Chapter 1:-Just the beginning

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"Daisy , what are you doing do you know how much trouble we could get in" that's Stacy my childhood friend.Shes always worrying about me and my crazy ideas .

"Stacy come on relax, it's not that bad we're doing her a favour " I responded.

Okay ,okay here's the context we had summer camp coming up.But I, unlike stacy didn't really want to go .But let's start from the starting shall we.


"Mom I want to do something fun" I responded to my mother .I was always left at home ,then I'd go to school and then come back home I didn't get to go nowhere other than church or at home . Sometimes I go out though.

"Okay daisy we can plan something" my mother responded

"Mom no, like.. by my self not with you and your friends it's boring, plus I'll have to see Dereck"

"And that's not a bad thing what about Dereck he's a sweet kid"

If only my mother knew.Me and Derek used to be besties considering.That our parents knew each other.But everything changed when he came my highschool.He just started ignoring me and would act like I'm obsessed with him.It didn't even help that I had a crush on him . He never told me anything about what he had said . I just kinda found out...

Derek is-well was a sweet guy.He just started being mean to me . Derek is two years older than me .I'm in grade nine and  he's in grade 11.Derek is a very attractive person.Hes tall with black curly hair. He's also really smart, we used to work equations and study.That was until he got too good for me I guess...

By the time I could utter another word , mom was out the door.I was left to process my thoughts and prepare for school.School life isn't all that bad it's actually fun, maybe because that's the only place I could be free and do as I please.


"Stacy where are you" I texted

"Girl, I'm coming 😭"

"Hurry, did you even leave the house"

"Not yet , but I'm coming.I just need to find the keys in order to open the door when I come home from school "

"Girl what🙂"

"Don't worry , Derek hasn't left yet he can drop us off  and I am not taking no for an answer"

(Oh, yeah Stacy is Derek's sister iconic.I remembered now)

"I guess, I'm walking to your house now.Also aren't you and him going to the same house just go home with him🤦"

"No he has basketball ball practice"

Oh yeah how could I forget.I have basketball practice as well .I walked to Stacy house , she doesn't live far from me. I saw Derek outside , he just mouthed good morning. "Yeah morning" I responded.

Stacy ran out of the house . "I found it " she yelled .We both ran to each other ,hugging each other.

"Well I hate to ruin this reunion, but I'm uhh late.. for school and I can't miss first period" Derek said .

Stacy looked at him and rolled her eyes while looking back at me ."Let's go before Mr.On time starts a scene" replied Stacy .

"Dais your Infront with me and Stacy at the back "

He called me dais like he used to first time , it was weird to say the least .I haven't heard him say that in a long time .Also I must sit next to him in the front seat weird .I know right.

"Dais, that's so corny did anyone ever tell you that" Stacy said as she laughed out loud.Derek just looked at her then back at me as he got into the driver's seat waiting for us.

Stacy went into the back seat and I went into the front seat as Derek said . Derek started his engine and left it to idle , I sat in the car and pulled out my phone to play Duolingo.Yes you heard right Duolingo, that's what I was doing a little bit of spainish and a lil bit of Portuguese. Stacy was at the back on her phone.Derek was sitted at the front  reversing the car.I wondered what was going on between them . Why don't he sit next to his sister .And that was what I didn't get. He's so nice at home and so mean at school, like what.

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