74. The Student

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The Student
Season 10 x 17
March, 2004:

i rolled out of bed and tiptoed into the living room.
it was five thirty in the morning.
luka wasn't sleeping as well these past few weeks, either. i guess he work up early this morning and started building the crib. i heard him mumble something in croatian.
"what're you doing?" i smiled
i rubbed lotion on my bare belly.
god, my skin felt so tight lately.
"it's not finished yet" he smiled, turning to look at me.
"looks like it's coming together" i shrugged
i squatted down behind him and wrapped him in a hug.
"how's your insomnia?"
"i'm tired" he whispered
"want something to eat?"
"i can't, i have that glucose test this morning" i sighed
"i can't believe you're already 26 weeks" he smiled
"i know"
"aren't you cold or something?" he laughed
i was only wearing a bra and pyjama pants.
"you tell me"
he was shirtless sitting on the floor
"i need to shower and get ready for today" i yawned
"what about this crib?"
"i'll get my dad to come over and finish it or something" i shrugged
"we have time to worry about it" i added
"god, it's finally tolerable outside" i smiled
instead of it being snowy and freezing out, the sun was shining. i didn't even need a winter coat.
"spring is coming" luka smiled
i walked into the ER.
"i have a meeting to attend"
"we're deciding placements for the med students"
"fun" i groaned
"let me know how it goes"
"i will"
"i hope your test doesn't taste too bad" he grinned
"god, me either"
i handed my coat and bag over to him, then i went around to the admit desk.
"thought you weren't on until 9:30?" abby asked
i rolled my eyes "i have that glucose test"
"good luck" she cackled
"god, i'm starving"
"when's the appointment?"
"15 minutes"
"guess you're stuck down here until then"
"i'd rather be than go up there"
"hey, maybe it won't be so bad" she shrugged

"gianna, watch out for this one" susan said, rolling her eyes
"oh my way out"
she was dragging along a bleeding man, chuck followed close behind.
"can i touch your belly?"
"jesus christ" i scoffed, heading for the elevator.
"sorry" susan frowned
i made my way upstairs in the elevator.
"gianna" the receptionist smiled
"hi" i waved
"room 3"
"thank you"
i sat on the chair and rolled my sleeve up.
"i'm sure you know what to do" the nurse smiled
"go ahead and take my blood" i smiled
i stuck out my arm straight. she gloved up and began filling the vile with blood.
"alright, drink up" she smiled
"i'll get some magazines or something for you"
"thanks" i smiled
i unscrewed the cap of the drink and began chugging it.
it tasted pretty awful, but you gotta do what you gotta do, i guess. besides, the last thing i would want is gestational diabetes.
after two hours of reading magazines, drinking that sugary drink and taking blood, i was done. gestational diabetes free.
i made a beeline to the lounge for some food.
"how did your test go?" abby smiled
"i'm all clear" i smiled
"starving though"
"i can see"
not only that, but i was so thirsty too.
i took a bite of an apple.
"how're things down here?"
"oh, same old"
"don't go into exam two"
"three pervs"
"the one will want to touch your belly and the other likes to flash ladies"
i rolled my eyes "the pregnant crazy one already asked to touch me"
"i better get out there, though"
"take your time" abby smiled
"you need to eat" she added
after she left, i dug through the cabinets to look for some more food, something more substantial. eventually, i found a semi-stale bagel, but it did the job.

"gianna, can i get some packing for this woman's nose over here?" gallant asked from the curtain area.
"sure thing" i nodded, running off to the stock shelves
i got the cotton and two pairs of gloves, heading back to the patient.
"bloody nose?"
"yes" gallant nodded
"what happened?" i asked, putting my gloves on.
"hit it on my car door" the woman said
"that'll do it"
"well, it's not broken" gallant smiled
"that's good" she sighed
i finished gloving up and handed him the nose packing device.
he took tweezers and packed it in her nose.
"what're you doing?"
"he's packing your nose so it applies some pressure inside"
"it should slow some of your bleeding"
"your nose will eventually clot and it'll stop"
"we'll keep you here though for some observation"
"this is like a tampon for your nose?"
"kind of"
"it's specially made for these kinds of things"
"i must look so dumb"
"we can close this curtain for you" gallant smiled
i scribbled into the chart
"you want her on some saline too?"
"yeah, she's a little dehydrated from the blood loss"
"i'll be right back, jenn" i smiled
i closed the curtain before heading around the admit desk.
luka was typing something into the computer when i wrapped my arms around his torso.
"how was your test?" he asked
"i don't have gestational diabetes"
"that's good"
"i hope you weren't too bored"
"oh, i was"
i looked up to see frank standing near the elevators
"frank" i smiled
luka, carter and i walked over to him.
"how're you doing?"
"not too bad actually"
"where's pratt?"
"he's not on today" i said
"when you see him, tell him i owe him a beer"
"you know, i miss you guys down here" he smiled
i was really confused. this wasn't the frank i was used to.
he was being, well, nice.
"now where's my pay check, jerry?" he added, walking toward the admit desk.
"i was keeping it safe for you"
"in your wallet?"
that's the frank i remember.
jerry handed him his check, and luka followed me off to the drug lockup.
"did you eat something" he asked as i grabbed my IV kit.
"yes i did" i nodded
"well, i got to get over to my crazy patient"
"the one that flashes everyone?" i smirked
"yeah" he said, rolling his eyes.
i sat at the admit desk.
thank god i was almost off. my feet felt like they were going to explode if i stood any longer.
"your migraine patient in curtain three is mad at you" carter smiled
"he says every time he looks at you, you're eating"
i swallowed a bite of food.
"well, why don't you go in there and ask him if he wants to try and be six months pregnant"
"he'd be hungry too"
"i don't know" he shrugged
"isn't all that acid giving you heartburn?"
i was on my third orange today
"kind of"
"but what doesn't cause me heartburn?"
"dr. carter, meet me in the suture room" weaver shouted
"uh oh" i frowned
"wish me luck" he sighed
neela gave a patient demerol which caused him to have a reaction.
weaver was definitely not happy.

i threw on my coat and swung my bag over my shoulder. luka was off earlier, so he waited for me outside.
i walked toward the car, he was standing in front of it in his fishing gear on.
him, gio and tino were all going ice fishing tomorrow.
i don't even think luka knows what he's getting himself into.
i just stood in front of him and smiled.
"what?" he laughed
i stepped toward him.
"i love you" i grinned, shaking my head.
back home i tied on a pair of grey sweatpants and wore a black long sleeve shirt. luka and my brothers had left for fishing.
i was at home with my dad.
we had dinner and he was now finishing up the crib.
"do you have a nursery?" he asked
"upstairs" i nodded
"you got enough clothes?"
he screwed the front in.
"between gianluca, gio and auntie, yes"
"perks of having a big family" he laughed
"i know"
"your belly is getting big"
"i know, i hardly see you anymore"
"we both have busy lives"
"how's nona?"
"she's good" he nodded
"she's happy for you"
"you're with a handsome doctor"
"i'm happy for my little princess too" he smiled
"thanks dad"
"this is finished" he grinned
"wanna get home?"
"cynthia, baby angelo and natalia are there"
"and bianca said something about cutting your bangs?"
"yeah, i'll come with you" i smiled
"have you met that trey guy?"
"no, have you?"
"no but bianca thinks he's the one"
"said that for the last one, too"
"sometimes your sister is delusional" he said, rolling his eyes.
"i know pa" i laughed

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