Chapter 5:- Assignmentt

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Nicholas pov🗣️:

Everything was quiet on the way to school, Daisy was looking out the window.Probably wondering why we skipped the turn for school.

I had to make a stop at a drug store .Well I kinda sold drugs for fun nothing too serious. Except the fact that my uncle is a mafia leader.

No one ever saw his face. Not even me. He'd only talk to me to get work done. I was supposed to be don rightfully.Considering my dad was the leader .

He was killed.

By a group of mafia gangs, our mafia wasn't the biggest considering how low the crime rate is in Ethopa.

(Yes it's a made up country, well I don't know if it exists) .

No robberies or so mainly mafias would support Ethopa.

It wasn't a big mafia like Italy or Russian. I had siblings and relatives who works with the Italian Mafia. My eldest Aurora, she's married to the third highest in the mafia.

She decided to elope him .We haven't heard from them since .Last we heard is that there's a mole in their mob.

I didn't want Daisy to come to the drug store with me, that's why I left her three corners behind.

"Daisy, go in the building and do ur designs and stuff for the project, just give me ten , k" , I said to her ."Where u going, who's house is this" she replied.

"It's my aunt's, and don't worry where I go cool, I'm coming back", I said before throwing her my keys .

Well no, it wasn't my aunt's it was actually Austin's. But we know each other since we were small.

My mom hated the mafia, I really don't know the history why. But I know my mom's dad was a drug lord the baddest, he shipped guns laced with drugs and never got caught.

She hated gangs, I still believe she set dad up for murder . They never married for some reason, mom always ignored the questions I asked about dad.

My whole life is a mess .

So yeah I left Daisy with Austin well not with him at his house.

I always went to school late, but not today .I had to get Daisy to school but I first had to deal with the missing flashdrive aka diary.

I don't even know where the thing went, what is even on that thing .

Who even had it , plus it had no name . So... I don't know.

Whoever put Marcus in charge was just as an ass as him. Nobody could've given me a clear understanding of the whole situation.After three weeks that's when the idiot found out.

Three whole weeks . When everyone would've gone back to normal .

"Where he at, and what's even on the drive" I said while storming in the drug store . "Nicholas, you're here" Marcus said while trying to hug me.

Is he serious right now

I shoved him off, "why is he happy" I asked while looking around. "Probably because he got some info on where it last was" a random guy said.

"Ok...and who are you " I said confused to who this guy even was."Ok everybody who is this guy, cause apparently he don't speak, only when he's interfering in others buisness..oh wait , Marcus tell us about your mouth peice here " .

Everybody was silent, nobody talking . I couldn't handle any of this bullshit. I would have normally stormed over there and start punching him like I'm crazy .

"Oh my name is Dalton, I'm sorry English is not my first language,I'm Italian so it takes a while to understand, especially when somebody's yelling " , he said .

First of all who does he think he is . I couldn't give a shit if he was from Europe. I just wanted to know how he found this place.

I don't even have time to argue with the guy, I was like 35 mins late. Well not to school cause like I said I didn't care about that. Daisy, was at Austin's , I know she probably mad at me .

It was already minutes to nine .( In the morning ofc).

"Look I'll deal with this, tomorrow or this afternoon either way I don't care" I said before running out of their.

I got into my car, and sped off to Austin's. When I stopped at the corner. Daisy was talking to , Derek. Stacy's brother. How did she know him.

I hated Derek, we used to be buddies in primary school, but everything changed in highschool.Suddenly I wasn't good for him.

And there Daisy curling her hair, while talking to him. How did she even know him .

The guy couldn't take a hint that she was waiting on someone. I didn't even want to get involved so I just sped off Infront of her and her boyfriend. In all honesty I didn't care .

She would just have to put the project with him. I didn't care that much about it.

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