Chapter 3:-Basketball Practice

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School had dismissed and Stacy was about to leave with her friends to go home.

"Stacy,Stacy?" said daisy.

Stacy turned around and smiled and looked at daisy. "Hi, wassup" before Stacy could've finished off talking ,she was already grabbed by daisy.

Daisy was taking her to show her something in the back of the school yard.Soon they arrived .

"Daisy what's going on? Why are we here"

"Okay so... I may have found the flash that went missing"

"No way daisy, let's give it to a teacher" said Stacy as if she knew what daisy was about to do

"Sure I'll do it , but they probably have more and don't you wanna know who *xoxoDL* is "

"No daisy, let's give it to a teacher, besides someone is probably looking for it, it's someone's diary for crying out loud" said Stacy trying to plead with daisy .

Daisy didn't know what to do anymore, but how could she be sure the teachers won't go snooping in the diary.Regarding the fact that no one knows who's diary it is to begin with.

"Stacy, what if the teachers don't deliver it to person , how would they even know who's diary it even is" .Daisy asked a bit concerned.

The two girls stood there for a while staring at each other dumbfounded.Neither girls knew what to say .Stacy broke the silence by saying .

"I don't know , daisy it seems so bizarre, like why do you bring a diary to school and why..why does it have a pin name.I really have to go now though".

Daisy stood there watching as her friend walked off in the distance.Standing there watching as Stacy left walking , she didn't even noticed when daisy had disappeared until she felt a hand , grabbing her shoulder's.

"Hey, dais what's going on" said Jonathan followed by Derek's laughter.

"Jonathan the weirdest thing just happened, you won't believe",she spaced out once she realized what really happened she was so distracted that she lost the diary she found .She shouldn't be worried right, but for some reason she was, she was uneasy about the whole situation.

"Yeah yeah, you don't have friends and you kinda need help from patricha" Jonathon rolled his eyes "but seriously what happened , you kinda looked zoned out ".

Daisy was at a lost for words just looking at her brother .What could she have say , it wouldn't even make sense considering the diary was gone from her hands .

"Oh umm ,n-nothing happened", she said hesitantly, "when do we have to play basketball" she said eagerly .She decided not to overthink and the person of the diary probably found it , no big deal right .

Jonathon put his hands behind his head , Derek just looked at daisy wondering what she was thinking .


Daisy was at home, it was 6pm when she had reached home .Derek was in Jonathans room doing... , I don't know guy stuff.I decided to watch a  movie with my stuff animals. I didn't know what to watch really.I was just kinda scrolling through tictok, I was home alone.Well not necessarily home alone but my mom and dad went out for a buisness meeting for a week . Leaving me and my big brother home.

I was glad by brother had company, that meant he wouldn't barge into my room.But boy.. I was wrong.

I was laying in bed , when my door flung open and well , a drunk Jonathan barged into my room. Searching for God knows what.I was just laying there and there he was .

"Jonathan what are you doing in here, and are you drunk" , I asked suspiciously.Theres no way he was drunk atleast I hope. Even if he were drunk , I hope he didn't use mom's rum .

Before he could form another word a strong hand grabbed him from the back dragging him out .It was Derek, what was he even doing at the house.

I check the time to see it was only 9:58pm , it was late.

That was so weird, like so so weird.I was left there just sitting on the bed thinking what was going on.


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