Chapter 13 :Movie night part 1

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𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙨 in class with Lewis. It had been a hectic day.Lewis and Daisy were set as partners for the assignment that was upcoming.

Lewis decided it best to do the presentation at his house.Since it was far better for him and Daisy .

Lewis had his little sister at home.Since Daisy was a part time babysiter that takes care of his sister part time.

So her going to Lewis to do a project was doing her a big favor.Lewis little sister was a social butterfly she was 6 .Unlike Lewis she talked alot about boys she liked and hated .

Who pisses her off , who she can't deal with etc,etc.

Daisy was at Lewis house.She was in
an oversized t-shirt and a cute jeans.With her hair in a bun .

She knocked on his door , waiting for a response .When his little sister opened the door.Jumping excitely when she saw Daisy.

"Mom , Daisy is here" said Leslie excitedly to her mom while she pulled daisy in. Leslie Mom was happy and ok with Daisy babysitting leslie because of how much of a good caretaker she was to Leslie.

Plus Daisy didn't live far away so whenever something urgent came up she would call over Daisy.Amd Daisy would willingly come over.

Lewis takes care of Leslie sometimes but Leslie prefer a girl that way she could play with them and talk about girl stuff unlike Lewis .He didn't have a clue about girls at all.And he didn't care to know.

Leslie mom gave Daisy the intructions while telling Daisy to call Lewis if anything was troubling her with the house.

She'd come over rather over.But Lewis was always in his room and she didn't like bothering him since she always had what she needed.

She'd only call him down when Leslie was asleep in her room.Or when she had to go home.Lewis would always follow her home to her gate since they didn't live far apart.

After Leslie's mom explained the usual .She left.Leslie carried Daisy to her living room to watch a movie .Lewis came down to watch the movie with us since he promised Leslie he'd watch it.

"So how about sleeping beauty" said Lewis who came down the stairs shirtless.Blonde streaks of hair, fair in complexion.Hazel eyes.Muscular.

He had his abs out on display for everyone to see."Lewis, where is your shirt " leslie said while giggling. To which Lewis shrugged her off saying.

"Come on look at these babies " Lewis said while flexing his arms."Wish you had these huh" he continued referencing to Daisy.

Daisy didn't realize that he was referring to her and was staring into nowhere for a hot minute.

To which she catched on and responded" Me! Oh no ,I'm a girl". Daisy said waving her left hand up and down in denial, while sighing heavily.

Leslie chuckled at the two lovers.

"Alright .. Whatever I'm going and change" Lewis said making sure not to hide his annoyance.

"Then sleeping beauty it is " said Daisy to which Lewis agreed.

Lewis then walked up to the stairs to get a shirt.To which Leslie and Dsisy sat down to watch the movie.She decided to put down her phone and focus on Leslie.

And the movie.

Lewis then came down and sat next to Daisy cause that's where Leslie wanted him to sit.

During the whole movie, Lewis was secretly staring at Daisy and Leslie was watching them both with her puppy eyes.Propping sorrow.

Daisy sensed all their eyes on her but kept her eyes on the screen while holding the popcorn that Lewis was eating out.

He big scraven self nuh.

It was already the sixth bag of popcorn he eat.And he taking big mouth fulls too .Boy belly big enuh.

After being mid way into the movie.Daisys phone rang it was her brother."Lets prank him " said Leslie excitedly .

Daisy looked at her and asked "how". To which Leslie took the phone from her." Lewis is gonna be your pretend boyfriend to see how he's going to react" said Leslie smartly.

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