45. Tell Me Where it Hurts

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Tell Me Where it Hurts
Season 9 x 07
November, 2002:

it was a couple days later...
i'd been workinng mostly nights and my sleep schedule was beyond normal, as per usual.
i couldn't get hardly a minute of sleep even if i tried. rumour has it that luka started working again and finished his suspension.
i hadn't heard from him except the flowers that laid next to my door on my birthday.
you know, i heard a lot about luka being a romantic guy and i never really thought it was true until that moment.
i took the l to work tonight. i felt odd leaving my car on the streets of chicago all night and day.
i made my way around the block until i heard luka's voice from behind me.
"got the flowers?"
i turned around
"should've come in" i shrugged
"figured you were sleeping or out some place"
"out with who?" i smirked
"family, a date maybe?"
i shook my head
"nobody i've seen is worth a date on my birthday"
"i should take offence to that"
"that's why you should've knocked on the door"
"i would've let you in" i smiled
i stopped walking and looked up at him.
"well, happy belated birthday" he smiled
for some reason, in this light, he looked especially good looking. a little smirk appeared on his face and the lights from the street made the blueish green in his eyes sparkle. a thin layer of stubble covered his chin and upper lip.
he tilted his head and looked at me. i guess i'd been staring at him a little longer than i thought.
"thank you" i smirked
i stood on my tip toes and planted a kiss on his lips.
i smelt alcohol on his breath.
"hard shift, huh?
he nodded
"i had this kid come in who needed eye surgeon"
"called the optometrist a dozen times"
he waved his hand in the air
"he was playing golf and didn't want to help"
we continued walking toward the hospital.
"if you weren't on tonight i'd offer you to come over or something" he shrugged
"i get off tomorrow night"
"i guess i'll see you then"
"goodnight, luka" i smiled
"goodnight, gianna" he winked, getting into his black dodge viper.

as i walked into the ambulance bay, susan walked out.
"i saw you waking around with luka" she smiled
"have you two gotten close?"
"i guess so" i smiled
"more than a kiss, huh?"
i guiltily nodded.
"yeah, definitely more than a kiss"
she let out a laugh.
"bad shift for everyone? you look exhausted" i laughed
"i keep killing people" she frowned
"god, wish me luck" i scoffed
"you'll be fine"
"i have bad luck today"
a yawn came out of her mouth "i'll see you later"
"yeah, have a good night, susan"

a/n: sorry for the short part! this was and is my favourite part in the whole fic. i was so happy after writing it and i reread it all the time. i hope you enjoyed. it was just a cutesy filler part. i'll see you when i post next, though! also, i think i'm gonna change my posting days to monday, wednesday, friday!! so, see you then.

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