11. Witch Hunt

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Witch Hunt
Season 7 x 16

"what the heck are you doing?" i cackled, watching abby pour goldfish into a coffee pot full of water.
"my patient swallowed these on a bet" she smiled
"and they made it out alive?"
"well, these ones did"
"either of you two want these as pets?" she asked
"no thanks" carter smiled
"anyone want to jump on this case?" i asked, waving the chart in the air.
"what is it?" chen asked, raising her eyebrow.
"ms. horsphall has a screw stuck in her ear"
"i'll pass, gianna"
"i guess i'll take it" carter sighed, taking the chart from my hand.

thankfully, ms. horsphall's screw wasn't too deep into her ear. meaning, she could still hear fine.
i put the screw in a plastic bag.
"alright, i will be right back" i smiled, closing the curtain behind me.
i closed the plastic bag, reaching for the garbage.
"wait" carter said from behind me.
he took the bag from my hand, i turned around, watching him pocket the bag.
"don't tell me you're keeping that?" i laughed
"why not" he shrugged
"you're one of those people who have a collection, aren't you?"
"want to see it sometime?"
"can't say i do" i smiled, raising my eyebrows.
i leaned on a desk, scribbling into the chart.
"why not?"
"i think that's freaky"
"what're you doing tonight?"
"not coming to see your collection, that's for sure"
"come on, i was kidding"
"no plans, i get off at 9"
i raised an eyebrow, ignoring him.
"can you sign this?"
i finished dispo-ing my screw in the ear, a cough, bleeding hand, and headache.
i was tired.
i leaned over the admit desk, writing notes into a chart.
"hey, gianna, can you get an iv started for my guy in exam one?" dave asked
i nodded my head
"banana bag"
i raised my eyebrows
"it's just after noon"
"hey, 5 o'clock somewhere" he shrugged
"i'll get right on that"
i finished writing into the chart, putting my pen back into my pocket.
"hey, have labs come back on mrs. scallion?" luka asked me
"no, but i'll go up and check in a few minutes"
"thank you" he nodded

"ow!" my patient shouted, jolting back.
"that didn't hurt" i said, flushing out his iv.
this guy was really drunk.
"how do you know"
"because these don't hurt that bad"
i taped his iv into place, hooking the banana bag into the iv stand.
"sleep it off, okay?"
he mumbled something i couldn't understand.
i opened the door, going over to the admit desk.
i picked up two pieces of paper, and walked them down the hall.
"labs are back" i smiled, handing luka one of the papers
"thank you, gianna"
i nodded my head, continuing to walk down the hallway.
"gianna?" abby said, worried
"what's up?"
"do you know if a little girl, may, got up to x-ray?"
i shook my head "not that i'm aware of"
"god" she groaned, running her hand through her hair.
"abby?" i asked

"dr. greene, do you have a moment?"
"sure" he said, turning around, away from carter.
"we have a little bit of a problem down here"
he raised an eyebrow "what's wrong?"
"abby and kovac's patient, may, seems to be missing"
"missing?" carter said
"i don't know how long"
"alright, we'll need to lock this place down"
"gianna, get the police on the line"
"i'll find weaver" he sighed
"may?" carter asked
"a baby" i sighed

for the meanwhile, there was still no signs of baby may.
i stood at admit, typing into the computer.
"hey, i heard legaspi is getting fired" haleh whispered
"that's not the real gossip" chuny said
"what?" malik aksed
"she's a lesbian" chuny added
"nurses, let's find some work" weaver said, rolling her eyes
"and stop gossiping!"
thankfully, the missing baby was found and is with her mom again.
i went out of the trauma room, setting a chart down on the front desk.
"hey, congratulations on your competency results" i told mark
"thanks, gianna"
apparently, he passed the test.
"i'm gonna get out of here" i sighed
"have a good night" elizabeth nodded
"yeah, you guys too" i smiled
i wandered out to the ambulance bay.
carter was waiting for me out there.
"god, you were serious?" i laughed
"what?" he said
"i'm not going to show you my collection of things inside patients"
he waved his hand in the air, pleading "let me walk you to the l at least"

a/n: hey! sorry for the late posting, i woke up feeling really not good.. it hasn't gotten much better through the day either. i hope this weekend allows me to recover. regardless, i hope you enjoyed this part. i want to say thank you for reading! last week we only had around 30 views and now we're slowly climbing up to 75.. i appreciate all of you. also, my other fic is up to 4K!! wow, i'm so happy.
thank you all,

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