73. Forgive and Forget

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Forgive and Forget
Season 10 x 16
March, 2004:

"oh my god" i groaned
"you're tight"
"it's been hurting so bad"
"probably because you're carrying a baby inside of your stomach"
luka had to give me daily back rubs lately.
i flipped over and sat up.
"thank you"
"anything for you" he smiled
i wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss.
he stood up off the bed, buttoning up his shirt.
"i'll leave you your car"
my shift started an hour after his.
"gillian's in town" he said, turning around
"she wants to have dinner later"
"with carter too?" i asked
"yeah" he nodded
"that sounds fun" i smiled
"i'll see you later"
"i love you" i waved
"i love you, too" he smirked, peeling his head around the corner.
as he walked down the stairs, i tied my robe tighter and rummaged through my drawers. lately, it had been getting more difficult finding scrub tops or clothing in general to wear.

"hi, bianca" i said, putting my phone to my ear.
"there's a what?"
i turned on the news
"jesus christ" i scoffed
"i guess i'll be taking the l to work"
"no, you just about saved my life"
"a keeper?"
"i'll have to meet this trey guy pretty soon"
"yeah, i better get going anyways"
"pray for me"
"hope i don't get hit by a tank today" i smiled
apparently there's a huge tank making a beeline for the hospital. it had been all over the city, running over cars and everything.
the sane person would call in sick but i figured they would need my help anyways.
i threw a pair of pants and shoes into my work bag for that dinner later tonight.
then, i locked the front door and headed outside.
god was it ever freezing out, it was march, yet the wind still felt like an icebox. and, just as i was walking closer to the hospital, thinking this whole tank thing was some joke, i saw a father and son bleeding out three blocks towards county.
naturally, i ran toward the car.
"what happened?" i asked, bending down.
good thing i always carried extra gloves in my bag.
i put them on.
"a tank run us over"
god, they were so bloody.
i raised my eyebrows "so, it's true"
the father nodded his head.
"i'm a nurse at county general hospital"
"we're gonna get you over there, okay?"
the father nodded again.
the little boy was bleeding a lot more than the father.
"can you put some pressure on your arm, sir?"
i stuck a wadded up piece of tissue paper on the sons stomach, he winced in pain.
"sorry, honey" i whispered.
his whole stomach was cut up.
i rummaged in my bag and managed to dial my phone.
"i need an ambulance"
"i'm about three blocks away from county general"
"yeah, on the corner near the l station and that law firm"
i hung up.
"help is on the way" i reassured
"are we gonna be okay, nurse?"
"you're gonna be just fine" i nodded
i stroked the little boys hair. he was clearly in shock.
hardly said a thing.
i stuck my two fingers by his neck, trying to feel a pulse. it was strong racing, and he was as white as a ghost.
"honey, you hanging in there?" i asked him
he nodded his head
"can you say something for me, i wanna make sure you're okay"
"i'm okay" he nodded again.
"good, hekp is on the way, you guys"
"thank you, nurse"
"sir, put some more pressure on that arm, it's bleeding out"
if i wasn't this pregnant, i'd probably find a way to transport them to the hospital myself. now, we just have to wait it out.
"gianna?" sam said, confused
i hopped out of the ambulance
"found them on my way here" i panted
i was out of breath
"there's a tank on the loose?" i asked, pulling my gloves off.
"the driver is looking to kill morris actually" abby cackled
"somehow that doesn't surprise me"
we got into the hospital
"are you okay, gianna?" luka asked, confused
"yeah, i'm okay" i nodded, smiling
he tilted his head
"these two aren't" i pointed
i hurried over to the lounge. there i put my coat and bag into my locker.
then, i headed for the trauma rooms.
when i turned the corner, i noticed the phone line stretching into the drug lockup.
"oh, god" i groaned
jesus christ, frank was collapsed in there.
i bent down, listening for a pulse.
it was weak
"shit, frank" i scoffed, trying to look in his eyes with my flashlight.
he was foaming at the mouth and it looked like he had an mi.
i ran down the hallway.
"carter, i need you right now" i shouted
he walked toward me
"what happened?" he asked
"neela, i'll need you, too"
"oh my god" carter said wide eyed,
i pulled the oxygen mask from the shelves and put it on his face.
"looks like an mi"
"weak pulse" i shrugged
"how long has he been here?" carter asked, listening to his chest.
"i don't know, i found him just now"
neela gave him a shot of antibiotics.
"what the hell happened?" pratt asked
"i don't know" carter said
"we need to transport him for the cath lab" he added
"i'll get a gurney"
i ran down the hallway and wheeled an empty gurney down the hallway.
"alright, on the count of three"
i was so glad i didn't have to help carry frank off that floor...
"pratt you stay with him" carter said
"you have the magic touch today" neela smiled
"saved three lives already" carter grinned
"i guess so" i shrugged, out of breath.
"let me know how he is" i shouted from down the hall.

"excuse me, nurse?" a boy asked me as i walked past the curtain area
"can i help you with anything?"
"do you know where that young, hot, blonde nurse is?"
"sam?" i laughed
"i can go find her for you"
i nodded, heading down the hallway.
she was walking out of a trauma room.
"that teenage boy in curtain one is looking for you"
"he's flirting with me" he laughed
"i know"
her eyes wandered to my belly, i was holding onto it.
"how's the little one"
"active today" i smiled
"just wait until it pounds on your bladder at night"
"i can't wait"
"i hated being pregnant"
"now you're scaring me"
"gianna, are labs back on my headache patient?" morris asked
"not yet"
"and shouldn't you be worried about other things, like the tank coming to get you"
"how close is it getting?" he asked, worried.
"i don't know, go look at the news"
i stopped walking, tilting my head "what happened for a man in a tank trying to come for you?"
"i refused to give him anymore pain meds" he shrugged
"oh, morris" i laughed
i sat at the admit desk eating a bowl of cereal.
"weaver might kill you if she sees you here" abby said, smiling
"oh well"
"i'm pregnant and hungry and having back pain"
"and i make my own rules down here" i smiled
"oh" she laughed
"you know, where's luka?"
i chewed on my cereal
"i've hardly seen him"
"he was in an exam room last i checked"
i turned around on my chair to see gillian
"oh my gosh" i smiled
"hi, gianna"
"how've you been?"
"good" she nodded
"i went back to africa with john"
"then back to montréal to see my boyfriend"
"thought i'd stop by" she shrugged
"and i've heard your news" she smiled
i stood up off my chair, putting a hand on my belly.
"pretty pregnant" i smiled
"congratulations, gianna"
"thanks, gillian"
"have you seen john or luka?"
"i haven't" i sighed
"i'll look down the hall before i leave"
she shook her head "i got to go anyways but we're still on for dinner?"
"i believe we are" i smiled, nodding.
"perfect, i'll see you guys later"
"can't wait" i waved
i turned my chair back around.
"can i use you for a patient?" abby asked
"which one?"
"bloody nose, kid got hit with a basketball"
"sure thing"
after what felt like hours. the tank was found, frank was doing better and i was off,
"does anyone know where luka went?"
"he went to go get some fresh air about ten minutes ago" neela said
"it's freezing"
"goodnight" she waved
"goodnight, neela" i smiled
i took my bag and headed outside.
sure enough, there he was sitting near the ambulance bay.
"are you okay?" i asked
"yeah" he smiled
"it's freezing out here"
"i know"
i could see his breath
"i haven't seen you all day"
"i was slammed" he sighed
"heard you've been saving lives"
"franks life, those kids"
"yeah, it's tiring" i smirked
he titled his head, smiling.
"i missed you"
"i missed you too, today"
"we gave a dinner to catch" i added
he bent down, and i put my hands in his hair, kissing him on the lips.
"yeah, we do" he smiled
his nose touched mine as we looked in each others eyes
i kissed him again.

a/n: sorry if this part was a little dull, it was one of those which i didn't know if i should've posted, but i wrote enough, and i don't think it was all that horrible.  regardless, i hope you enjoyed. i just wanted to pop on here because i've been editing my next few postings of the week and from this point on, i saw some discrepancies with hoe much time has passed on between parts. writing this fic, i watch the episode of ER and essentially write gianna in. the time periods are rarely mentioned unless it's a holiday. so, this affects the whole pregnancy storyline. mostly, susan's though. gianna's pregnancy is pretty accurate to the story and after how much time has passed. i just wanted to let you know, and warn you, that susan's pregnancy is a little blurry. honestly, i think this was more of a ER writers fault because of the actresses whole mat leave. just know she will be delivering her baby way earlier than i would've expected her to. (reference: at first i wrote them in 5 week apart, but they are really more like 6/7). hope you enjoy the story regardless, this is the only flaw i have found so far!!! (and really has notning to do with gianna). as always, thank you so much for the votes and support, i love you all.

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