13. April Showers

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April Showers
Season 7 x 18

today was the day of elizabeth and marks wedding. i got an invitation, so i was planning on going later today.
the hospital, however, was a ghost town.
my nurses were dropping like flies.
that was obviously because they wanted to attend the wedding tonight.
i discharged my last drunk patient from the night, tossing the chart on the admit desk.
"gianna?" weaver asked
"you're gonna have to stay later tonight"
"i can't, i have to go to marks wedding"
"well, all you're nurses called in sick" she shrugged
i shook my head "i already worked the early shift"
"get your nurses back, then"
"i'll see what i can do"
i looked at the board, then back at her.
"i can stay longer"
"but i have to be out of here by four"
"find someone for me" she shouted as i walked down the hallway.
abby let out a sneeze.
"god, are you okay?" i asked
"no, i'm actually sick" she smiled
"can't afford to lose anyone else today, though"
"god, i know"
"didnt plan to be working this long today"
"weavers just bitter because she didn't get an invite to the wedding" luka whispered from behind us.
"really?" i smiled
"she's going to a conference after her shift" he shrugged
"how petty" abby laughed
i held a three bags of labs and passed by the admit desk. i saw that mark was standing, on the phone.
"don't you have a wedding to get ready for?" i smiled
he had his suit laid out on the desk.
"rachel is stuck in st. louis" he said, rolling his eyes.
"and it's raining"
"and my car got towed"
"god, doesn't sound like the world likes you today"
"guess not"
"one of us down here can get you a ride" i shrugged
"it's okay, i have to deal with this first" he sighed
"well, i hope everything turns out okay" i smiled, walking toward the elevators.

i ran down the hallway, there was an incoming prisoner van mva.
"need help?" i asked
chen shook her head.
abby and carter took the next one.
guess not...
i wandered back to my uti patient.
"so, amanda" i smiled
"i have a prescription for some medication"
"okay" she nodded
"this will clear your infection right up"
"after you fill the prescriptions, take the pills everyday until they're gone"
"then, you're gonna want to make an appointment with your personal physician"
"alright" she smiled
"you're good to go" i smiled, taking her chart with me.
"thank you, nurse"
"did you drive here?"
she nodded her head
"be careful out there, it's pouring"
"gosh, alright" she nodded, walking down the hallway.
i looked out into the ambulance bay, paramedics were wheeling two more patient in. one critical.
"where's room?" luka asked
i shook my head "trauma rooms are full"
"put this one in curtain three"
"and take this one to curtain one, i'll see how the drivers doing so far"
he nodded his head, i went to the trauma room.
abby was still resuscitating the man.
"how long is he been down?"
"nearly a half an hour" haleh said
"we'll need the trauma room, more victims are coming in"
carter shook his head "not yet"
"carter, declare him dead already" luka said from behind me.
"charge to 360" he told abby
"he's brain dead" luka groaned

i discharged three prisoners. it was also 4 and i still couldn't go home.
not to mention, carter and luka were butting heads.
to say the least, tensions were high down here.
"aren't you supposed to be off?" abby asked me
i was on the phone, trying to get someone to cover for chuny.
"yes" i sighed
"between luka and carter, these prisoners, the rain, the nurse shortage"
"i'm ready to jump in front of traffic" i smiled
"god, i know"
"the rain must do something with the pressure"
"it must not be good for these men" she teased
i let out a laugh.
carter came around the desk, surprised.
"you're still here?" he asked
i rolled my eyes "yeah"
"i don't know if im gonna make it"
he tilted his head
"you're off?"
i dug into my pocket, pulling out my keys.
"can you go to my apartment and get me my dress?"
"it's hanging on my bedroom door"
"and i have a black coat by the front door"
"sure" he nodded
i handed him the keys.
"what unit?"
"second floor"
"door 12"
he nodded his head
"i'll be back"
"thank you" i smiled

fifteen minutes later, doren from upstairs came down to help out.
"you are my saviour" i told her, running down the hallway.
"it's no problem, gianna" she laughed
i took my dress from carter, changing into it in the bathroom.
thank god i straightened my hair last night.
i got into the satin, sleeveless dress, throwing my coat over top of it.
then, i slid my feet into a pair of heels, shoving my scrubs into my work bag.
i went out of the bathroom, carter was fixing his tie.
"alright, we're ready to go" he nodded, walking toward the ambulance bay.
"hey, it's not raining" i smiled
i was surprised, it was already dark out.
"guess not"
"we'll be late"
"fashionably late" he shrugged
"thanks for getting my dress"
"it's no problem" he smiled
"do you think mark made it to his wedding on time?"
"i hope so" he laughed

i sat in carters car, it started raining again as soon as we parked.
"please tell me you have an umbrella"
"of course i do" he smiled, digging one out from the backseat.
he got out of the car and came around to my side, helping me out.
i got under the umbrella, carter followed right behind me.

elizabeth look so gorgeous in her dress. also, carter and i weren't the only ones (fashionably) late. mark was too.
i stood up in the pew, watching the newlyweds leave the church.
"that was beautiful" i smiled
"it really was" carter nodded.

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