"
"what's up?"
"can you do me a favour?"
"depends on what it is"
"abby got assaulted"
i raised my eyebrows "what?"
"by her neighbour"
"i'm on for another while so can she stay the night with you?"
"of course"
"okay i'll send her over"
"you got the address right?"
"yeah, she's coming in a taxi"
"ok, i'll he waiting"
"thank you, gianna"

a half an hour later, i heard a knock on my door.
she looked rough. the whole side of her face was bruised and swollen.
"come in" i smiled, opening the door.
"sorry for scaring you" she laughed
i shook my head "you didn't"
i locked the door behind us
"what happened?"
"my neighbour was beating his wife for awhile now and i helped her out"
"tonight, he beat me in return" she shrugged
"guess that's what you get for being nice"
"fractured nose"
"mostly just bruised"
"looks worse than it is?"
she nodded her head
i looked up at her "i made a bed for you in the living room"
"if you want to change into a pair of pyjamas they're on the bed for you"
"make yourself at home" i smiled
"pot of soup on the counter"
"and the bathroom is down the hall"
"yell if you need anything" i smiled
"thank you, gianna"
"of course, abby"

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