Chapter 26 Coded?

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𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙩 𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙮 who seemed stressed and confused about the whole situation.

"Nich, what is he saying and why is he talking so weirdly" Daisy asked. Nicholas couldn't bear to tell her that her father may die .

And it hurts him to tell her ."I don't know come on lets go"Nicholas said before he held Daisy's hand trying to run out of the compound.

Micheal played out the whole voicecall that Daisy had sent him .Before he looked angrily at David "your daughter is the mysterious person that tried hacking my source huh".

" Well I told you , correction your daughter did. Any last words before I put a bullet in your skull" Micheal told David.

David knew that he was going to die regardless.He knew too much for Michael to let him live would be a miracle.

"Well let my daughter know that I died a hero" David said while smiling at Micheal .

"Tell her that died yes but a hero not so much" with that he picked up his gun aiming it right in the middle of Davids forehead .

Before a shot was fired.

"Nicholas where are you taking me " Daisy asked Nicholas who was rushing her out , into a car.

They heard the gunshot , which jumped Daisy"Nicholas was that" She practically yelled at him.

She turned trying to run away from him .To run back to her fathers department. "No, no ,no" Daisy yelled at Nicholas.

"Daddy is the building , daddy don't own a gun, some body shot him-!"Daisy yelled at Nicholas.

Nicholas had to pick her up and drag her to the car . "Nicholas noo." Daisy yelled sincerely ." Daddy" she whispered yell , while putting her hands on the inside of the car window.

She tried unlocking the car door to run out.But it didn't budge.

Nicholas just watched Daisy as she screamed for her father.Nicholas held Daisy putting her to sit on his lap.As she cried louder in his chest.

"Its ok, lets go somewhere where we will be safe" Nicholas told Daisy.

David pushed off Micheals dead body before he got up from the chair.

"Nah, I wouldn't let some random man walk my daughter down the aisle but you sir " David pointed his index finger at Micheals dead body lazily. "You talk too much, if you had shot me right then and there I wouldn't  have been able to do this" with that he    spitted in his face.

Before kicking his body aside.

David ran out of the room .Giovanni parked outside the department waiting on David to exit .

"Hey " Giovanni said to  David before rolling up his window.David walked to the passenger side of the car .

"Just drop me off , to my house" David told Giovanni who nodded at what  David just said.

"But you gotta stop this hate - train with me ok.You about to be my family soon.Nicholas likes Daisy you know" Giovanni said while keeping his eyes on the road .

"I know, just can't accept the fact right now ." David said while looking across 
by Giovanni.

"Can't face the fact I git Grace and she didn't like you back then." He tapped his shoulder "cheer up man , that was highschool". Giovanni said.

                           𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙

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