Chapter 17: 1 last day

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𝙎𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙞𝙨  about to be here.Today is the last day for school for Daisy,Lewis, Nicholas,Stacy,Derek and Jonathon .Had camp coming up.

Today was going to be the last day of school.Come on its the last day atleast  risk it you know.

Nicholas was chilling with Jonathan at the bleachers.

"So about Daisy, she got anybody you know, that she seeing" Nicholas said while scrolling through tictok.

"Yeah , she might be" Jonathon said while looking up from the laptop infront of him. Nicholas turned to look at him staring for a hot minute.

"Wait, is it Derek " Nicholas slouched in the chair before looking at the wall.While sighing heavily.

"I don't know, but when i called her some dude said they were dating and that she busy and can't come the phone" he mocked the last part.

"Oh.., well i didn't expect her to be single " Nicholas said before resting his hand on his head."Its crazy, you know who the guy is " Nicholas asked .

"You like my sister" Jonathon asked .Nicholas pushed Jonathon on his shoulders. "Nah scratch that he loves Da-is-yee" Jonathon said the last part singing.

"Man you play too much" Nicholas responded. "Yeah i know " Jonathon put his hand up in surrender.To which Nicholas shook his head .

"Aye, but why you call me over bro , plus you look happy " Jonathon said before he smiled,chuckling "You look happy you seeing someone" He said dabbing up Nicholas.

"Yo things aight over by me,wait you find that flashdrive" he paused trying to rephrase his sentence."I mean like who got it- " Nicholas responded.

To which Jonathon cut him off by saying "-Be-- cause that person may be looking for it , so we need to know who the person is" Jonathon said air quoting what Nicholas said earlier.

"Its serious Jon, pops is in the picture again mind you" Nicholas said sternly putting down his phone to look at Jonathon , so that he could know he is dead serious.

Jonathon started laughing "Jon, what a corny ass name" he stopped getting serious."Wait- you gay" he said the last part with his mouth ajar.

Nicholas gave Jonathon a zesty smile before slapping his ass and walking off .Leaving Jonathon shocked.

Daisy was seated in class with her friend Amara.

"So, are you going" Amara asked Daisy."I don't know , I mean Daphne's always been mean to us , why would you want to go to her party"Daisy asked Amara curiously on what her answer would be.

"But she invited us , she said we can go once Jonathon comes-" Amara said before she was cut off."That's for Jonathan, she doesn't care about us Amara"Daisy responded frustration evident in her voice.

"But still  ,come on ask your brother" Amara said pleadingly."ok , I'll see , so are you skipping for real"she paused "like are you fr" Daisy finished.

"Yeah, we should go " Amara replied to Daisy.

Amara had a hard time finding out who she really is .She was on both sides , she was friends with the people who didn't care about her .While being friends with Daisy.

"Ok, once its just both of us " Daisy said hesitanly.

They soon arrived at the park since they skipped school before the bell rang.They sneaked out the building.Well no.Amara sneaked out.Daisy told her brother secretly that she going to the park and he approved.

So she got a slip. Plus she already alerted the teacher, since her mom knew the teacher.

Amara didn't.

𝘼𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠.
Daisy and Amara were seated talking about their favourite teachers.

"Ok , so big question a bit personal" Amara said while laying on the bench in the park.

Daisy was a bit confused on what was happening but decided to put her thoughts aside.

"Yeah , what?" Daisy responded slyly."Are you a virgin?-" Amara asked Daisy.

Daisy cut her off before she could continue"why?" ."I'm just asking , whats wrong with that"Amara said while scoffing at Daisy's response.

She then looked at Daisy up and down before continuing " Never mind you look like one for real " .

Daisy was confused about why she asked.She didn't want to slip up and loose her one and only friend.

Amara didn't had any friends , no one talked to her because she was weird looking.

Her fashion taste was ridiculous.

"Are you a virgin ?" Daisy said trying to switch the convo."No , I did it with my boyfriend a week ago, so I'm not" Amara said proudly.

"Oh , that's nice , but ..-" she was cut off by Lewis popping out of nowhere looking for some one.

"Look Lewis is here hide me"Daisy said shyly while she got behind a big tree.

She was told by Amara that Lewis liked her.She felt the same for him.But she wasn't brave enough to approach him.

" Oh , Daisy"Amara said before she was looking around and then she found her behind the tree.

"Daisy ,this is my boyfriend" Amara said excitedly as if she didn't backstab Daisy.

"Oh, boyfriend, " Daisy said at a lost for words."Lewis,  i thought... " Daisy stopped talking and just looked at Amara.

Who didn't had a ounce of regret for what she did.

"Yeah, we hooked up" Amara said while biting her lips looking at Lewis.Who was standing there akward on what to do.

"Oh.., i thought you said only us was going to be here " Daisy said stating it as a fact.

"Yeah, but my boyfriend wanted to see me" Amara stated."Oh. Well ok , uhh I'll just go " Daisy said .

"Yeah you should" Amara said. While Lewis stood there "you coming over by me tonight tho" he stopped rephrasing his words "for the assignment".

" Umm .. Yeah"

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