33. Orion in the Sky

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Orion in the Sky
Season 8 x 18
April, 2002:

i was on a double shift, and it felt like my whole body was about to fall apart.
"abby, do you mind doing traumas with chuny and lily today?"
"not at all"
"thank you so much" i smiled
"you look tired" she laughed
"on a double" i sighed
"i'm moving back into my apartment" she said, grabbing a bottle of lidocaine from the drug lock up.
"is it safe?"
"my landlord said brian moved back to idaho"
"well, if by any means you need to stay someplace"
"you have me" i smiled
"thanks, gianna"
"it's honestly been great living with you"
"i'm glad" i nodded, smiling.

"hey, you're still here?" carter smiled
an unfamiliar person stood next to him
"who do you have here?"
"i'm greg pratt"
i shook his hand
"gianna coletti"
"nice to meet you, gianna"
"gianna is the nurse manager down here"
"and you two are a thing, huh?"
"i guess you could say that" carter said
"what the hell is that supposed to mean?" i laughed
"if i know one thing, it's that you never say that to a woman"
"anyways, pratt"
"if you need any help, you know where to find me" i smiled
i was putting a catheter into marks patient.
"you know, i want a new nurse"
i rolled my eyes
"this isn't supposed to be exactly a comfortable experience"
"gianna" mark said from behind me
"can you come get me in a half hour"
i looked at my watch.
"sure thing"
"thank you" he smiled
i hooked the catheter to the bag and took my gloves off.
"alright, now i need a blood sample" i smiled, putting on a fresh pair of gloves.
i tied the tourniquet on the man's upper arm and tapped his skin for a vein.
went in like butter
"didn't feel a thing, huh?"
he looked down
"i'll see you soon"

after getting another sample and running those to the lab, a half hour had already gone by.
i opened the door to curtain three.
"mark, it's 1:00"
he walked toward me
"take a coat, it's still pouring out there"
"still, huh?"
"typical april weather" i shrugged
"hey, gianna?"
"pratt" i smiled
"do you know where dr. carter is?"
"haven't seen him for awhile" i shrugged
"he usually doesn't go far"
"need some help?"
"he needs to see our patient"
"i'll let you know if i find him"
"hey, gianna" luka said
i turned around
"can you start a line on my stomach ache?"
i followed him and scanned the chart
"and saline"
"you want to run some labs?"
"cbc, tox, chem 7"
"sounds good"
"thank you" he smiled
it was toward the end of my shift and i still
had three patients waiting to be discharged. two of those were carters. one was marks.
"it seems like you don't want me to leave this place" i told carter
"we're waiting on labs for one and the other one needs to wake up"
"trust me, i wanna get out of here too"
i rolled my eyes "i'll go check on those labs"
i dialled the phone
"tired, huh?"
"you look tired yourself" i smiled
"unfixable sort of tired"
"i'm sorry mark" i sighed
"can you look at the hang nail lady's finger?"
"of course"
"i'm heading out" he smiled, walking away. then, he turned around.
"mark" i smiled
"keep your head up"
"you'll be okay" he muttered
i titled my head and he gave me a little wave.
"goodbye, gianna"
suddenly, a funny sort of feeling came up my throat. i guess, i had a feeling that was the last time i would ever see mark in this hospital again.

a/n: hey! i hope you enjoyed this part.. i went ahead and posted two today, since bygones was really short. sorry about that, it was filler. this episode makes me really sad ;( it's great to see pratt, though. anyway! i'll post as per usual on tuesday, xx.

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