Chapter 19 :Boys Camp

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𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙙 at the campsite.Daisy waked up since Nicholas pushed her awake.Since she was resting her head on his shoulder.

"Bro leave me alone" said Daisy grumpily."Girl, we reach" Jonathan said interupting her from her slumber.

"Oh, yeah" Daisy responded, stretching her arms while yarning.

The place was full of grass, and trees.With cute wooden cabins that had green grass on the woods.

Giving it a nice green forest asethic.

"Hey, wheres the girls camp bus" Daisy asked while looking around."I have no idea , do you see it Jon" Nicholas asked while looking around trying to spot it.

"They're probably late or something" Jonathon replied. "Ohh ohk" Daisy said to her brother.

"Look lets go to our cabins in the meantime" Jonathan said to Daisy and Nicholas.

"Nicholas go with Daisy to find a proper cabin, because I'm not staying in no pink cabin" Jonathon told Nicholas. Before continuing "I'll bring the bags, plus i have to attend a meting for councillors just so you know" Jonathan finished.

"Alright, Lets go Daisy" Nicholas asjed Daisy. "Wait, I need my food bag" Daisy exclaimed.

"Daisy, gurlll." Jonathan handed the bag to her before yelling "Go !".

Daisy and him give each other a ugly look before going their seperate ways.

While walking to go to the campsite, they saw a man handing out maps to the males passing by.

" These are the maps so you wouldn't get lost"The man said. Apparantly people get lost on the campsite.

"Lets get one,Nicholas" Daisy said while pointing at the man. "No , we don't need one" Nicholas stated. "Well lucky for you I need one" Daisy stated sassily b4 she walked off, towards the mans direction.

"We need one sir" Daisy said as Nicholas followed behind her.The man looked shocked to see Daisy.

"A girl?, what are you doing here"Nicholas put his palm to his head While Daisy stood there looking confused.

" This is the boys area why is a gurl here" The man said.Daisy looked at the man before continuing.

"Well , good day sir , The story is rather long, and I'd love to chit chat but we're kinda late to our cabins" she spoke faster while she grabbed the map he had in his outreach.

"I'll tell you later" she spoke really quickly before grabbing Nicholas hands and running to go to their cabin assigned.

"Nicholas, do you know which cabin, we have to go too" Daisy asked."Yeah ,its right down there "

Olison was seated at his table.When someone mysterily walked into his office .A black trenchcoat with a green turtle neck shirt followed with black boots.

It was Giovanni.It was late in the night. Around 11:43 pm in the dark night.

It was a mystery how he surpassed the guards or how they even let him in.

He didn't hear gunshots so that was a sign that no one was hurt. Olison was the only person that knew Giovanni was back in town.

David was suspicious, but Olison made sure to have him close the case .He was scared , he was seated i his office when he saw the figure he didn't even hear when he has entered.

The one thing that was going through his mind .Is that if Giovanni killed him no one would know , since he is registered as dead.

"Hello Olison" his voice raspy and loud screaming  terror across the room.

"Ahh, yes Giovanni may i ask what you are doing here" Olison said making sure to sound brave and bold although he was scared.

"Well, Its quite simple ,I'm here for you to take my name out of that folder cause your aiming at the wrong person" Giovanni stated sternly.While watching him dead in the eye.

Olison saw the projection of his gun in his front sides and backs.It was clear as day that he didn't go through the securities precautions.

And that scared him, he was in his office his gun on the table .Right behind Giovanni.Any wrong moves and Giovanni would hold him at gun point.

"I will do no such thing, all the evidence point to you .And just because your with my daughter doesn't mean i won't fight for you to be behind bars" Olison said through gritted teeth.

"O you've grown , I'm proud but you should've been a father than a detective maybe then she wouldn't have run to me " Giovanni said .

Olison was left seated reliving his past through his memory.As he stood there not knowing what to do.

"Also, she already hates you as it is .We won't want her know that you're the reason her mothers dead" he cocked his left eyebrow before continuing "would we".

Olison was left there dumbfounded." Oh, and i talked to Elizibeth, she's pretty upset with the man you've become and ..."he paused ."Well..I can't tell you everything can I"

With that Giovanni turned around to walk out the door.Olison made a quick run to the table his gun was on to shoot Giovanni.

Cause he knew too much.

Giovanni turned around aiming his gun at Olison right arm. A Shot was fired.To which Olison fell to the ground with a scream.

Giovanni continued walking out the door before muttering  "And don't ever think you can cross me,remember I know where you live".

With that his footsteps echoed as he exit the office , making the sound distant with every step he made.

Once again security failed.Leaving Olison on the ground with his left hand on his right.

𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now