50. A Saint in the City

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A Saint in the City
Season 9 x 12
January, 2003:

"alright, bye giovanni" luka smiled
"tell cynthia and the baby i say hi"
"nice to see you two" he waved, closing my door.
"i gotta get ready for work" luka sighed.
"i'll miss you" i frowned
"you're on at 10, right?"
"we'll see each other then" he shrugged
"i'm on a double anyways"
"you need to shower?" he added
"yeah" i smiled
he motioned me toward him.

luka was rinsing my hair in the shower.
"your youngest brother is matteo, right?"
"im still close with him"
"close with all my siblings"
"i like your big family"
i smiled
"one day i can take you to croatia"
i turned to look at him and the water from the shower hit my back.
"i'd love that" i smiled

life had been slightly happier than before. luka was less depressed and i could tell my family made him happy. it was almost like he was his normal self again.
while he was at work, i cleaned my bathroom and mopped my kitchen floor. my apartment was finally feeling clean again.
i put on my scrub pants and a long sleeve white shirt. then, i slid on my shoes and threw on my coat. i looked at my watch. i honestly couldn't believe that 10:00 came so soon.
night shifts were usually my favourite since they were less busy than the day. however, i had a feeling this tuesday night was going to be busy. for some reason, i felt well rested too. probably because i spent most of the day sleeping in my bed with luka.
i threw my coat in my locker and made my way to the admit desk.
"is it busy tonight?" i asked malik
"you bet"
"that wasn't the answer i was looking for" i frowned
"where's luka?" i added
"trauma one i think"

when i got into the room, it looked like luka was praying over a patient. she was attached to a ventilator.
i stood behind him and wrapped him in a hug.
"you okay?"
"one of those days"
"wanna talk about it?"
"you try to do the right thing for one person but it's unethical to another"
i put my hand on his cheek.
"you can't impress everyone, i guess"
"i'm happy to see you"
"i am too, luka"

a/n: hey! i'm so sorry i didn't get around to posting last night.. i was busy and just wasn't feeling it. i hope you'll forgive me! i needed to touch up this part, which i didn't end up doing sadly. i hope you enjoy either way, and know that tomorrow i will post the next part as per usual. i didn't remember much happening to kovac in this episode anyway. just remember the guest appearance of aaron paul, or jesse for all the breaking bad fans out there. doug (his character in this episode) was pretty cool, i thought. anyways.. have a good day!

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