53. A Boy Falling Out of the Sky

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A Boy Falling Out of the Sky
Season 9 x 15
Late February/early March, 2003:

"didn't think i'd see you here this morning" gallant smiled
"you still alive?"
"can you do me a favour and shoot me out back?" i asked
i felt disgusting. i hadn't showered, eaten or gotten off my feet in forever.
"i hope today goes easy"
"me too" i groaned
weaver then came around the admit desk and handed me a piece of paper.
"im giving you 15 minutes to find kovac and read him this"
i raised an eyebrow, scanning over the paper "okay?"
"if he doesn't come back to work today you're both fired" he pointed, walking away.
i rolled my eyes
"sounds like it's not gonna be a good day" gallant smiled, picking up a chart off the desk.
"nope" i scoffed
sure enough, i drove over to luka's apartment.
i knocked on his door three times.
no answer.
so, i began walking out.
"gianna?" a voice from behind me asked
i turned around and was quite relieved to see his face again.
i raised my eyebrows and pulled the piece of paper from my pocket
"luka kovac, im on a 15 minute break at county general, the place you used to practice medicine if you remember"
"if you want to continue doing that, we've signed you up for a 12 to 12 shift and if you don't come your wish to quit will come true and we will not be seeing you in this hospital again"
luka gave me a confused face.
"it's from weaver"
"do you want to come in?" he asked
"i cant" i shrugged
"you look good"
"you look exhausted" he laughed
i stepped closer to him
"i've been working for the past day" i whispered
"covering for abby"
he was silent.
"i missed you" i shrugged
"i missed you too" he smiled
i wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a hug. he planted a kiss on my head.
"i'm sorry"
"don't be" i whispered
"you gonna show up today?" i smirked.
he smirked back at me, shrugging his shoulders "i'll think about it"
i turned back around and stepped up on my tiptoes, kissing his lips.
"i'll see you later, luka"
"bye, gianna"
he waited with his head out of the door as i walked down the hallway of his apartment. even if he doesn't end up working later today, a wave of peace flew over me knowing that he was doing better.

i was walking back into the ambulance bay as i saw a lady yelling for help.
"i'm a nurse, what happened?" i asked, bending down
"he got run over"
"okay, he's in good hands" i smiled, carrying the boy inside.
"malik, i need a gurney and a c collar"
i was trying to keep the boys back as straight as possible.
"what happened?" carter asked
"i ran him over" the mother said, crying.
after i got him on the gurney. i dialled the phone "i'll page surgery down" i nodded
off chuny, malik and carter went.
"how's the boy?"
"not good" carter sighed
"oh, god" i groaned
"brain dead?"
he nodded his head
i let out a sigh.
"i thought you were snorkelling?"
"came back for abby" he shrugged
"thanks for covering for her"
i waved my hand in the air "it's no problem"
"i can see it kind of is" he smiled, pointing to the bags under my eyes
"any word on luka?"
"saw him before i found that boy"
"he's doing good" i smiled
"should be coming in today, actually"
"well, that's good"
i nodded, smiling "i'm glad he's in better spirits"
"stuck triaging?" susan smirked
"better than being out there" i smiled, pointing inside.
i set my pen down, flipping over a chart "heard your cancer patient is back"
"yeah" she sighed
"now that i think about it i guess you are lucky hiding out here"
"sure am" i smiled, making a new chart.
"how are you still awake anyway?"
"coffee" i cackled
"you must be hungry"
"i had a some stale cereal earlier"
she let out a laugh
"i can't eat much when i'm sleep deprived"
"and once abby shows up i'm heading out of here"
"if she shows up" i winced
"i'll let you know when that happens" susan smiled
"thanks" i smiled
"i can take another patient"
"mr. crane?" i said
the man stood up
i handed her the chart.
"curtain four"
"you can follow me" susan smiled

"gianna" abby smiled
honestly, i'd never been so happy to see her.
"oh my god" i exclaimed
"you're early"
she rolled her eyes "my moms here"
"thanks for covering"
"don't worry about it"
"john told me about luka"
"yeah" i smiled
"i'm glad you two are okay"
"me too"
"anyways, i'll see you" i waved
"bye, gianna"
i unlocked my apartment door and threw my keys on my kitchen table. i immediately took a shower because i felt so dirty.
all i really wanted was to change my underwear...
after i showered, i put on a pair of pyjamas and heated up a bowl of leftover soup. but, as i rested my head against my couch, the hours without sleep caught up to me.

i ended up falling asleep on my couch for three hours.
that was until i heard my phone ring.
"okay" i groaned
"no it's okay"
"i'll be there"
it was malik.
abby had to leave again.
i got off my couch and rummaged through my closet for some clean scrubs. i tied a pair on with a black boat neck sweater.
i threw on my coat and locked my apartment door. it felt like i was just there. i mean, absolutely no point of going home in the first place.

"sorry we had to call you in" chen frowned
"it's okay"
it was okay, as long as everyone could deal with my bitchiness.
"do you mind stocking the hall shelf?" chuny asked
"sure thing"
i walked down the hall with a box of supplies and squatted down, filling the shelf.
these scrub pants were way too big on me and sat just below my hips. as i bent down i could feel my underwear peek through. i tried to pull my pants back up.
"hey" i heard a voice say from behind me.
"i thought you were off?" he added
"i got called back in" i sighed, looking at him.
i stood back up
"i can see your thong" he whispered
he gave me that look.
"i think i'm a little too tired to do that tonight" i smirked
"i don't know when i'm off anyways" he shrugged
i stepped closer to him and smiled.
"i'm glad you're okay"
"you're not mad at me then?"
i put my hands on his stubbly chin and kissed him.
"i love you" i smiled
he wrapped me in a hug and swayed back and fourth. "i love you too"

a/n: hey! i hope you enjoyed this part! i just wanted to pop in and say that this part was one of my favourites to write.. i reread it all the time. i'll see you on friday..

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