Chapter 35:Meeting

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𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙮 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

I have to go and meet up with some witnesses.Probably some of his friends.

Everyone that trialed his case dropped it.It was unknown why they did such to be honest.

But I was determined. Allesandro Lewis is going down.

That's if he had anything to do with Amos Sincere.Its not fair that Amos has to spend the remaining of his sentence that he didn't deserve.

The first lawyer , who took his case didn't present properly to the judge lacking all the evidence that Amos needed to be a free man.

It was true Amos was indeed broke.Plus it has been proven that the Lawyer took bribery.

From a third party.

To this day it is unknown what that party wants.I decided to take a contract to Amos case basically proving to everyone,court and Amos.

That I will not sleep till justice is served.Maybe not directly sleep bit its a metaphor.

Meaning that I am not giving up on his case no matter how hard it gets.

So I finally finalized the contract with this case.Now that I think about it , it's pretty stupid if I am being real.

But that means that I will not back down ,...well can't.

When I took this case I thought that they would provide previous evidence that may prove he didn't do it .

But nooooo.

I found evidence of why he should be imprisoned. WHICH LOWKEY MAKES SENSE.


But something isn't right .I know it ,all the lawyers that took the case somehow dropped the case or lost it.

Giovanni is involved I just know it he's a very powerful , well-respected man with a lot of authority.

But things are about to go up the hill with me.Cause Daisy Sincerity don't play his games got to let him know .

I just reached home after the successful meeting.Our court date will be in a few months three to be exact.

So I have time.

Lily was seated in the feeding chair just looking at the cartoon that was showing on the tv.

Bluey to be exact I love Bluey as big as I am.I couldn't care less what other people had to say about me .

But now wasn't the time to watch bluely .It was time for me to get my acts together.

After what happened this morning with me and Nicholas ,I've been avoiding him.

Its just alot of tension and if I'm being honest I wasn't feeling to do anything with him.

Cause I know that he's intimately active right now .Considering how he is always home , watching me intently almost as if I was naked or whatever.

I don't even know what happened between him and Keisha.

Honestly didn't want to know either.

"Hey my angel" I pursed my lips out while lifting my baby .I never believed in baby voices .I prefer to talk to them normal that way they can actually learn to form their words.

She cooed smiling showing her gums to me.She's everything of Nicholas .She was so adorable to be honest. Her little chubby fingers.

My life has changed so drastically over the years.From dealing with Giovanni's reappearance and the death of Micheal.

Not that I had any sorts of remorse for Micheal.Its actually sad to be honest.He had a chance to move forward with his life leaving everything behind him.But he was blinded by revenge and lost his life.

"Hey" Nicholas said out of the blue, scaring me for a spilt second.He's just been a zombie these days.

"You scared me, I could've dropped Lily you know" I said wiping the imaginary sweat off of my face.I was breastfeeding Lily sitting on the chair by the table doing so.

"I'm sorry-" he took a seat sitting down "How was today" he finished making sure to put his phone screen down looking intently at me.

Almost as if searching in my eyes for an answer.

"Today was ok, just had to sign the contract for Amos -" I stopped thinking. One thing with Nicholas and I , is that we always had open conservations to one another.

"A contract? " he scoffed turning his head to the side showing his chiseled jawline."Your serious about this huh " He said in a tone that screamed sarcasm ,cause it was sarcasm .

"Well I want to prove how dedicated I was towards the case you know" I said truthfully.

"But a contract ?" He stated raising his left eyebrow. "I know pretty stupid of me, but that can mean only one thing"

"That you have no choice but to stay"
"That I have no choice but to stay"

We said in unison with him rolling his eyes.

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