18. Four Corners

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Four Corners
Season 8 x 01
(approx) June 2001:

"i love your hair g" chuny smiled
"i love yours" i exclaimed
for the past few weeks i'd felt so bored.
my dark roots were really showing so i got my highlights refreshed.
on the other hand, carter and i haven't really been on civil terms yet.
abby couldn't keep herself away from him.
it's not like he tried to communicate or come over to my apartment, either.
i changed a few saline bags and gave more pain medication to a migraine patient.
"nurse" a girl called out
i turned around.
"can i do anything for you sweetie?" i smiled
i scanned her chart. we were waiting to admit her.
"can you call dr. carter?" she asked
"sure" i smiled
"i already did" abby sighed
"i can try again" i shrugged
"thank you, nurse" she smiled
i nodded my head, making my way to the phone.
i leaned against the wall, dialling the phone.
i held it up to my ear and waited.
"i'm sorry to bother carter, but your colitis patient is begging to see you"
"yes it is" i sighed
"no she hasn't yet"
"i don't know abby is working on the case"
"he's on his way" i told the girl
"thank you" she smiled
"is there anything else i can get you?"
she shook her head "i don't think so"
the rest of that morning consisted of lots of irrigating. i guess a tv show brawl went on earlier.
i didn't even want to know..
i turned my head to see carter in a black suit.
he was walking toward the admit.
"where are you off to?" i asked him
"my grandfathers funeral"
"i'm sorry" i said, raising my eyebrows
"if i would've know i wouldn't of called"
"we haven't been speaking much, have we?" he smiled
"i guess not" i shrugged
"we can always talk later"
"i have over 200 people waiting for me back home"
i nodded my head "right"
"well, give your family my condolences"
"yeah" he nodded

"hey, you going to that m&m?" i aksed mark, who was heading for the elevator.
"yeah" he sighed
"i hope it goes well"
"you did the right thing" i added
"thanks, gianna"
i tossed a chart on the admit desk, picking up the ringing phone.
"excuse me?"
"sorry, can i get a name for that?"
"gianna, we need you over here" abby shouted
i held the phone to my chest
"hold on"

the er had finally cooled down.
earlier, a girl jumped out of the window and unfortunately died. that had a bunch of blowback..
now all that was left was a bunch of boring cases.
i walked past the trauma rooms to overhear abby and luka talking.
"carter has a girlfriend"
"why are you doing this?" he added
"they've been on a break for weeks" abby scoffed
i rolled my eyes
"do whatever you want abby" luka said before walking away.
i guess abby was now crashing the carter funeral.
i walked further down the hallway.
"hey, do you know if films have come back on my back fall guy?" luka asked, making me turn around.
"i don't think so"
"chuny should be checking for her patients soon though, so it won't be long"
"alright, thanks"
"hey, you want 5 of tylenol for your guy in exam one?"
"that should work" he nodded
after my shift was over i headed home.
i guess my ma stopped by because when i unlocked my apartment, she was cooking dinner for me.
"how was work?" she smiled, i tossed my bag next to the door, slipping my shoes off.
"it was alright" i sighed
"i hope you don't mind me stopping by"
"not at all, haven't seen you in awhile" i smiled, kissing her cheek.
"your father is out coaching baseball"
"he's still doing that?"
"gia, you act like we're old"
"you know i had you when i was 18"
she looked me up and down.
"don't even start" i laughed, washing my hands.
i knew she was gonna ask me why i didn't have a family yet.
little did she know my love life was pretty non existent lately...

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