Chapter 22 Back home

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𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧 while Giovanni stood beside her.She was at home and she just returned from seeing her father in the hospital bed.

"Look its not your fault ok" Giovanni said while stooping to her level ."Its alright with his jobs those things are bound to happen" He said reassuring her.

"I know its just, I've been so mean and moody to him and today I could've lost him" Daisy said while palming her head."And my job isn't doing me any justice , everyday some one dies and then i can't even give them the proper report about what happened to their friend ,family member."Grace stated while looking up at Giovanni who was watching down on her .

"It's ok"Giovanni said while kissing her forehead.

" I'm going to quit" Grace said while wiping away her tears."Nah, don't do that Grace"Giovanni said as he wiped her tears away.

"But dad had a point tho" Grace said while looking at Giovanni. "With what" Giovanni asked.

"With you, he said that you'd leave me I'd had to run back to him " Grace said while looking him dead in the eye."Nah thats not true ,"he looked away before continuing "Some things came up , I can't tell you now tho" He looked back at her.

Waiting to see what her reaction would be."Yeah probably for your mafia " Grace scolded him.

"Baby it was never like that" he said trying to put his hand out to rub her shoulders before she pulled away from him.

"Don't you dare baby me , you was out there whoring around with other women while i was with Nicholas." She yelled at him before standing up to point her fingers on his chest.

"I don't see our wedding ring on your hand" Giovanni said before twitching his head to the side in an intimidating way.Grace hissed her teeth"As if you have on yours-" she was cut off by Giovanni "As a matter of a fact I do".

She looked down on his hand that had only one ring on it .

His wedding ring , one ring alone on his right hand.She knew what that meant in mafia.Its a matter of dignity and respect.

They take the ring and put it on their most dominant hand.The rings that matter most to him.But he had only one .Only one ring on his right .

She looked at his left that was piled with other rings.Even the ring his father gave him on his 19th birthday .

Since that was the age of when the dons would give their first born sons .But Giovanni was the second male born.So Allesandro took over as don in Italy.

While Giovanni moved to where Daisy lives.

There was a loud silence echoing across the room." I sold mines" she said barely above a whisper.Before she threw herself onto the coach sighing.

"I know " Giovanni stated. "Yeah when have you never" she shrugged him off ,trying walking out of the  room.

Giovanni was quick enough to hold her from leaving him in there." I've made it so clear to you that you shouldn't walk away from me when I'm speaking to you" Giovanni said sternly.While increasing his grip on her wrist.

"So what now, you're mad that I sold the ring", Giovanni pulled her to stand infront of him ," Not quite" Giovanni responded.

"Look it was hard for me after you died" she looked at him before rephrasing her sentence  "well I mean when we thought you died , I was left alone all by myself with Nicholas and I was still studying to became a CID so it was hard.I didn't want help from dad so I sold it .The man sold me it for 7.7 million dollars.And I needed the money. I couldn't have contacted you , since it wasn't registered that you were my legal husband and child father.Only you and dad knew" Grace said to Giovanni.

"I know, who do you think agreed to give you so much money for the ring, I could've given you more but the bank would've questioned it and they'd probably raise the prize for the house leaving you with less money for our son and you" Giovanni said to her.

Grace looked at him confused "What are you saying, ".Giovanni let loose of her shoulders before going on his knees.

Pulling out the ring she sold from his back pocket .Looking up at her." To giving me a second chance with you and our son and this marriage " he slipped the ring onto her finger.

Before they both leaned into each other.Grace stooping on her tippy toes to kiss Giovanni.

With his tongue moving like a swift wave through her mouth. Intertwining with her tongue.Before she grazed her teeth softly onto his lower bottom lip.Signalling to Giovanni that the kiss was over .

As they parted from each other , both breathing breastlessly.While Grace bit her lip , before signalling with her index finger , moving them forward and back word.

To join her in the bedroom.

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