Chapter 4:-What's going on

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The following week everything went on perfectly fine.No one talked about the flash we saw .It just suddenly vanished, no one talked about it .

Daisy 🌼pov:

Everything was just so casual.I had to visit Nicholas house for a project.Well..he didn't want to do it at mines.

He opened the door and welcomed me in.His mom was home and she was the sweetest.She greeted me and hugged me.

"Hy Ms.James" I responded sweetly. She was so full of excitement.Why wasn't Nicholas like that.

"Come on , let's go " I was rudely interrupted from Nicholas voice.His mother pulled away and whispered to me "go on sweetie don't let me waste your time" .She honestly wasn't.

I walked up into his room , it shocked me how neat he had his stuff.I could never like literally. He just kinda got to the point and we started the assignment.He was actually smart .

And to think I would've done this myself.We finished and he walked me to door.He practically walked me home .


The day came for the project submission.We had finished it basically.

"Wait, wait let me take a picture" I said.

"A picture we're gonna be late, can't you do it at school" Nicholas said as he rolled his eyes .

"Come on your house background is very nice, school is very dreary, who even takes pictures of themselves in school" I said like I just stated a valid point.I mean like come on it's valid right well wrong.

"I take pictures there, and school isn't dreary it's cool it's my type of style, ion know what you on but this ain't it"

This weirdo actually likes school that's a surprise.Considering how everyone practically hurt others in the school.But I mean I'm not judging if he likes it there then do you.

"Ok ok , I'm finished let's go now .I didn't know you leave to go to school so early .I mean you practically come to school late .Plus the project is due till this afternoon when we have her period" I said.

He practically didn't say anything and I didn't want him too.We loaded it into the car and drived off.

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