Chapther 7:Really

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Daisy 🌼pov:

Well everythings good.But the question remains where is stacy. So here I am in a car,well Derek's car.

Derek was driving me to school.But why did Nicholas left me with him.

"Uhh,Derek where's Stacy" I asked.Derek turned towards me and responded."Oh I really don't know,she told you sum".

"Ohk, is Jonathon home, or did he leave already",I asked.Jonathan is my older brother ,he attends the same school as me .He is a senor ,and he's popular.

I'm in form 4.But I originally was supposed to be in form three.So yeah I'm 15 going on to 16.

"Oh, I'm not sure to be honest, but I really don't know .He probably went out with Stacy,but I don't know for sure" he said.

Thats crazy

"Derek,are you ok?, you seem tense" I said

No response..


At sċɦօօʟ 

I saw lewis and he waved at me to which I waved back.He was basically somebody I could talk too,don't MIND him being stoic.

Well I went into class and sat down.Time flew by real quick next thing we knew it was last period.

It was time...Me and Nicholas had to present.

The presentation went on well.Nicholas was a pro at explaining and defining questions.

He explained the back story to the rooms.Even tho I designed his room into what I wanted.

Well the project was a success,considering we got full marks.

"Well I don't see any flaws with this project so I guess you'll be the first to get full marks" explained our archeticture teacher.

Nah but let's be real that lady is a old miserable lady. But aye we got full marks.

I was contained with so much excitement I practically jumped on to Nicholas hugging him.

I know, I know yeah .I'm that embarrassing.

So well uhh , he didn't say anything and the whole class was like 'awwww' .So uhm yeah.

It was almost time for school to be dismissed but I had tou go home with Jonathan. My older brother.

Jonathon was going to play basketball. So I had to wait on him.

It was soon 3:30 and school was dismissed.Everyone flew out of the classroom.Well they ran out .

Me and Nicholas was left in there packing our bags.I had to talk to him.

"Hey wait, can I have a minute" I said.Nicholas glanced at me .Hewas showing me that I had his attention.

"Why did you drive away, if Derek wasn't here,what would've happened to me ",well to say the least I sounded hurt .Desperate even.

"Well Derek was there and I wouldn't have left if I saw you alone" he said.

This is all so crazy to me."Alright so then there's no bad blood between us" I said.

"Yh, we cool" he responded.

See you got it all in yo head Bae he not mad at you, got you stressing.

Well .. So that was that. I said good bye and he said bye.I left class before him.

All I have to do now is find Jonathan. All around the school searching for that boy.

Soon after his basketball session I was walking with him.He had some girls following him around.

Until we meet his house. Xavier was the main cause. Jonathan ion even know no more.

I was behind my brother when I heard one of the females say "Jon,uh why is your sister following you so close ,she's actually pushing me away from you " .

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know,you could have said that" I said the last part sounding irritated.

Jonathan didn't say shit, he just pulled me from the back of him to his side causing me to be in the middle of him and Xavier. "There" he said before he continued his convo with Xavier.

I looked back to see the gritting her teeth.She better not come to my house cause she isn't marrying my bro.

Let her ass know.

We Finally reached home had to text Stacy .After that I went on tictok.

Just my place of peace I hate people. Especially people that are dependent when they can do stuff. I just never got the concept.

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