14. Sailing Away

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Sailing Away
Season 7 x 19

"where the hell are you?"
i arrived to work over three hours ago to cover for abby.
no sign of carter.
no calls.
"why are you in oklahoma?"
i heard a familiar voice in the background.
"you're with abby?"
i hung up.
"you alright?" luka asked me
"you know abby's with carter in oklahoma, right?"
i nodded my head.
carter and i weren't for sure, if that made sense. although, lately we've been together a lot. until right now, obviously.
abby told me she was having troubles with her mom, that's why i needed to cover. i had no idea carter would be with her, though.
"hey, gianna" malucci shouted
"what?" i groaned
"can i get some morphine over here?"
he nodded
i walked over to the drug lockup to get the syringe.
"have the labs come back on mr. morrison?" cleo aksed
"not yet, i can go check"
"what about the labs on my patient?" peter said
"bleeding gums?"
he nodded
"i'll check right after this"
i went over to malucci's patient.
"here we go" i smiled, administering the pain medication into the iv.
i walked over to the phone.
"i'm waiting for labs on two patients"
"i know you're backed up but can you hurry"
"maybe because we have patients waiting here for over two hours just to find out their anemic" i scoffed
"gianna can i take my break early?" connie asked

i went back to get a new saline bag for lukas dehydrated patient.
"my head is still throbbing"
"i'm sorry mrs. fields"
"your labs should be back soon"
"dr. kovac said that an hour ago"
"i'll go check on them" i smiled
"can i have something for the pain?"
"let me see what i can do" i nodded
i walked down the hallway. luka was in the drug lockup.
"can i give mrs fields some more ibuprofen?"
"your migraine patient?"
he rubbed his eyes.
"you okay?"
he shrugged his shoulders.
i titled my head "we can talk if you need"
"it's alright, i gotta get to my lac"
i nodded my head.
"gianna it's for you on line two"
i picked up the phone.
"just wanted to let you know that elizabeth's delivery went well" mark said from the other end of the phone.
"gosh, that's amazing, mark" i grinned
"our baby ella is 6 pounds 9 ounces"
"a girl?" i smiled
"i hope she's not a trouble maker yet"
"we'll have to protect her from all the boys" mark laughed.
"congratulations, mark"
"want me to tell the staff?"
"go for it"
"alright, tell elizabeth i say congrats"

later, all the labs finally came back on the patients. i discharged seven.
finally, it was night.
however, i now had another shift starting.
"did you sign the-" haleh started
"all done" i smiled
"have a goodnight, gianna"
"you too, haleh"
i laid my head on the admit desk. i wanted to fall asleep so bad.
"we got a trauma coming in" luka whispered
i lifted my head up and he handed me a trauma gown.
then, we went into the ambulance bay.
"chilly out here" i smiled
he nodded his head
"you should've brought your coat"
"i didn't bring one here today"
he was silent, so was i.
"sorry about abby and carter" he said
"it's not your fault" i smiled
"carter likes abby" he said quietly
i paused "i know"
i looked at him
"i'm sorry for that part"
"it's nothing you can fix" i reassured
"nothing either of us can"
"i think abby likes him too, though"
he turned his head to look at me.
i didn't know what to say.
i just shrugged my shoulders.
he was silent, too.
the ambulance lights flashed i front of us. i put on my gloves.
"do you know what this is?" i asked him
he shook his head
"great, a surprise" i grinned as the paramedics opened the doors.
"what do we have?" he asked the paramedic.
"25 year old female, passed out at the club"
lucky luka and i.

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